[-] Tarquinn2049@lemmy.world 5 points 5 hours ago

Nowadays, it is exactly as complex as it sounds. There is a ton of blending, pitch and playrate tweaking, separate modifiers for current rpm and how much the accelerator is currently depressed. And yeah, like hundreds of recorded samples from the real car when possible, or a similar sounding car when not possible.

We are probably on the verge of getting to a point where a rough simulation might soon be able to take over for this process. It won't sound as good for a while still, but it will be cheaper and faster soon. And as time goes on, it'll get close enough to sounding right while continuing to decrease in cost and time taken to a point where it'll be the only way to do it eventually

[-] Tarquinn2049@lemmy.world 4 points 5 hours ago

If they can find one person labeled a scientist that believes the same thing, then "science" believes it too, so I'm not crazy.

[-] Tarquinn2049@lemmy.world 3 points 5 hours ago

I guess he didn't make it, time travel is dangerous. Even if he succeeded, he probably changed something, and then when he came back, he wasn't on our timeline anymore anyway.

[-] Tarquinn2049@lemmy.world 1 points 6 hours ago

That's the whole thing, they don't think for themselves, they watch whatever current angry yelling guy on tv is popular at the time so they know what they are supposed to be angry and yelling about, and who they are supposed to call sheep.

[-] Tarquinn2049@lemmy.world 79 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

2019, back in #avocadotoast days. When apparently we wasted our money on extravagances like "not the cheapest fruit/vegetables". Which wasn't even the case. We literally didn't even do that, we 100% had to eat the cheapest fruit/vegetable, if we were lucky enough that any fruit or vegetable met our budget. They were so out of touch that even their attempt to find a minor extravangance they thought we could afford to waste money on but shouldn't, was inaccessible.

[-] Tarquinn2049@lemmy.world 12 points 1 day ago

Well, you got the answers you were looking for, here is a different answer. To your other implied question, how to not worry about dust getting in other holes.

Main thing is to develop positive air pressure. You want more powered intake than powered exhaust.

Use fans for all your filtered air intakes, ignore powered air exhaust, run it at lower fan speeds if you can. Air will get out fine. If you force the air in where you want it to go in, dust will only go into the easily removable filters, it won't be on your components. Any extra hole in the case will just be exhausting the already filtered air. Then just remember to actually check and clean your filters. That's the hard part. But if you clean them when they need to be cleaned, you will never have to actually clean the inside or the fans or components or anything else, just the filters.

[-] Tarquinn2049@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

They both suck. But one is for sure getting the job. Which one do you want? You have to pick one. You can protest it and hope to change it, but nothing like that can happen in time, you will be stuck with one of these two people. Please at least try to pick the one that has less terrible things on their resume and then actually protest for proper change. If you pick the wrong guy, you also won't be able to protest for any kind of change.

[-] Tarquinn2049@lemmy.world 12 points 5 days ago

I'm sorry that this is the best job you can find right now. It can't be a very fun job. But you are also kind of bad at it, you should at least try to make the post sound like a real human could possibly think the things that are said.

[-] Tarquinn2049@lemmy.world 99 points 4 months ago

This is every game for the people that skip dialog and cutscenes.

Now do a recap of a TV show, except skip all the parts where they aren't shooting a gun or stuff isn't exploding. I don't get that TV show, nothing had any context and there was no motivation or lessons to learn, stuff just randomly exploded from being shot at.

[-] Tarquinn2049@lemmy.world 123 points 5 months ago

In trials, it has consistently boosted productivity. More people need it in order to be productive than the amount that choose to be less productive once they won't die from not being productive.

Also in trials, it has not costed more than current social programs in those areas. Clearing redundancies and red tape accounted for enough cost cuts to make UBI overall cost a similar amount or less than what all the various programs with all their various overhead costed all added together.

[-] Tarquinn2049@lemmy.world 104 points 8 months ago

Our current strategy is making us worth a ton of money, so let's change strategies to what all the companies that are losing are doing instead, so we can make money?

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