people trying to get pregnant probably buy more tests than people having a scare.
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Isn't the bigger question why are corpo marketing ghouls chosing to show women well past their second or third trimester with a test stick when it's intended for use in like the first few months. Yes I know it's to make their product more obvious for what it is and what it's for, but come on!
I think that’s the joke - hence the “when you want to be sure” tagline.
new conspiracy theory: they're in cahoots with other industries that do body shaming. Oh you think you're pregnant? What if you just got oddly fat?
I remember there was this morbid Discovery Channel show that was all about women who didn't know they were pregnant until they had some really bad abdominal pain and pretty much gave birth.
My mom was obsessed with that show.
"Oh snap, I thought I just had to take a massive shit."
If the people in that ad need a test to figure out if the wife/gf is pregnant then I have a bridge to sell them!
Harrumph! Give the ad guys some credit eh? Have you considered they're looking in shock at a negative test? This is the kind of story i'd 'click to learn more'
she just has a boulder sized tumor in her stomach and is making sure she isnt also pregnant ok
The tagline says "for when you want to be sure" so I'm pretty sure it's a bit
Lady looks like she's 9 months preggers, m'am I don't think you need a test to figure that one out.
“Oh thank god it’s not a tumor!”
My organs feel like the undertaker being taken to town by Kane but that's probably bad gas
I mean, I’ve been there
Real answer, it's probably because you don't want your product to be associated with negative emotions. Branding is all about the associations that people get when thinking about your product.
I'd guess this is correct, but I'll say that I have seen pregnancy test ads where the person taking the test was relieved and happy it was negative. They've tried spinning it the other way with the positive vibes.
Bit idea: we make the pregnancy tests more and more unplausible.
Celebrating the pregnancy during an ultrasound
next a baby shower
next after the kid’s born
then celebrate that same kid’s conception despite the fact she just graduated college “mom, I already born! I just graduated college, why are you still staring at that test?”
Also, why the fuck is she taking a pregnancy test that far into pregnancy? Why did she think her belly got so big in that way?
Read the tagline ;)
Lmao. They're happy because they're not fat?
It's just a dumb bit
I know. I was just being facetious
You say that, but my sister was 7 months pregnant before it finally occured to her thatvshe might be pregnant. She said that she thought she was just getting fat. She had 2 other kids before that.
My mom works in labor and delivery and there are a concerning number of people who show up to the hospital actively in labor who insist that there is no possible way that they're pregnant.
Sex ed is real fucking bad in some areas.
Because burgerland lol
bit idea: guy whose fetish is pregnant women who don't show yet, so he has them take a test before sex
Do you take this pregnancy test by having your water break on it? That lady is unreasonably pregnant.
bruh i think you know what that test is gonna say
you should go to the hospital like now
Also if the status of the belly is what this picture present, the test is what tips them off? Until then it's just been what? Terrible bloat?
I am reminded of a story from my younger days. I worked with a woman who went in to the emergency room one night for "stomach cramps" and came out with a baby.
If she was to be believed, even she didn't know. She'd always had very unregular periods and she was heavy enough that no one she worked with noticed. Maybe it was a secret because the father was another (married) co-worker, maybe she actively didn't want to know. Hell, maybe you can be preggo and not know, who am to say? Anyway she gave birth to a perfectly healthy son. If course people asked her "how?", and she said she "thought what must've been kicks were just gas"
That was over 20 years ago, dunno why this reminded me. hot damn, that kid is a grown man now
It can happen. But those are times when it doesn't much show.
That woman is clearly extremely pregnant. No need for a pregnancy test.
Only ad I've seen had a negative test in it
The AI wasn't sure which was her left hand so it split the difference and put one ring on each.
Like, at bar with a test that just shows a minus sign. The woman sighs, then you see her chug a drink and go dance, "sometimes all you need is to be sure"
Is this an AI generated image? Maybe it's just me, but this one is real borderline, getting some uncanny valley vibes looking at them even though I can't quite place what's wrong.
just some inhuman faces and empty eyes and toothless mouth holes and very high details on the clothing wrinkles and face wrinkles strange dramatic lighting in what's supposed to be a cute bright ad, nothing weird going on here at all