[-] setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world 33 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

Luke Skywalker had a weird wife named Mara Jade

Yes, the old Starr Wars [cool typo] Expanded Universe was a bit of an odd duck, and you can maybe see why Disney shunted it to the side in favor of a new continuity.

The smug flippancy of this writer, good lord. That preamble’s tone towards the EU was entirely unnecessary for an article on a game mod.

[-] setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world 2 points 16 hours ago

That is extremely cool. I have access to a .44 lever action rifle and it is very unique to shoot.

[-] setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world 14 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Not to be too biased or anything, but I mod




I also really like


The userbases on all of these communities are a little smaller, but steady and the vibe is more positively authentic than Reddit alternatives.

Oh and !simpsonsshitposting@sh.itjust.works


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/15544889

I told myself I was going to be quick per model with this mob of genestealers, but I just can’t happy with the dark washed skin. I am going back and making the skin much lighter. Work in progress of the change.

[-] setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world 14 points 2 days ago

Fallout 1 absolutely does it as well. Even the animated dialog the Overseer gives is different, as he gets frustrated with the dumb player character.

One of the more famous Fallout 1 dumb events is that the first super mutant in the game, who is guarding the water chip, will grunt back and forth with the player and then step aside allowing the player to pass by.

[-] setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world 76 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Often times news upsells what’s happening in their title or with vague language in the article. I’ve become instinctively skeptical of outrageous headlines.

I went and checked the text of the bill itself. Wow. It’s exactly what it says on the tin of the news article. Not even an attempt to vague it up in the bill’s language. There’s no wishy washy way to think it means anything but the biblical Ten Commandments, in straight forward language. The bill wants them posted in every classroom.

This obviously violates the Louisiana state constitution and the U.S. Constitution.

[-] setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world 54 points 2 days ago

I once had an idea for a Fallout 1 run with a lucky but stupid character.

I made him 1 intelligence and put all my skill points into gambling. Mistake.

He was too stupid to use a slot machine.

[-] setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world 23 points 3 days ago

That’s why it is important to do sociological testing on earth first. Putting groups of humans in, let’s call them vaults, to test reactions to isolation and lack of surface contact.

Thought provoking (lemmy.world)
[-] setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world 25 points 3 days ago

Nope, Lucas meant the dark side being wiped out.

Lucas’ intention was that Anakin brought balance, eventually, by killing Palpatine and then himself rejecting the dark side. Thus wiping out the Sith.

[-] setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world 161 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

A valid criticism. Coming from the mouth of something trying to replace it with something worse. A classic villain move.

I did enjoy the old EU Luke being a more reformist and grounded iteration of Jedi teachings. He started by rejecting Yoda’s warnings not to try and save his friends. He put friends over the high minded ideals of Jedi enlightenment right there in Empire Strikes Back. Then in ROTJ he spent the entire movie rejecting the obvious approach of simply killing Vader, instead trying to reach Anakin. Over and over Luke put people he cared about over esoteric codes.

(Remember when the original trilogy and much of the EU establishing Luke was written, the prequels and Clone Wars hadn’t been fleshed out, and Jedi were implied to be even more high minded and classical than they were shown in the prequels).

[-] setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world 26 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Lucas had an uninituative meaning of “balance”. It wasn’t light and dark being equal, but dark side users being eliminated.

A better word would have been “tranquility”. If the force is naturally a calm lake, then dark side users are making waves I suppose is a clearer analogy.

[-] setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world 73 points 3 days ago

More like level 3 bandits appearing out of the woods and smugly threatening to mug me when I have armor made by a dwarven hellsmith and am holding the sword of Dragon Agony.

The bandit looks at me and thinks “Yeah. This guy is going to get it.” as he brings up his rusty shiv.

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