Just arrest his ass as soon as he touches Venezuelan soil
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knock him out, lock him up for crimes against humanity
God dude that would be so fucking glorious. Titty head going to Venezuela thinking he’s getting into an octogon like some dumbfuck only to get aressted with no extradition
We will arrest whoever we want! Deal with it.
Better yet give someone a doohickey
This is too cool to ever happen
for real, countdown until "gets covid" or whatever excuse
Last time he pussed out because Zuck was going to rock his weird fat torso. If I remember correctly, his actual mommy got involved to try and save face for him 😂🤣😭
I tend to give a degree of critical support to Maduro, but him taking out Elon Musk would literally make him the best president of this century.
this is how western liberals temporarily become chavistas
nah, it’ll be “i don’t like melon, but you have to support 99% hitler” shit
Supporting 99% Hitler against 0% Hitler.
yes, but in the liberal mind everyone to the left of them is 100% hitler
"I don't support petty dictators with fragile egos who violently put down any criticism or opposition"
So you support Maduro?
there is a 100% chance that Maduro has been in a fist fight before
Wasn't he a bus driver? I'm sure he had to deal with some unruly shit
he will never follow through with it but has to act tough for his white supremacist audience
Yeah, he never fought Zuckerberg. Dude will just keep doing the "Fight me, Bro!" routine for the rest of his days.
"hold me back!"
Maduro would roll him up into a donut hole and dunk him in his coffee
I'm 100% sure this doesn't happen, but if there's one world leader over the age of 50 I wouldn't want to get into a fistfight with, it's Maduro. The dude is 6'3" and looks like the kind of guy who throws absolute sledgehammers.
Elon is about 6'2" though I think.
What it comes down to is:
bus driver labor union leader (in a continent where union leaders often meet grisly fates), involved with militant leftist groups, who also at one point worked as a bodyguard to a presidential candidate
versus... a billionaire mall ninja
Not only that, but in my experience latam bus drivers are some hard-ass motherfuckers with zero chill. It's pretty much a requirement of the job. Chuds and liberals like to clown on Maduro for having worked as a bus driver, but he's the kind of person i'd last want to fighy.
We need to create a bot army to try to convince Elon that it'll be so epic if he does it in Venezuela so Maduro can kill that man and get away with it
countdown until his mom makes an excuse for him
do it Maduro make the people happy
Maduro is a big boy. That footage of him talking to Macron looks like a teacher softly disciplining their student. He could probably one-hit kill Musk.
don't kink shame Macron
Excited to see Maduro pull up to the ring with a folding steel chair and deliver an earth-shattering slam dunk on Elon Musket with an accompanying
I want Maduro to give Musk the Oberyn Martell treatment
Oh God please please let musk actually go through with this and get his ass handed to him by
lol, why does the Muskrat keep challenging people into fights? Does he genuinely think he's a tough guy?
At least the outcome here isn't as obvious as Putin, who would've destroyed Musk despite being about 20 years older. Maduro would still win, though.
He knows it won’t happen.
I will become a demsoc or whatever Maduro calls himself these days if he beats Musk to death.
Little does Elon know that Maduro's Loyal Retainer Seagall is ready to take his place in the duel. We'll see if apartheid has anything on aikido.
Weird Musk
Please I need this