[-] Zagorath@aussie.zone 13 points 4 hours ago

You lefty’s

This bothers me more than any political disagreement ever will.

[-] Zagorath@aussie.zone 6 points 8 hours ago

Just eyeballing it the organisms looks maybe 2/3rds the size of rivers?

[-] Zagorath@aussie.zone 2 points 8 hours ago

Also a plug is on the cable

Maybe this is an American English thing, because to me the plug is the socket. The two words are synonyms. Like I'd talk about the electricity plug in the wall.

[-] Zagorath@aussie.zone 7 points 9 hours ago

Try to keep non de-sexed cat

I'mma stop you right there. No, don't do that.

[-] Zagorath@aussie.zone 3 points 9 hours ago

Do you mean the empty half of the cable? Because the plug itself has the empty half on the bottom.

Usually easier to look for the USB logo or company's branded logo on top. The bottom is usually blank or containing legal info. The bottom also has the zig-zaggy join in the metal.

[-] Zagorath@aussie.zone 2 points 12 hours ago

for all of us non Brits

It's funny you should say that. It's American, as you've learnt. I'm neither American nor British, but to me the show does actually seem more similar to a format of show that's very popular in Britain, but not so common in America. The panel show. Think QI, 8 Out of 10 Cats, or Would I Lie To You. Something that looks like a game show, but where the main purpose is really improv comedy and banter, more than actually winning the game.

The problem is for me, the episodes I've seen of After Midnight have just been much, much less funny than the typical WILTY or Cats does Countdown (and I don't even particularly like Catsdown).

[-] Zagorath@aussie.zone 3 points 12 hours ago

Ah right, when I wrote that I hadn't clicked through to the original post. Didn't realise both the original and the x-post were by you.

should it mean something different

I guess that depends on what you think "should" be. The term "platonic love", as it is currently popularly understood, refers to something really useful. I think there "should" be a word for that. It's something that people need to refer to much more often than they need to refer to what Plato meant by the term.

I think the common phrase "platonic ideal" fits well with the original version of Platonic love. The platonic ideal of anything is it's most perfect form, encompassing all that that thing is. The original Platonic love was the platonic ideal of love, at the top of the ladder above mere carnal attraction or romantic affection.

[-] Zagorath@aussie.zone 3 points 13 hours ago

So, my context here is that I've never played any WoD or CoD games. But a couple of years back I was almost part of a group that was going to play a V5 campaign before it fell through. (I forget the timeline...might even have been December 2019 or thereabouts...) So I bought and have read through the V5 Core Rulebook. I obviously don't have earlier editions to compare it to, but I thought the system itself seemed really elegant. The kind of beautifully simple game design that first attracted me to D&D 5th edition. (Unfortunately having not played V5, I couldn't say whether I would eventually get tired of that simplicity in the same way I got tired of D&D 5e.)

From what I understand, they seem to have changed the metanarrative quite a lot from previous editions. Seemingly for the worse, according to a lot of people who really liked the old lore. Which might mean it's for the better (relative to old WoD) if you preferred CoD?

[-] Zagorath@aussie.zone 9 points 14 hours ago

The way it's phrased in the quotes, this seems more like a reference to their ridiculous conspiracy theory that he won in 2020 and is thus technically the president today, rather than an assertion that he'll run in 2028 even if he wins this year.

[-] Zagorath@aussie.zone 6 points 14 hours ago

But then for some reason, another company went back and restarted publishing the old lines

I think it was the same company. White Wolf published World of Darkness games using its Storyteller system from 1991 until 2004. They then made the move to Chronicles of Darkness (a retroactive title the only came about in 2015, until then they were also called World of Darkness officially, known to fans as "new World of Darkness") in 2004. CoD changed some of the lore around and drastically cut back on how detailed and complex the metanarrative was.

CoD used their new "Storytelling" system, and did not perform very well commercially. Probably some fans didn't like it much, but mainly they decided to stop selling in stores so there was no discoverability. During the CoD era, White Wolf still published some WoD material, such as the 20th anniversary editions.

The most important detail here though comes in 2015–2018. Up until this point White Wolf has been bought and sold a couple of times, most recently by CCP. In 2015 they are bought by Paradox Interactive. In 2018 they release VtM 5th edition. In response to allegations of some very problematic material in V5, Paradox dissolves White Wolf and brings WoD production into Paradox Interactive.

I think that only Vampire, Hunter, and Werewolf are currently supported in the latest edition of Storyteller, but I may have missed something.

It's true that Onyx Path as a separate licensee has published books for White Wolf/CCP/Paradox. But they've done 20th Anniversary, CoD, and V5 stuff. The actual decision to go back to WoD was White Wolf/Paradox's.

[-] Zagorath@aussie.zone 8 points 15 hours ago

It's quite simple. This person is committing the etymological fallacy. A word's meaning today does not have to be exactly equivalent to its meaning in the past, or to the words it evolved out of.

But even in Plato's depiction of love I don't think they've quite got it right. "that includes romantic/physical love" seems to be conflating romantic love with carnal attraction, which is pretty strongly not what Plato was about.

[-] Zagorath@aussie.zone 37 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago)

Never buy early access on the hope that the game will get better. Buy it if it's at least good enough to justify its current price tag right now.

submitted 4 days ago by Zagorath@aussie.zone to c/rpg@ttrpg.network

Linked video is part 1 of 4, and as long as it is, it's the shortest of them.

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

I had heard vaguely about how this was a bad system before, but never before realised just quite how bad it was, and in what ways.

Warning: references to sexual assault, sexism, and racism


Transcription4 panels, arranged 2x2.

The first panel contains a picture of Jean-Luc Picard holding up a frame containing a number of medals. It has the text "These are your Starfleet merit badges, are they not, Mr. Data?"

The second panel has a picture of Data, with the text "Yes, Captain."

The third is a close image of the frame containing the medals. The medals take a variety of shapes, but the bottom-left medal resembles the Starfleet insignia. The panel has the text "And this shiny combadge in the lower left?"

The fourth panel is another image of Data, with the text "Communications merit badge, sir."

How Rugby Was Invented!!! (www.youtube.com)
submitted 1 week ago by Zagorath@aussie.zone to c/sports@beehaw.org


How To Confound A Centaur

Centaur: Hold it right there, you can't just ride through my fields uncontested! I'll lose my credibility if we don't battle or something.

Me: That's fair. How about we–

Centaur: And it can't be a pun battle, I heard what you did to the sphinx.

Me: Darn. Okay, what if I beat you in a horse race?

Centaur: Ha! Alright, your funeral. Where's the finish line?

Me: That tree over there. Where's your horse?

Centaur: (gestures at horsey backside) Um...?

Me: You're not a horse, this is a HORSE race. You have to race with an actual horse.

Centaur: You want me... a centaur... to RIDE a regular horse.

Me: That is, linguistically-speaking, what you agreed to.

Centaur: ...

Me: ...

Centaur: I hate you.

Me: That's fair.



Transcription: a photo of a shared pathway entrance with a series of steel pipes placed to create very narrow pathways to enter. The width is hard to tell from the angle of the photo, but far too narrow for a wheelchair or bicycle to fit.


TranscriptionA photo showing an Arnott's TimTam Chewy Caramel packet, with 9 biscuits and a net weight 175 g. Its price sticker says $2.50 ($1.25 per 100g).

It says "Was $5.25. Save $2.75. Less than 1/2 price."

Says it's $1.25 per 100g. This was the price on Chewy Caramel and regular TimTams. The Murray River Salted Caramel had the same total cost ($2.50) and weight (175g), but listed its cost per 100g as $1.43. That difference is the only reason I looked it up. The Salted Caramel price is correct, these are not.

Other flavours of TimTam had a different total price and a higher price/100g, but I didn't look in too much detail.

Before anyone asks: I cared enough to take a photo and post it here as a curiosity. But I did not care enough to complain to anyone in store.


Video concentrates on particular roads in Victoria, and points out Victorian road rules, but the vast majority of this content is applicable around the whole country.

No obligation to ride in the bike lane in Queensland at least. Don't know about other states.


Nebula link since the video is released first on Nebula. YouTube link will be posted once it's available.

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joined 11 months ago