This feels like the obvious lead-up to an airliner being shot down
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It feels like foreshadowing so strong if I saw it in a movie I’d be like “Okay we get it”
Right? Like clips of the drone hysteria + this guy advocating for cops to be given SAMs would be playing during the opening credits
I will never apologize for America
- Dallas Police Chief, 2025
"I'll never apologize for the Trenton Police Department. Ever. I don't care what the facts are."
They're going to try and blame it on Russian Irano-Chinese MS-13 terrorists though. The fake evidence will be ridiculously amateurish and every mainstream media outlet will eat it up uncritically.
They'll blame it on Canada-backed rebels from the People's Republic of Vermont.
oops. Wrong war
This "drone" shit thats obviously planes is really confirming that repeated covid infections cause brain damage.
These chuds will 100% shoot down a commercial airliner in its descent for landing aren't they?
This is going to lead to the first disaster(s) where measuring it in units of 9/11 actually does make sense
Imperial Measuring System: "well look who's come crawling back."
Is Chinese social media clowning on us for this new hysteria yet? I'm sure they've got something funny to say
please not this comment god
Nothing bad could happen from shooting bullets upwards in a populated area.
Why is this all so stupid? I really don't understand why this is being drummed up into such a silly spectacle.
To distract us from the cool health insurance news
Every year requires a hysterical story about UAVs from Bad Country or else we’ll be relegated to using whatever remaining brain cells that weren’t killed by microplastics and repeat covid infections to consider what a colossally deplorable nation we are trapped in.
Oh boy I can't wait to get hit in the shoulder by a 9mm hollow point from 2 miles away that Officer Chud Donut shot at a 747!
Glorpu Zombick traveled 10k light years to be shot down by some thumb looking cop in South Jersey.
We come in peace
I'll cum on your pieces you pieces of shit
cops accidentally doing that scene from the ministry for the future where the direct action ppl start shooting down jet planes at random to discourage air travel lmao
Death to America
Children of Kali PD.
This is what happens when your government and media covers the asses of themselves and the asses of the owner class until institutional legitimacy is completely obliterated.
You have a guy in the government the very government that odds are knows exactly what these are but legitimacy has been so ravaged by everything from the Iraq wars to covid to epstein to the fake outrage at the dead CEO that he thinks giving a missile to Officer Trucknuts is a solution because he represents some kind of authority that is atomized out and isn't part of the larger untrustworthy authority.
Like they are grasping at straws of legitimacy here. Appealing to God knows what shred of structure left.
Medieval peasant ahh country.
I suppose making NYC a no-fly zone is one way to prevent a 9/11 from ever happening again.
Doesn't the NYPD have AA weapons?
Possibly? Probably? Best I could find was a couple articles from 2011 mentioning a .50 rifle, the mayor being coy about further capabilities, and one mentioning a rumour that the secret service has/had a stinger missile in NYC
America is so bad at learning they're gonna start doing their own 9/11s to whatever building is in the wrong place when they flak a passenger plane
when I am elected Senator-Mayor of Nude Jersey, I will empower and HEAVILY arm all law enforcement officers to fire upon all drones and reptilian subterranoids on the ground that merely look like other law enforcement officers.
Gun stores will start releasing balloons with glow sticks in them to drive up ammo sales.
Never forget the acorn drone attack!!
I bet Air Force One looks strange enough to freak out a bored patrol cop and make him fear for his life.
USian civil war when?
Going with the assumption the dumbest/worse thing will happen:
Cops shoot down an airliner, are granted qualified immunity after proving they were afraid it was a Communist Chinese Iranian drone coming right for them (it was flying away). It soon becomes accepted a certain number of flights will be shot down as the "cost of freedom". A new airline life insurance "industry" pops up selling shoot down insurance at the gate. Swathes of the country are de-facto no-fly zones enforced by various county sheriffs with patriot batteries.
Americans sigh and buy plane tickets anyway. After all, freedom isn't free
Accelerationists are eating good
suddenly drones are bad?
Honestly this whole drone thing is something even we couldn't lathe up
"Hello, I'll take your dumbest predictions"
I've always said the 2nd Amendment should include MANPADs and ATGMs
If I can't fire an ICBM is it really a free country?
My right to own a low orbit satellite armed with tungsten rods to be able to kinetically bombard entire area codes was guaranteed by the founding fathers.
The biggest No-Fly Zone in history
Obviously they KNOW who is operating the drones. They refuse to tell because it's cLASSified
Yet keep perpetuating this psyop for increased police budgets and militarization. Just come out with the mundane truth ya dorks!
From an accelerationist perspective giving cops the authority to just blast anything and anyone at any time with high tech military equipment is the quickest way to get people to be in favor of demilitarizing the police, probably.
What if, now hear me out nerds, what's aliens and they're genuinely scrambling like headless chickens trying to blame drones or Iran or whatever the fuck
Cause if this is a psyop, then it's a very poorly thought out one, it's all over the place
Unlimited genocide on Boeing? Sure why not