[-] viking@infosec.pub 5 points 22 hours ago

Other sources are talking about a hard landing rather than a crash. Apparently they were already on the descent and wind forced one helicopter down in a wooded area not too far off the landing zone. Still doesn't sound pretty, but at least more survivable than an outright crash.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 8 points 23 hours ago

Was iTunes popular outside of the US? Everyone I know hated they intrusive software and DRM that prevented you from playing the songs elsewhere. Don't think I know a single person who actually purchased music there.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I've been with wise for a solid decade, never experienced any issues.

My main bank is DKB in Germany since 2004 and I've since moved countries 8 times without problems, but I think they don't allow non-residents to open the account in the first place. Might have changed though, they are solid.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 8 points 2 days ago

Ok at least something. Not going back, but that was always the last potential nail in the coffin.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 11 points 2 days ago

Did they switch off old.reddit.com in the end? That was the only useful front-end on desktop.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 6 points 2 days ago

Just leaving this comment here to find your add-on again when I'm on my desktop, sounds great!

[-] viking@infosec.pub 10 points 4 days ago

So you use the dremel to cut a groove into your screwdriver instead.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 5 points 4 days ago

I've always hoped somebody would create basically a clone of Reddit, but without the politics and without being overly-policed. Where people aren't pushed away for respectfully voicing their opinion. Is Lemmy the answer?

If you block sufficient leftist/marxist instances and communities, you might not notice that this is essentially a socialist fanboy wannabe utopia.

I'd suggest to browse Lemmy by new, block a lot, refresh a couple times, and then eventually arrive at a curated, sanitized feed.

But Lemmy is far from unpolitical, merely a different color.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 8 points 5 days ago

How am I supposed to read those savings targets?

Generally I like metrics to see how I compare, but those US-only ones are pretty useless.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 13 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Comments are cached until you reload, to reduce the traffic. Open the comments view of the post and pull down to refresh, then you should be able to see them all.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 42 points 6 days ago

Someone should face jail time for this piece of crap that I can't opt out of.

And OneDrive as well. That piece of shit installed itself as the default save as location, and after removing it from my system, the save as dialogue now hangs for 20 seconds. And the policy to remove OD as a save location doesn't work whatsoever.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 40 points 6 days ago

Yeah they are shit, but aren't forced down your throat by the OS.

I hate teams with a passion. As long as you have to work with more than one organization, nothing works whatsoever. You are constantly logged out, have to go through their stupid authenticator app, can't save a second login (only a private one, not an organization), links open in the wrong org (even if you are logged in), etc. etc.

I've reached the point where I use teams exclusively in Edge, alongside with Outlook, because both of their desktop apps are utter crap.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by viking@infosec.pub to c/firefox@lemmy.world

Hi all,

Just updated FF to 124.0.1 and now the whatsapp web view is broken. The text input field is somewhere in the upper third of the screen and in the background, overlayed by text boxes so that I can't actually select it. It's automatically selected when switching from one chat to another so I can type there, but only blind in most cases since any comment boxes overlap it.

Tried restarting, clearing cookies, re-authenticating, disabling all plugins, nothing worked.

Does anyone experience something similar and/or know a workaround?


Edit: Fixed by logging out of whatsapp web, clearing cookies, restarting the browser, and then logging back in. Neither of the steps had worked on its own previously, but the combination did the trick.

Childfree Chatter (infosec.pub)
submitted 2 months ago by viking@infosec.pub to c/childfree@lemmy.world

Hi all,

As our community is still small and not overly active, I thought instead of trying to have a weekly or monthly chatter thread up as a sticky, we could try a perpetual one and see what happens.

So anything you feel doesn't warrant a post of its own, just put it here.

Cheers and take care!


Hi all,

Need to pick your brains for a bit regarding best practices for handling of account recovery issues while traveling.

Premise would be that my phone gets lost or stolen, and I may not have easy access to my laptop either, and being in a foreign country I couldn't easily get a copy of the original SIM to restore via OTP.

Consequently, I also don't really love the idea of using some password manager with a master password and no F2A.

Under those circumstances, what would you consider the best way forward to ensure accessibility without crippling myself in the process?

The only thing I can come up with is a random subdomain on one of my domains, with random username and random password, where I store an encrypted container containing txt-files. Maybe even further obscured with a random cypher (all numbers / letters shifted x positions to the right or something).

But there's gotta be other use-cases out there, so I was wondering what you are using?

Ideally something that doesn't involve another person.


submitted 4 months ago by viking@infosec.pub to c/microsoft

Hi all,

I've got a bit of a spam issue that isn't solved by either keyword or actual spam filter. The problem is that I'm in China and mass email marketing here is acceptable for some reason, so local spam filters don't catch the perps, and international ones are useless based on the language.

And since I'm in a customer/supplier facing role, quite a few genuine mails use the same keywords as the spammers, so that doesn't work to fix my problem.

However, the mails are usually sent to hundreds of people at once, all with their mail addresses in plain view in CC.

So I'd just like to set up a filter to send mails with >100 recipients or something like that straight to trash, but can't seem to find it in the outlook rule settings.

Does anyone know of a useful workaround?


submitted 6 months ago by viking@infosec.pub to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

I don't really use facebook anymore so couldn't care less; but so happened to log in today to change my password and saw this on my front page.

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