The sincere posting zone, earlier this week I saw a doctor about starting informed consent HRT. I figure if I don't like it I'll stop. If I like it sooner is better than later.
As an omen as I was driving I got stuck behind this Ute covered in bumper stickers and chalk writing, talking about covid19, government tyranny and globalism, etc. To crown it all it had a Eureka Stockade flag mounted and flying. But on the rear bumper in pastel blue chalk in the fruitiest handwriting it simply said "Stop feminising our menβ. And I felt well shit if that wasn't a sign from the universe to do the opposite as what this driver wanted.
The consult went fine and I'm catching up at the end of the month to finalize consent check baseline bloods etc. They were very nice. But also doctors don't really understand when you say "If I end up not liking breasts I can have a breast reduction and get some cool as fuck scars".