submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by MiraculousMM@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

We've seen an uptick in people posting dunks in here that belong in dunk_tank, as well as low-hanging fruit that gets removed from or isn't allowed in dunk_tank anymore. For context, rule 8 of dunk_tank:

Rule 8: The subject of a post cannot be low hanging fruit, that is comments/posts made by a private person that have low amount of upvotes/likes/views. Comments/Posts made on other instances that are accessible from hexbear are an exception to this.

There's a reason that dunks are cordoned off to their own comm, some users rightfully don't want to see reactionary nonsense all the time, even if we're making fun of the person who said it. /c/cth is a general-purpose comm but it's NOT for posting some random nobody asshole twitter user's bad takes, the absolute best course of action to take when you see that stuff out in the wild is to either directly shit on them yourself, or ignore them and don't give them more attention.

From this point on I'm going to be more stringent about moderating this. I get it, it's fun to dunk on the libs and the blue checks and the frothingfash and that's why we have a whole dedicated comm for that. Any post that's obviously meant to be "hey look at this piece of shit, let's laugh at how bad their opinions are, upbears to the left and emojis in chat" belongs in the_dunk_tank. And any super low-hanging fruit doesn't belong on this site, period (see TDT rule 8 above). We have better things to do with our time than give unearned attention, time and energy to low-follower-count nobodies yelling into the void.

Thanks for your discretion comrades, stay sicko sicko-jammin

edit: as others have pointed out, /c/shitreactionariessay@lemmygrad.ml is a good place for any and all dunking content not allowed here. Post that ragebait to our comrades at the 'grad, they'll make good use of it. Also, per rule 9 of TFT dunking on fediverse users is still explicitly allowed so it's still open season on those in our own backyard.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by BeamBrain@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

This is on my mind, since I had to temp-ban someone from c/vegan for it in the past week, and another example of it went unmoderated for hours after being reported in another community (though it was eventually dealt with).

It doesn't matter how much the person you're responding to deserves it. Odds are, they will not care. But you know who will care? Any comrades who happen to read the thread and who struggle with suicidal ideation and/or self harm. You could ruin their day. You could be the push that sends them over the edge. Even in the unlikely event that you cause grief to the person you're responding to, no amount of collateral damage is worth it.

Don't make suicide bait posts or comments. Don't upvote suicide bait posts or comments. Report and denounce them wherever they show up.









































































































submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by cricbuzz@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Wanted to get a thread together to highlight aid groups that can be donated to to help Palestinian aid

~~That's the only one I know of but leaning on y'all for help to spread the word. Lots of medical aid needed so let's direct our energy toward those helping in Gaza~~

Keep em coming and I'll try to continue to add them here


In Defense of Punching Left

I'm a liberal. I've always been a liberal...


"Don't punch left" is the core tenet of Solidarity, a new book by Astra Taylor and Leah Hunt-Hendrix. In a laudatory interview with the Washington Post, Hunt-Hendrix said the book was aimed not only at progressives in general but also specifically at liberals who criticize the left, naming me and newsletter author Matthew Yglesias as "falling into the right's divide-and-conquer strategy."

I read a couple more paragraphs and I had to stop. I forgot what a terrible writer he is. The article is like reading a textbook that lectures you.

r/neoliberal thread

submitted 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago) by Assian_Candor@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net


Lol, lmao even. Also this is my first post contributing to the cybertruck discourse 🥳

submitted 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) by Dirt_Owl@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Updated Monday, February 5, 2024 2:45 p.m. - U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg took to Twitter/X to remind Americans this kind of activity is a bad idea (while also spreading the video even farther)



Pick it up, jack!

Comrade Wasps (lemmygrad.ml)

cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/4523051

Comrade Wasps

submitted 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) by InevitableSwing@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Sorry for the shit source but sometimes the Daily Mail is best for American politics. Trump wasn't in court so the American media didn't care and it wasn't paying him any attention.

Donald Trump's very Jersey Shore rally: Ex-president boasts he ate a hot dog and mocks Chris Christie at oceanfront event that campaign claims attracted an 80,000-strong MAGA crowd | Daily Mail Online

'Let's talk about hot dogs. I just had one actually,' Trump declared. 'I just had a hot dog, it was very good.'

He segued into a story about how Frank Sinatra told him not to eat before a performance but he didn't take that advice because he was a 'politician,' while his other friend, Italian opera singer Pavarotti, gave no such advice.

Never show me... (hexbear.net)
What the fuck. (hexbear.net)
submitted 12 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) by InevitableSwing@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Eric Clapton played a few songs on a Fender painted in the colours of the Palestine flag during his concert in benefit of Medical Aid for Palestine, London, 8th December 2023 🇵🇸



I had to google like a mother fucker to get the info. I finally got a hint from this page. Don't ask me why they call him "Eric Badminton".

Blues Legend Eric Badminton Plays A Guitar With A Palestinian Flag Brand At A Charity Concert

13 Desember 2023,

~~I can't tell if the text is context farm garbage or AI garbage or some combo.~~

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)


What the fuck I'm stuck to this pole like chewing gum



Haaahhaaahahaha (hexbear.net)

Too much candy: Man dies from eating bags of black licorice | AP News

A Massachusetts construction worker’s love of black licorice wound up costing him his life. Eating a bag and a half every day for a few weeks threw his nutrients out of whack and caused the 54-year-old man’s heart to stop, doctors reported Wednesday.

“Even a small amount of licorice you eat can increase your blood pressure a little bit,” said Dr. Neel Butala, a cardiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital who described the case in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The problem is glycyrrhizic acid, found in black licorice and in many other foods and dietary supplements containing licorice root extract. It can cause dangerously low potassium and imbalances in other minerals called electrolytes.

Eating as little as 2 ounces of black licorice a day for two weeks could cause a heart rhythm problem, especially for folks over 40, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns.

“It’s more than licorice sticks. It could be jelly beans, licorice teas, a lot of things over the counter. Even some beers, like Belgian beers, have this compound in it,” as do some chewing tobaccos, said Dr. Robert Eckel, a University of Colorado cardiologist and former American Heart Association president. He had no role in the Massachusetts man’s care.

The death was clearly an extreme case. The man had switched from red, fruit-flavored twists to the black licorice version of the candy a few weeks before his death last year. He collapsed while having lunch at a fast-food restaurant. Doctors found he had dangerously low potassium, which led to heart rhythm and other problems. Emergency responders did CPR and he revived but died the next day.

The FDA permits up to 3.1% of a food’s content to have glycyrrhizic acid, but many candies and other licorice products don’t reveal how much of it is contained per ounce, Butala said. Doctors have reported the case to the FDA in hope of raising attention to the risk.

Jeff Beckman, a spokesman for the Hershey Company, which makes the popular Twizzlers licorice twists, said in an email that “all of our products are safe to eat and formulated in full compliance with FDA regulations,” and that all foods, including candy, “should be enjoyed in moderation.”

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