Making trans people with combat knowlodge unemployed for a transphobic reason doesn't seem like a good idea.
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chuds in the US military will never do something good, there's a whole thing about homeless "veterans", never saw them revolt
The Bonus Army did, and the feds gassed them in the middle of DC.
Bonus Army was filled with ex-conscripts. Modern veterans were all volunteers, so they are bootlickers or selfish opportunists at heart without any type of solidarity. They lack the ingredients for an uprising
We actually did have unemployed (a lot of homeless as well) veterans revolt back in 1932 during the Great Depression, demanding early payment of their service bonus certificates.
About 43,000 of them camped with their families on the White House lawn for a while, and the president at the time, Herbert Hoover, sent tanks and bayonets in and they killed a few people and injured dozens. Patton led the charge and Eisenhower wrote the military report endorsing the action (though he claims he told Patton not to do it). It was called the "Bonus Army" if you want to do some more reading.
1932, that's older than Joe Biden Also it's ignoring an important part, most U.S. army members aren't from poor families anymore, most can afford not killing kids for a job.
They were also conscripts from WW1, not volunteer mercenaries who joined up with glee to kill Muslims
On the other hand, it seems like a tactical victory for communism
at the very least a great opportunity for agitprop
I hope any of them with good opsec manage to leak a whole bunch of classified information on their way out.
Look this probably is going to be an unpopular opinion, and I know this is part of a wider attack on trans people which is obviously fucked, but the world would be a better place if literally nobody was in the US military. We mock Israel for their army of idpol genocidaires.
Maybe if we’re lucky he’ll kick women out next, which will eliminate a quarter of their troops. It was basically only allowing women into the military that has saved the all-volunteer US armed forces from the absolute collapse in recruitment.
Edit: reading the other comments turns out this is a cold and popular take. Thank you my echo chamber friends
It's very funny when chuds complain about women in the military when you're 100% right about them never reaching targets with just men and it was a practical solution to shore up the power of empire without offering higher pay and shit.
Cuz it turns out it's a tough sell to ruin your knees and be scared of fireworks till you die for a college scholarship and you couldn't save as much pay as you initially planned because you had to live off post because there's black mold in the barracks and a whole host of other shit
So, dear chuds, by all means do whatever reforms you want that will ultimately make the military perform worse
Fucky, you beat me to the punch
but backwards
This would be great if he would just kick out the cis troops first.
Yeah I support banning trans people from the US military. I also support banning cis people too
I was going to post something like “yay no :flag_trans: imperialism”; but this is going to mean 15000 more unhoused people isn’t it?
it’s also a bad sign for us generally when they don’t even want to try to convince us to do rainbow imperialism or buy things, which is where it seems to be going
They're soldiers in the US military, I wouldn't go as far as to call them that
Good because this will probably weaken the military along with his purges. If it makes the military less competent, I'm for it.
I sincerely disagree. 15,000 members of the US Armed Forces do not move the needle on the US' imperial might (which ultimately is predicated on financial domination and vassals, not military prowess). 15,000 marginalized people within the armed forces, however, represented a prime tactical advantage for a revolutionary political movement. See: Aaron Bushnell.
Obviously we can talk back and forth all day long about how the US armed forces can never be truly radicalized because of their position as footsoldiers of capital, but the hard material reality is that the American left is deficient in firepower but the military is full of possible fellow travelers. Remember that the Chinese Red Army was mostly made up of Nationalist deserters. How do you expect to be successful without a significant fifth column?
Those 15,000 aren't just combat roles and grindable meat; a lot of them are in support and technical roles. There are a lot of roles in which removing 1 person creates a sizable inconvenience for many and can harm operations. You are correct that trans people are overrepresented as saboteurs in the military, but almost all of those people joined pre-transition and seeing the contradictions of US empire radicalized them. The trans people who have transitioned and then joined are more often than not dyed-in-the-wool believers in the US empire who don't have the same opportunity for radicalization.
Not only depriving the military of those skillsets and capacities, but absorbing them for ourselves
There is no outlet to absorb these people though. They just go back to capitalism rather than joining the bolsheviks
I'm fine with a tiny 15,000 of those "possible fellow travellers" getting a good dose of reality to leave the Wehrmacht- and ideally in the process, the contradictions and lies or the empire also being pushed forward a bit moreso into the minds of any such others with the same potential (human decency/empathy).
Also, IMO- it does not do our community (the trans community) globally or even within the US/west any favors IMO, to have token Uncle Toms joining in the empire's war machine, whatever their motivations. Just like Isntreal flying the trans or rainbow flags is no benefit- or like how Obama's election did no favors to the black and African communities within the US or outside it (as an Asian seeing what he did to Africa's most developed country and black wealth/homeownership in the US I have said I hope I don't see some Asian POTUS), etc.
lets not do clean wehrmacht but in the USAF now.
Somehow I don't think those 15,000 trans people in the USAF are majorily frontline infantry
If they're technical support personnel they'd be even more valuable fifth columnists.
I'll admit that what others in the thread said is true, trans troops are troops first and marginalized second, but if we categorically dismiss the tactical utility of potential collaborators we can't succeed.
I don't think it will do anything negative just like rainbow capitalism didn't do anything positive.
It’s difficult to drum up any sympathy for anyone who joins the US military and wants to stay there, trans or otherwise. Not enough animosity for the troops to celebrate blatant transphobia, though.
This is an extremely good policy.
The Trans class traitors and murderers are forced to be normal civilians instead of bloodsoaked fiends and the facade of Rainbow Capitalism will start to crumble, so that anti-imperialist resistance no longer will tend to take a reactionary edge.
This would be a massive blow to pinkwashing and the PR apparatice of the Fascist American state that uses LGBTQ+ people as shields.
It’s win-win. Saves trans lives, starts to destroy Rainbow Imperialism and Pinkwashing, and forces Trans Liberals onto our side
Agreed 1000%.
15,000 out of about 2 million? Are trans people disproportionately represented in the military?
"Notably, transgender persons appear twice as likely as members of the general population to serve in the military"
Past reading about this on reddit, it appears a ton of transfems enlisted in the military as an attempt to "save their masculinity" pre egg crack. No idea about trans men
AFAB trans are 3 times more likely and AMAB trans are 1.6 times as likely
Yes. But the US rate of openly trans people is like 6 out of 1000. The army is 7.5 out of 1000. So it's not a huge margin when we don't know how many stealth, closeted or eggs in either population.
Edit: I used the above figures in my maths, but it's a bit higher because the military is like 1.4million. which is just above 1% or 10 out of 1000. But the comment still stands that in the military where you can't exactly be stealth, but you were also safe to be out of the closet for a while recently, it might not be that different from actual rates.
Less rainbow imperialism. More of the mask slipping. More and more difficulty for the west to use "human rights" rhetoric as a cudgel without looking oh so two-faced to the entire global south and even many in the core.
I'm not sure if he actually does it though. If he does it's for his base and some of his wack advisors as he absolutely 100% does not give a shit about trans people one way or the other. His focus has always been anti-immigrant racism.
Critical support
I don’t think Trump genuinely believes in or cares about the cultural issues that he instigates. He’s going to do random, relatively minor bs like this at home while actually starting WW3 somewhere in the Pacific. And just like his last term, the media and collective public will entirely focus on the distractions and not the main things he is doing.
Trump overruled the Miss Universe organization to let a trans woman compete in 2012. He is a giant fucking lib but an even bigger grifter
The media want WW3, so why would they attack Trump for that when that’s the only time he “acts presidential” is when he’s ordering assassinations against Iran or military shipments to Taiwan
Or say they support him acting presidential and stately for terror bombing another country for bullshit reasons
Keep in mind that there are a ton of bureaucratic, non-combative bullshit jobs in the military as well and I wouldn’t be surprised if this framing leads you to believe that only actively deployed troops will be affected
Aside, but this is also a good example of how consent-manufacturing isn’t always intentionally nefarious but sometimes the result of incurious journalists (more and more these days)
thats my president