A blazingly fast instance for the Fediverse! 🚀

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by cole to c/lemdroid

Hey all! I've done a lot of database maintenance work lately and other things to make lemdro.id better. Wanted to give a quick update on what's up and ask for feedback.

For awhile, we were quite a ways behind lemmy.world federation (along with many other instances) due to a technical limitation in lemmy itself that is being worked on. I ended up writing a custom federation buffer that allowed us to process activities more consistently and am happy to say that we are fully caught up with LW and will not have that problem again!

Additionally, on the database side of things, I've setup barman in the cluster to allow for point of time backups. Basically, we can now restore the database to any arbitrary point in time. This is on top of periodic automatic backups which also gets pulled to storage both on my personal NAS as well as a Backblaze bucket (both encrypted of course).

Today, I deployed a new frontend at https://next.lemdro.id. This one is very early stages and experimental but is being developed by https://lemm.ee and seems promising!

If you live outside of the US and experience consistently long load times I want to hear from you! I am deploying the first read replica node to Europe soon, so if you live in that region you'll soon notice near-instaneous loading of content. Very exciting!

Finally, looking for feedback. Is there anything you want to see changed? Please let me know!

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by ijeff to c/lemdroid

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submitted 54 minutes ago by Grayox@lemmy.ml to c/memes@lemmy.ml
Types of days (lemmy.world)
Built different. (lemmy.world)
submitted 55 minutes ago* (last edited 55 minutes ago) by bighatchester@lemmy.world to c/cat@lemmy.world
Smh (lemmy.world)
Wrong neighborhood (lemmy.world)
submitted 49 minutes ago by lawrence@lemmy.world to c/comicstrips@lemmy.world
submitted 1 hour ago by MicroWave@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world


According to new statistics from the Association of American Medical Colleges, for the second year in a row, students graduating from U.S. medical schools were less likely to apply this year for residency positions in states with abortion bans and other significant abortion restrictions.

Since the Supreme Court in 2022 overturned the constitutional right to an abortion, state fights over abortion access have created plenty of uncertainty for pregnant patients and their doctors. But that uncertainty has also bled into the world of medical education, forcing some new doctors to factor state abortion laws into their decisions about where to begin their careers.

Fourteen states, primarily in the Midwest and South, have banned nearly all abortions. The new analysis by the AAMC — a preliminary copy of which was exclusively reviewed by KFF Health News before its public release — found that the number of applicants to residency programs in states with near-total abortion bans declined by 4.2%, compared with a 0.6% drop in states where abortion remains legal.

Notably, the AAMC’s findings illuminate the broader problems abortion bans can create for a state’s medical community, particularly in an era of provider shortages: The organization tracked a larger decrease in interest in residencies in states with abortion restrictions not only among those in specialties most likely to treat pregnant patients, like OB-GYNs and emergency room doctors, but also among aspiring doctors in other specialties.

Good job! (lemmy.world)

submitted 55 minutes ago by masto@lemmy.masto.community to c/adhd@lemmy.world

Teacher comments: Chris is a very slow worker. Chris can not tie his shoes yet. Reading comes easy to Chris but he needs to be pushed or he doesn't do his work.

And second grade...

Teacher comments: Chris' work is done accurately but is often not done neatly. Also, he does not use his working time wisely and often is not done on time. Chris has continued to do well with his school work, but he tends to be disorganized.

And third grade...

Teacher comments: Parent-Teacher conference. Christopher has shown an improvement with his school work. I'm sure he would receive straight As if he would finish all assignments and hand them in. He tends to dawdle away his time and accomplish nothing. Christopher continues to have the same work habits. He needs to change them for the better.

And fourth grade...

Comments are very long. Excerpt: Chris' ability is excellent. However, his efforts tend to be below expectations. Hopefully he will work to improve this problem. Chris is a nice boy!

Sometimes I wonder what the next 40 years would have been like if I'd gotten some help instead of just getting yelled at for being lazy.

Beep beep (lemmy.world)
submitted 32 minutes ago by PugJesus@lemmy.world to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone
submitted 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) by mac@programming.dev to c/godot@programming.dev

This is one of the articles of all time.

submitted 2 hours ago by MicroWave@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world

Workers for some suppliers of Chinese fast fashion giant Shein are still working 75 hours a week, despite the company promising to improve conditions, a report suggests.

A new investigation by Swiss advocacy group Public Eye has followed up on its 2021 report, which found a number of staff across six sites in Guangzhou were doing excessive overtime.

According to the group, who interviewed 13 employees from six factories in China supplying Shein for its latest investigation, excessive overtime was still common for many workers.

submitted 36 minutes ago by InevitableSwing@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

"May" is doing some heavy lifting I know. But it was a good reddit title that I stole.

submitted 54 minutes ago* (last edited 38 minutes ago) by zcd@lemmy.ca to c/casualconversation@lemm.ee

Best of luck


Google is coming in for sharp criticism after video went viral of the Google Nest assistant refusing to answer basic questions about the Holocaust — but having no problem answer questions about the Nakba.

submitted 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) by spujb@lemmy.cafe to c/politicalmemes@lemmy.world

While there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, Chevron and its three associated brands are the only oil corporation for which the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) has called a consumer boycott for its significant complicity in genocide and apartheid.

US fossil fuel multinational Chevron is the main corporation extracting gas claimed by apartheid Israel in the East Mediterranean. Chevron generates billions in revenues, strengthening Israel’s war chest and apartheid system, exacerbating the climate crisis and Gaza siege, and is complicit in depriving the Palestinian people of their right to sovereignty over their natural resources. Chevron has thousands of retail gas stations around the world under the Chevron, Caltex, and Texaco brand names.

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