Can't wait to see an indie film about a small town Nebraska story shot in sepia because it's south of the border.
Cartography Anarchy
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About that, how come Canada doesn't have a cold blue colored filter?
Wouldn't theirs also be sepia? You know. Maple syrup shaded.
I bet Canada does have a blue or grey filter in many American movies, filmmakers often use blueish filters in snowy scenes.
Happy cake day!
is it? oh well thank you ! I think I have some left in the fridge too, i'll have some.
Nebraska story shot in sepia because it’s south of the border.
It's not though? Unless the map was changed between when you posted your comment and the one I'm seeing now.
I think they confused Nebraska and Kansas?
Nebraska is north of the border.
You may have mixed it up with El Kansas.
You have to adjust the spelling a bit. Eg. we spell it Corea not Korea. lol
(Funnily enough, "cansas" means "you're tiring" in Spanish as in "¡Ahh, cómo cansas!")
One generation later, none of the Americans remained. Having been removed from its threat for so long, they lacked the necessary defenses to protect them from the devastation of Kinder Surprise eggs.
While I would honestly prefer this to our current situation, I vote we Europeanize things instead. Single continent North American Union, but instead of 3 meganations, we instead go fully independent for each state in the us and Mexico, and each province in Canada. But with free travel between the new, much smaller nations. Let's see how fast these conservative ass states who love to boast about their fucking fiscal responsibility last before collapsing and getting a bailout that requires they start offering fucking healthcare.
I have my doubts that a Republic of Sinaloa and the Grand Dutchy of Jalisco are going to work out.
There would likely need to be some reordering in the build up to The Great Dissolution and New Unionization
Honestly, I think Mexico has a better chance cleaning up the cartels than the US have cleaning up, well... Anything.
If Mexico does that, this map looks pretty good
Without America, cartels don't have income.
Or guns. :/ There's literally one single gun store in Guadalajara for reference.
Is there some way we can ensure Ohio goes to Mexico?
btw, am in Michigan.
Hell no. Or rather I should say: ni cuando el infierno se congele.
Feel like Mexico is getting a raw deal here.
Why? They just got back all their former territory, and then some. As well as taking the largest economy in the US, and most of the largest military resources. Oh, and a fair amount of our aerospace industries. Also an absolute shit ton of oil refineries.
Yes but also
We can finally quarantine the anti-human states, now that "states rights," aren't an issue.
Mexico outlawed all forms of slavery when they founded the country. The Alamo defenders were defending the right of US citizens to make Texas, which was a Mexican territory at the time, into a slave state.
As President Grant, himself a veteran of the Mexican-American War, once noted...
For myself, I was bitterly opposed to the measure, and to this day regard the war, which resulted, as one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation.
I'd be happy to have Mexico right next door!
I think Mexico should get Alaska. Just to further increase the distance between it and it's country.
Give Sarah Palin's village to Argentina. Because that would be funny.
I mean joining Mexico sounds better than continuing to let Alabama be Alabama. We’d probably improve our public health, public transit, and healthcare options.
Maybe we could finally get rid of our racist, shitty constitution from the early 1900s (longest constitution in the world!)
A Knights Tale!
I feel like Nebraska would burn the place down with them in it at the thought of having healthcare that isn't advertised on Facebook.
Canada! Fuck yeah!
...comin' again to save the motherf*ckin day, eh?..
I like how the Carolinas are Canadian. It's like the map maker knew they're too racist to even try giving to Mexico.
For a second I was wondering why Manitoba got to absorb so many states.
Proud new Canadian checking in!
This wouldn't be so bad for new england