The use of content warnings on !asklemmy


Use spoilers for NSFW content that is "within reason" and doesn't break Rule 1 like this :

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The longer version

The community rules which seem to need to be balanced by the mods most are:

  1. Be nice & have fun, and
  2. NSFW is okay, within reason.

The lemmy.world site rules also state:

We are not a free speech zone. This CoC lays out expected standards of conduct and behavior. You cannot say or post anything that violates these rules or principles and remain a member of our community. You must follow this CoC. If you are looking for something else, please do. It is not here.

The Moderators are not morality or thought police. Moderators are guided by this Code of Conduct. Post what you want, if what you post follows these rules, principles and the goals outlined above. Not every member of the community will appreciate controversial or explicit posts so use Content Warnings very liberally. We use Content Warnings so community members themselves can decide whether they want to see or engage with a post that may be controversial or explicit.

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This is a voluntary community. You chose to be here. When you choose to join, you have implied that you agree with this Code of Conduct and will follow it.

Moderators seek to apply these, sometimes conflicting, rules. In doing so we take the balance of probabilities approach. The majority of comments which have been removed to date have been a clear breach of community Rule 1, however sometimes balancing the requirement to be accepting of NSFW content and the requirement for participants to be nice can be difficult. To make this easier, posters and commentors are encouraged to use the spoiler functionality in markdown to create a content warning on asklemmy. Posts that use a spoiler are less likely to be removed when considering whether they are "within reason" NSFW.

To create a spoiler, use three colons ":" followed by the word "spoiler" and then the warning text to create a content warning. Type your comment(s) on the lines below and then three colons at the end to end the spoiler.

My NSFW warning

My NSFW omment or post content

This will look like (click the triangle) :

::: spoiler My NSFW warning

My NSFW comment or post content


submitted 17 hours ago by Camzing@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world
What to watch? (lemmy.world)
submitted 23 hours ago by Today@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

Sick and feel like I've hit the end of Netflix, Prime, ... Is there a community about what everyone is streaming/recommending?


OK, I hope my question doesn't get misunderstood, I can see how that could happen.
Just a product of overthinking.

Idea is that we can live fairly easily even with some diseases/disorders which could be-life threatening. Many of these are hereditary.
Since modern medicine increases our survival capabilities, the "weaker" individuals can also survive and have offsprings that could potentially inherit these weaknesses, and as this continues it could perhaps leave nearly all people suffering from such conditions further into future.

Does that sound like a realistic scenario? (Assuming we don't destroy ourselves along with the environment first...)


Was it good?


My pick is Five Finger Death Punch and the obvious answer is Ivan Moody. The guy radiates that alpha-male wannabe energy and it definitely rings through all of the songs he has written and performed with this band. The guy is just a prick and a self-victimizing asshole.

I think he's the primary reason FFDP is mocked so badly.


This isn't about immediately filtered content, like the disgusting DuffMan George Floyd meme, or Holocaust denial. That's pretty well kept in check by mod tools. I'm also not talking about cogent or even pointed political discussion.

I'm not even talking about necessarily in this community directly, however in a lot of other spaces I've noticed a lot of accounts using divisive language and terms like "The ineffectual left" "single issue voters" "ignorant right wing morons". Lots of straw man arguments, lots of willful ignorance.

I'm not a centrist, I'm very very very far left however I know well enough not to patently dismiss the talking points of others, outside of course calls to genocide. I know what dog whistles sound like, and I'm hearing a lot of them lately.

Most egregiously I'm seeing very long form post replies that read very much like what is generated from LLMs.

So I guess my question is, how're we all fairing with what might be the largest Turing test ever?

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by essell@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

The internet has made a lot of people armchair experts happy to offer their perspective with a degree of certainty, without doing the work to identify gaps in their knowledge. Often the mark of genuine expertise is knowing the limitations of your knowledge.

This isn't a social media thing exclusively of course, I've met it in the real world too.

When I worked as a repair technician, members of the public would ask me for my diagnosis of faults and then debate them with me.

I've dedicated the second half of my life to understanding people and how they work, in this field it's even worse because everyone has opinions on that topic!

And yet my friend who has a physics PhD doesn't endure people explaining why his theories about battery tech are incorrect because of an article they read or an anecdote from someone's past.

So I'm curious, do some fields experience this more than others?

If you have a field of expertise do you find people love to debate you without taking into account the gulf of awareness, skills and knowledge?


Stuff could be anything, digital or physical, but the idea is of discussing and doing it as a hobby without any pressure or push to make it a business or side-gig. Nothing against that, simply that communities/groups with that atmosphere are easy enough to find as-is.


I have always called a light top with a full zipper to be a jacket, however the people I'm surrounded by insist on calling it a sweatshirt. I'm prepared to be wrong, just wondering if I'm the only one.


I want to see if I can get a spark of the "old internet" back by making a starting page for myself with all kinds of cool websites. But not sure where to start because Google obviously will not work for this.

So... what are some of your favourite websites?

submitted 4 days ago by udon@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I would also be curious to hear how you eventually found it again!

One to start: Conquest for paradise by vangelis. Just randomly woke up one morning with the song plus title in my head

submitted 4 days ago by stepan@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

They're sort of a hybrid between a strip mall and a business park. I see them in some areas. Two stories always, and a very warehousy design.

submitted 4 days ago by ajmxco@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world
submitted 4 days ago by wolf@lemmy.zip to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

For years now, I do not buy/create assemble a new computer, because I am totally overwhelmed by the options available to me.

If we agree there is 'The Paradox of Choice', it seems to make sense to have a much more limited choice between CPU models from a consumer point of view. For example, have for each year an entry, business and a pro model, add extreme for gamer and have each of these models have a version with a beefy integrated CPU.

But it seems also a good idea for the manufacturers: They have to design, test and build each of their models, create advertisement etc., like configuring their assembly lines alone costs money. Further, compilers have to generate code for a specific architecture, which means that all my software I didn't compile myself ends up using an instruction set of the lowest common CPU, not utilizing whatever I bought fully.

Apple (not a fan ;-)) shows IMHO how it is done with their Apple Silicon: Basically even I understand which CPU choice would be the right one for me. The Steam Deck is IMHO another success story: As reference hardware I know easily if I can play a game, and it is easy to know if my hardware is faster than a Steam Deck. Compare that to games with hardware requirements like 'AMD TI 5800 8GB RAM' (made up model) which makes my life miserable.

What I am looking for is fact based knowledge:

  • Why does it make (commercial) sense for AMD/Intel to create so many models?
  • What are their incentives?
  • What would happen, if they would reduce the amount of different CPUs they offer? (Is there historical knowledge?)
Do you like olives? (lemmy.world)

I need to settle an argument I started. My argument: olives are gross.

I will die on this hill.


I work with a person that went presented with a problem, works through it and arrives at the wrong solution. When I have them show me the steps they took, it seems like they interpret things incorrectly. This isn't a language barrier, and it's not like they aren't reading what someone wrote.

For example, they are working on a product, and needed to wait until the intended recipients of the product were notified by an email that they were going to get it. the person that sent the email to the recipients then forwarded that notification email to this person and said "go ahead and send this to them."

Most people would understand that they are being asked to send the product out. It's a regular process for them.

So he resent the email. He also sent the product, but I'm having a hard time understanding why he thought he was supposed to re-send the email.

I've tried breaking tasks down into smaller steps, writing out the tasks, post-mortem discussion when something doesn't go as planned. What other training or management tasks can I take? Or have I arrived at the "herding kittens" meme?

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