[-] makotech222@hexbear.net 3 points 8 hours ago

Dakr souls 1 and 2 are good. the rest suck, elden ring most of all. Sekiro is separate, and is the best one tho

[-] makotech222@hexbear.net 31 points 2 days ago

No fucking wayyy

[-] makotech222@hexbear.net 16 points 2 days ago

check out her pre-transition videos; she was a rabid anti-islamist.

[-] makotech222@hexbear.net 10 points 2 days ago

well that's just what reactionaries want. That's like opening State and Revolution and going, oh no the communists have a plan to overthrow the state. Its not really surprising at all; its just a new name for it i guess?

[-] makotech222@hexbear.net 7 points 2 days ago

i dunno man, the only people i see talking about it are incredulous libs on tiktok or twitter. I don't think i've seen any people with real power talk about supporting it. I mean, obviously some of it is stuff that repubs already support and whatever. But dems aren't going to do anything to stop it anyway, so I wouldn't worry about the election all that much.

[-] makotech222@hexbear.net 11 points 2 days ago

cool but like, are there any mega-donors, rich people, politicians signing on? or just random chuds?

[-] makotech222@hexbear.net 26 points 2 days ago

imma be honest, it seems like a fake, entirely made up thing, like 'illegal immigrant caravans' type stories that spontaneously generate around election time. It'll be forgotten after the election and never heard from again. Like MS-13 stories.

[-] makotech222@hexbear.net 65 points 3 days ago


“I am running. I am the leader of the Democratic Party. No one is pushing me out. I’ve been knocked down before and counted out my whole life. When you get knocked down you get back up.” - @POTUS


How do we not have that as an emote btw

[-] makotech222@hexbear.net 60 points 3 days ago

Its Joever




Setting up your USB: https://x.com/ghost_motley/status/1804950177611927922

Getting the iso file for rufus: https://x.com/ghost_motley/status/1805021483892146249

Register using some Auto-KMS script, something like https://github.com/massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts might work, haven't checked in in a while.

You really don't have to do scorched earth and install linux. Just do a proper install of win 11 enterprise, with Rufus, and a few minutes disabling anything else you don't like. Also, use explorerpatcher https://github.com/valinet/ExplorerPatcher to fix various things like start menu, task bar, etc.

No ads, no Copilot AI, no search using bing, no telemetry, etc. etc. You can safely ignore all the doom and gloom about how windows is getting worse because if you remove all the crap its actually getting better.

[-] makotech222@hexbear.net 67 points 4 weeks ago

This is the hopium i need:


article: https://indi.ca/israel-has-lost-the-north/

About how hezbollah is dismantling the iron dome

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by makotech222@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Hosted at https://xenkogames.gitlab.io/DIDOEN/

Hi everyone! In my spare time, I've been developing an incremental/idle browser game, working title: 'Do Idlers Dream of Electric Numbers', or colloquially: D.I.D.O.E.N. From the title, you can guess it is a cyberpunk themed game. It is strongly inspired by other similar games like 'A Usual Idle Life' and 'Progress Knight'

Its currently just an Alpha version, meaning the core mechanics are pretty much complete, I just need to flesh out all of the content, the story, add an end game, and fix any remaining bugs after that.

Its currently in a playable state, but mostly just the early game things. Currently developed for desktop browser, but mostly works in Mobile as well, minus some UI issues. The general gist of the game, if you haven't played anything similar, is that you slowly level up your jobs and skills over a lifetime, then when you die you start over, having gained permanent boosts to XP and various other things. And so you slowly improve every cycle until you reach the end game. Its mostly something you leave a tab open on in the background of your browser while you work or do other things and come back to check on and make changes and such.

Please let me know what you think, and if you find anything that looks like a bug. The game is entirely written in C# Blazor, compiled to wasm, so no javascript going on for game logic. I eventually plan to open source the game after a while, though, if you wanted to look at it.

I'm very welcome to any suggestions as well, especially regarding gameplay, the title (I'd welcome a better pun), or anything else.


Edit: Just FYI, i've changed the url to https://xenkogames.gitlab.io/DIDOEN/. I've also made a save-incompatible change unfortunately, so you will have to restart the next time you play. Going forward, there shouldn't be any more breaking changes to saves.

[-] makotech222@hexbear.net 50 points 2 months ago

damn i was wrong on this one. never thought they would sign it. lmao

[-] makotech222@hexbear.net 55 points 2 months ago

the conditions for creating a vanguard party don't really exist in the west, and he shouldn't expect a shitposting site to be able to do that. We're here to commiserate together and just fart around with fellow leftists.


This is more a dunk on me than anything. I hate reddit.

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joined 3 years ago