Trying out Kitty terminal and two things are apparent

  1. The font size is either huge or zoomed way in
  2. Editing the config seems to do nothing.

Any help would be great.

submitted 4 hours ago by land@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Hey folks, I just got Bazzite OS KDE up and running on my PC. Being a Linux newbie, I'd love some tips, tricks, and app suggestions if you have any. 😅 Switching from Windows has been a bit of a maze with all the distros out there, so any pointers would be awesome!

The amount of tutorials out there is overwhelming. Hopefully 🙏 you guys point me in the right direction.

submitted 5 hours ago by JustAPenguin@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I'm a long time Windows user who has experience with WSL. Last year, I needed a laptop for university, and out of laziness, opted for a Macbook since, although they're expensive as hell, are reasonably reliable.

Since using the mac, I've absolutely fallen in love with it over Windows. Note that I refer to the non-iOS specific aspects. After not touching my desktop for several months, I now see that I absolutely hate Windows even more. I would like to move my desktop to a Linux system some time in the future. However, my education is limited, and so I'm here to ask for help.

Currently, I'm a student in Mathematics and Computer Science. But outside that, I am, for the most part, a programmer. I rarely game, but I would like the option for the rare occasion that I have the time to do so.

I've grown comfortably with the command line, through my in-depth knowledge of lower level knowledge is limited. So, I feel I'm comfortable enough to extend the possible domain of my options.

I would love to hear recommendations and suggestions. I'm also open to other options such as NixOS, but that would require some research to learn more, which is fine. I'm not doing this soon.

If you could provide any links and resources that I can follow to continue learning, especially if relevant to your suggestions, I would be deeply appreciative!

My Mac is the most Linux-like thing I've used for so long, and it's been so, so much easier to work with compared to Windows (I hate Windows PATH limitations so much).

Thanks, all ❤ 🐧

submitted 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago) by Doods@infosec.pub to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Tabs are 8 characters, and thus indentations are also 8 characters. There are heretic movements that try to make indentations 4 (or even 2!) characters deep, and that is akin to trying to define the value of PI to be 3.

I am in love with this awsome document; I love its guidelines, and coding conventions.

However, when Rust was introduced into the kernel, they butchered these beautiful guidelines, I know it's hard to look at such heretic actions, but you have to see this:

The default settings of rustfmt are used. This means the idiomatic Rust style is followed. For instance, 4 spaces are used for indentation rather than tabs.

How can this even relate to the ideology of the first document? I am deeply saddened by these new rules.

I know this is "The Rust experiment", but this must be fixed before it's too late! This has to reach someone.

A counter-argument might be:

The code should be formatted using rustfmt. In this way, a person contributing from time to time to the kernel does not need to learn and remember one more style guide. More importantly, reviewers and maintainers do not need to spend time pointing out style issues anymore, and thus less patch roundtrips may be needed to land a change.

And to that I say that rustfmt is configurable per project, and if it isn't, then it has to be. Doesn't something like .editorconfig exist?

submitted 12 hours ago by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml
submitted 16 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago) by liberatedGuy@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Hi friends,

I have some external hard drives and SSDs, which I use with my Debian 11 machine. I normally use them through the GUI file manager(pcmanfm-qt). I tried to access them from the terminal using commands I found after searching the web, like, fdisk, mount etc. However, the issue is that I have to use sudo when using these commands and as a result after mounting I cannot make changes to my files in the drive(s) without using sudo. The only way to avoid using sudo, is to first go to the required folder in the GUI file manager and then opening the folder in terminal. Is there a way to forego using the GUI file manager completely and only using the terminal entirely to properly access my drives and make changes without using sudo?

EDIT: Someone suggested usbmount. I am sure that works, but it is not packaged for Debian. Instead, as suggested, by another person, I use pmount. It works perfectly for my needs on Debian. Thanks to all for taking the time to respond and help me with my problem.

submitted 17 hours ago by mmstick@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml
submitted 18 hours ago by Vincent@feddit.nl to c/linux@lemmy.ml

In this episode of Zed Decoded, Thorsten talks to Mikayla, who's been leading the effort to Zed working on Linux, about the Zed's Linux version and how it's taking shape

submitted 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) by BobbyShmurda@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

First, thanks for reading and commenting.

I would appreciate any\all feedback from all of you, if there are recommendations for a stable, consistent setup - both hardware and OS. Or comments that I am asking for something unrealistic. Either a desktop or a laptop connected to a docking station.

a. I would like to suspend the machine at night and continue working in the morning.
b. To be able to support three monitors. c. VM app to test stuff - virt network to test varied apps\code on different clients and servers. d. Libre Office to create docs and presentations. e. LTS.

Currently using a System 76 laptop w\ Pop OS and a docking station. The first laptop was warrantied to poor construction (keyboard and bezel weren't flush, they separated and you could see the motherboard...) and now the second one is having the same issue - let alone sporadically working with suspend or the docking station (will have to reconnect the docking station, most times rebooting).

I've distro hopped for years, so I would consider myself a beginner\intermediate user. I am more than willing to pay\donate for consistency, and right now that leans towards MS and Windows (sigh).

What are corporate users using? I think that is my standard, as I've worked at places that were primarily windows shops, And it is pretty easy to come in in the morning and resume from yesterday. "RH for workstations" ?

Thank you!!

submitted 23 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago) by reallyzen@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Fedora Asahi Remix 40 images are now available on asahilinux.org! 🎉

This release brings lots of new updates, including the Plasma 6 desktop environment.

Existing users may upgrade by following the standard upgrade guide.


submitted 1 day ago by xabadak@lemmings.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

In light of the recent TunnelVision vulnerability I wanted to share a simple firewall that I wrote for wireguard VPNs.


If you use a fancy official VPN client from Mullvad, PIA, etc, you won't need this since most clients already have a kill switch built in (also called Lockdown Mode in Mullvad). This is if you use a barebones wireguard VPN like me, or if your VPN client has a poorly-designed kill switch (like NordVPN, more info here).

A firewall should mitigate the vulnerability, though it does create a side-channel that can be exploited in extremely unlikely circumstances, so a better solution would be to use network namespaces (more info here). Unfortunately I'm a noob and I couldn't find any scripts or tools to do it that way.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by gregorum@lemm.ee to c/linux@lemmy.ml

It’s an Ubuntu downstream maintained by Linux box maker System76 which is targeted for both general usability and design/media applications. They will soon be debuting their own home-spun desktop environment, Cosmic DE, which is highly anticipated by the Linux community.

How does the community here feel about this distribution and the company that has brought it to us? How do you feel about the projects that they’re working on, and their goals for the distribution moving forward?


I have created a new Samba community on lemmy.sdf.org

You can find it here:


I think Samba is a great piece of software but it lacks good community support and engagement. I'm hopping to change that.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by gregorum@lemm.ee to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Edit 2: to everyone suggesting an SDD: i know. Look, if this guy had enough $$$ for an SSD, he could buy a used lappy less than half the age of this one that has an ssd and 2-3x the memory.

Currently, my buddy has a budget of $0, and, if he ever has money to spend, it will be on a newer computer, not upgrading this one. Thx!

My buddy’s old laptop was useless running Windows 7. I wiped it, put on Linux Mint (MATE), and it’s humming along just fine.

Edit: I really love helping people out like this. This guy is in his late 60s and has no other computer. He told me he hasn’t been able to use it in years (I believe it!), so I told him I could wipe it and make it usable again. He was thrilled!

After trying LM Cinnamon, I found it was a bit too much for this machine (Core 2 Duo “Penryn” @ 2.3GHz, 2.77GB Memory, Intel Series 4 Integrated Graphics). I reinstalled with LM MATE, and found it more responsive. I did the standard secondary installation of all the goodies like multimedia codecs, TTF support, battery tweaks, etc. I set up snapshots and the firewall, and installed UBlock Origin in Firefox. I updated everything. Shockingly, the battery still gets about 90-120 minutes, which blows my mind. The damn thing is 18 years old!

So, it’s still slow to launch stuff, as it’s running off of a slow HDD, but it manages to run most things just fine. It’s certainly far more responsive than Win7, and it enables my buddy to enjoy safe, secure, and modern web browsing (which is pretty much all he uses it for).

submitted 1 day ago by Iceblade02@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Just don't ask how long it took to get my dGPU working properly :D But thankfully, there were a bunch of helpful folks with tips!


Davinci Resolve is known to be extremely picky about hardware and software. It officially only supports CentOS which doesnt even exist anymore lol.

So putting it into a container with set and unchanging dependencies ensures it can run everywhere (if it works).

Also, running such a proprietary piece of software should be done isolated from the rest, and Flatpak has awesome permission management in KDE or using Flatseal.

submitted 1 day ago by joojmachine@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I bought a laptop yesterday, it came pre-installed with Windows 11. I hate win 11 so I switched it down to Windows 10, but then started considering using Linux for total control over the laptop, but here's the thing: I keep seeing memes about how complicated or fucky wucky Linux is to install and run. I love the idea of open source software and an operating system without any of the bullshit that comes with Windows, but most of the open source stuff I have is on my android and fairly easy to install. Installing and using Linux just feels like it'll be a whole different beast that'll eat up most of my time and I'm kind of intimidated by it.

TL;DR Linux scawy, how does a barely computer literate scrub like me who's used nothing but windows since the dawn of their life get started with Linux?

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by dan00@lemm.ee to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Yo linux team, i would love some advice.

I’m pretty mad at windows, 11 keeps getting worse and worse and I pretty done with Bill’s fetishes about bing and ai. Who knows where’s cortana right now…

Anyway, I heard about this new company called Linux and I’m open to try new stuff. I’m a simple guy and just need some basic stuff:

  • graphic stuff: affinity, canva, corel, gimp etc.. (no adobe anymore, please don’t ask.)
  • 3d modelling and render: blender, rhino, cinema, keyshot
  • video editing: davinci
  • some little coding in Dart/flutter (i use VS code, I don’t know if this is good or bad)
  • a working file explorer (can’t believe i have to say this)

The tricky part is the laptop, a zenbook duo pro (i9-10/rtx2060), with double touch screens.

I tried ubuntu several years ago but since it wasn’t ready for my use i never went into different distros and their differences. Now unfortunately, ready or not, I need to switch.

Edit: the linux-company thing is just for triggering people, sorry I didn’t know it was this effective.

Uuh grub? (programming.dev)

nvm a restart fixed it this happend due to accidentally holding down the down arrow for about 40 minutes. anyone know what on earth is happening here?

also how does one stop the rapid mitosis of fedora's in grub, they keep multiplying

submitted 1 day ago by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 17 hours ago) by MonkderDritte@feddit.de to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I have this in my /etc/sysctl.d/99-oomkiller.conf

# "Iron Reserve" that can not be consumed by rogue tasks
vm.admin_reserve_kbytes = 1024000

# 0 = extensive heuristic scan of joblist (system doesn't have the power for that, when oomkiller is needed). Can shoot the wrong task
# 1 or more = kills the first task with condition "out of memory"
vm.oom_kill_allocating_task = 1

Yet somehow i still got in a livelock. So i remembered nohang and found in it's readme about mgrlu. I found some documentation to it but it only provides runtime examples (already enabled but set to 0 on Artix, /sys/kernel/mm/lru_gen/min_ttl_ms should be 1000).

How should i set this permanently, sysctl doesn't accept min_ttl_ms. Via kernel, via local.d script (non-systemd, dinit)?

Why doesn't my config above work?

Any recommendation to runtime-services? (earlyoom for my server i guess)

Caps lock is slow on linux (lemmy.kde.social)

Hi all, I have already asked this question on the KDE forum and didn't get many responses really, so I'm coming here for help. Any idea how to fix the caps lock key and make it work faster instead of THis? Thank you


Hi ! I want to demo the backdoor usage and would like to install a unstable/test version of a distribution (possibly Debian or Fedora) that had the backdoor (v5.6.0 or 5.6.1 of xz/liblzma and patched openssh for systemd notification)

How could I do that?

I will be using xzbot from amlweems to further patch liblzma but I want a distro that has openssh run by systemd that links to the correct liblzma version

Thank you!

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Linux is a family of open source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Linux is typically packaged in a Linux distribution (or distro for short).

Distributions include the Linux kernel and supporting system software and libraries, many of which are provided by the GNU Project. Many Linux distributions use the word "Linux" in their name, but the Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to emphasize the importance of GNU software, causing some controversy.


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