submitted 3 hours ago* (last edited 44 minutes ago) by ButtBidet@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

Very unpleasant experience at Connolly's Books Spoiler

Don't know if you guys know this spot but it's a boutique book shop in Temple Bar. I came in to point out that one of the Palestine support posters in the window displayed the phrase "from the River to the sea," which is used by some to support the genocide of Jews, and suggested to the manager that maybe the poster shouldn't be up with the others.

The manager disagreed, and when I asked him why, he started yelling at me: "Who do you think you are!?", "How could you be so arrogant!?", and "I'm trying to eat my breakfast, why would I discuss this? Get out!" I wished him a good day and left.

I'm a tourist from the US whose mom's from Cavan (she helped invent copper wire I know). This experience just really caught me off guard as it just did not match the friendly Irish hospitality I've experienced everywhere else. Posting here as I'm hoping if one of y'all know the management or owner and can maybe talk to them about how to talk to people.

Aaaaaaand were back to disliking yanks again.

Pissing myself laughing here, the Communist party of Ireland owns the shop, check their socials if you'd like to know what they'll think of the poster on the wall, next to, if I'm not mistaken, a poster of lenin.

Edit: lol he posted a Google Maps review

submitted 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) by TemutheeChallahmet@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net
submitted 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago) by RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

IDK, maybe when more people here are getting screwed over, libs will radicalize and get off their asses instead of trying to guilt us for not giving legitimacy unconditionally to their favorite “lesser evil” bourgeois party.

Of course, using their meager leverage to extract concessions from the people supposedly representing them never crosses their minds…

Also imagine having the audacity to call us privileged when you see what’s going on in Gaza as a “single issue” instead of an escalation of violence by the ruling class that can and will go back to us.

submitted 14 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago) by Lemmygradwontallowme@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

Btw, do you see a pattern with her photos? Hint: prbly the cause of death nyet



Ummm lebensraum is fine but don't suggest fighting against it. Thank you.


submitted 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago) by PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

But then things changed. In an odd twist ostensibly fueled by a moderate’s determination to unite progressives, [Biden] who ran most notably as a beacon of the center chose to govern as a paragon of the left.

With Biden’s withdrawal, Democrats now have an opportunity to redefine themselves. But Kamala Harris will succeed only if she learns the lesson that spurred Keir Starmer to steer Labour toward reasonableness.

This is something she’s proven she can do. When emerging to become California’s attorney general, and then senator, Harris appealed not only to her neighbors in San Francisco, but to Californians living in more conservative places like the Central Valley and the Inland Empire. To the degree that Starmer is prime minister today because he managed to connect to voters in all the places where Labour had been washed out in the previous campaign, this year’s Democratic nominee will need to do much the same thing. The most effective antidote to MAGA-style populism is a platform that appeals to voters we have lost. Vice President Harris has a chance to prosecute that argument.

What a difference a week makes. The enthusiasm of the Harris for President moment has ignited energy Democrats have not had since Obama in 2008. The coalition of working-class, left wing, moderates, pragmatic voters have been desperate for hope and they are giving Vice President Harris the opportunity to win them over. I think she will.


Pictured, the example Sir Kid Starver/Queer Harmer's is setting



submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by Gay_Tomato@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net
submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by TemutheeChallahmet@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net
submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by TemutheeChallahmet@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net
submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by plinky@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

How can us government can afford such largess, they should include disadvantaged communities somewhere


submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

Violence to uproot a US-backed dictatorship which shoves dissidents into mass graves every other week? Unacceptable and unnatural.

Violence to assist an ethnonationalist settler colonial project in eliminating resistance in the ghetto they shoved the indigenous population into for the past 75 years? What violence? Simply is a natural process.

Not even getting into the violence the American state used to entrench itself during its own revolution (against royalists, natives, farmers who want to pay less taxes like the Whiskey Rebellion) and, today, wages abroad and on its own citizens every other day (poverty, imprisonment, police brutality) to maintain itself.

Remember, the “hypocrisy” is the point when it comes to defending Empire. Deep down, they simply believe it’s a team sport.

Link to this dipshit

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by TomBombadil@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

There's so much great art here at Bitcoin2024.

Help I'm in hell

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by rootsbreadandmakka@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

I thought the liberals were all about saving democracy? What happened?

Also all the confused right-wingers in the replies lol

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