[-] spicytuna62@lemmy.world 23 points 1 day ago
  • Tom Crews,
  • Tom Cruz, and
  • Tom "Chevy" Cruze
[-] spicytuna62@lemmy.world 13 points 1 day ago

Is evolution a joke? Everything turns to crab.

[-] spicytuna62@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Most of the time, the more you say you hate or are not x, the more you actually are x.

Or as Ron White put it...

[-] spicytuna62@lemmy.world 12 points 1 day ago

I have imagined that ever since the Reddit emigration hype ended and things settled down a bit here that the vast majority of world and shit users are mostly lurkers and not terribly vocal, as is the case on a lot of other platforms.

[-] spicytuna62@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

Nosey Clown Posse. They're an ICP cover band that replaces the lyrics with barking.

submitted 2 days ago by spicytuna62@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.ml

Hello, fellow aging millennials.

[-] spicytuna62@lemmy.world 18 points 2 days ago

One of my colleagues is a British man who just gained his US citizenship in 2021. He's been here since 2007 on a marriage visa. And prior to that, he has described the immigration process as "arduous."

And getting married is apparently the easy way to get in.

submitted 2 days ago by spicytuna62@lemmy.world to c/aww@lemmy.world

It was like 102 degrees (~39°C) yesterday evening (and about as humid as Vietnam), but he was SOOOOOO BORED. So I got him out of the house. He made it eleven feet into the park, pooped, and immediately went to the pool afterwards to wait for me to fill it.

hi wat doin? (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 days ago by spicytuna62@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.ml
[-] spicytuna62@lemmy.world 109 points 5 days ago

You're asking them to think. That's your first mistake.

[-] spicytuna62@lemmy.world 3 points 5 days ago

When I fly, I fly from Oklahoma City. Getting through OKC is a dream. Hardly anyone flies out of here. Tix are usually cheaper flying from DFW. In my experience, you have to leave really early, maybe get a motel room, and it costs at least another $70 worth of gas to get there. It's so much extra cost and inconvenience. It's actually been cheaper overall for my wife and I to fly from OKC since we live here.

It's like 30-45 minutes getting from your car to your boarding area. Getting through TSA is always pretty quick and easy. I can't imagine the place is solvent.

[-] spicytuna62@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I have a '97 Honda Prelude Type SH. For the 5th generation, only about 60,000 USDM Preludes were made. The Type SH was more expensive. There was also no automatic option for the Type SH, and since manuals were already dying in the 90s, I'd guess that they didn't even sell more than a few thousand of them.

It's a little rough. One of these days, I'm gonna dump a few thousand bucks into it and make it beautiful. But we're working on our house and some other things first. Someone put a bunch of those bluish LEDs all over the thing. I deconverted it back to soft white halogens.


~Disclaimer: Don't actually do this.~

He's a sweetheart. (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 week ago by spicytuna62@lemmy.world to c/cat@lemmy.world
submitted 2 weeks ago by spicytuna62@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 weeks ago by spicytuna62@lemmy.world to c/cat@lemmy.world
[-] spicytuna62@lemmy.world 177 points 10 months ago

By that logic, we should then remove all barriers to run. If a convicted criminal can run, there's no reason a 28 year old with no criminal background can't.

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