Mercator map projection continues to ruin geopolitics
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- ✅ Gaslight
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- ✅ [Mercator] Projection
Holy shit is he actually going to do it
Near future Truth Social post? "I offered MONEY but they said no. Strong and Powerful US troops are invading Greenland. 51st state."
He's just saying shit
.. But.. Why?
this entire cohort of decrepit American leadership is old enough to remember living through times when the USA was still adding states and doing territorial expansion, and at some level they think boom times will come back if they perform the same cargo cult rituals
You can't invest into the already conquered territory because it's all going out of the government coffers into the hands of billionaires. Real dying empire shit.
From the article:
- Russia has in recent years sought to claim territory up to Greenland's Exclusive Economic Zone.
- Greenland's natural resources include gold, silver, copper and uranium and there's believed to be significant potential for oil in the waters off the territory.
Oil and a claim to the artic. As they arctic melts, it will free up oil reserves.
There's oil in them thar ice floes
He heard Iceland was green and Greenland was white.
The rest is history.
Global warming maybe idk
Sometimes I think he just says outrageous stuff on purpose to get attention
Read the article, it's quite short.
Or I could post and get to interact with my pals from Hexbear dot net
Based. Also I think what says is probably the most correct assumption. On top of that all the old ghouls that actually did realpolitik and had a grasp of the "great game" of geopolitics during the cold war are dead or dying and we now have a bunch of failsons high on their own supply running the show in both parties.
Kissinger knew about geopolitics, that's why he was such a monster, even he was saying the war in Ukraine had to stop.
But why not both, WHY NOT BOTHHHHHHHH
I'm surprised I read it myself I don't click on nothin that people tell me to
to control more Arctic territory and deprive the EU from it.
and if the news updates from have taught us anything, Denmark's craven neoliberal regime will probably pay him to take it
It was extremely funny last time. Normally Danish politicians takes pride in being Washington's most loyal little dogs but this time around the yank demands were too outlandish, even for them, and they had to grow a spine and say no which made them visibly uncomfortable.
I'm putting "Greenland invokes Article 5 on the United States" on my 2025 Bingo Card.
He watched yet another documentary.
Nah he doesn't have the curiosity to sit through one
Chinese military bases all over Greenland (in addition to Mexico), now
Didn't know trump was dutch
Listen folks, I've had it with Denmark, that failing little shithole pork country, very low energy country. America needs to own Greenland for FREEDOM and NATIONAL SECURITY but the haters and losers in the Danish government they don't want to sell it. Greenland, it's the largest island in the world, it's where penguins live. Did you know that? Many people don't know that. I knew that, I know Islands very well. But they don't want to sell it, even when I offered them real American dollars for it, the best currency in the world, they said no. Can you believe it? They turned down the deal of a lifetime! Very rude.
I had made an appointment with their Queen to tell her we should make the Greenland deal happen, she's very sleepy, well past her prime, still an amazing woman though, the most tremendous hats ever! I had made an appointment but the moment they heard it was about buying Greenland the radical socialist government of Denmark, total bunch of haters and losers, said no. "No" they said "Donald you can't buy greenland you can't do it!" And they cancelled it all. They cancelled me! Very rude, very disrespectful. Nobody treats America like that!
Now the queen is out and they got this new guy, Freddie they call him. Little running guy, likes sports, jogs a lot, not that bright. "Freddie," I'm going to say to him, "Freddie, you're going to make the deal, youre going to sell us Greenland! It's going to be amazing!" And If he's any smart he'll know that now is the best time to sell and say yes. Its Not like Denmark is doing anything with Greenland anyways, it just sits there frozen.
Because I'm telling you, I'm telling you folks, we need Greenland and we're going to make Greenland American again no matter what the failing Danes say about the matter. We need Greenland for FREEDOM, because Greenland has Santa's workshop. All the elves, all the machines that makes the presents, it's true folks, it's right there in Greenland. No DEI, no woke OSHA rules, just hardworking elves. And we need that elf technology, we need it folks, we need it to make America great again. If we don't take it, China will. And if China gets Santa's workshop they're going to put communism in the presents, radical left-wing woke communism. They're going to do it folks and they're going to do it because they are jealous and hate America.
And Santa, we're going to make Santa an American. He'll wear red white and blue. There will be no more presents for illegal immigrants or terrorists or anyone who disrespects America! It's going to be huge folks!
We're going to get Greenland no matter what folks. If they're not going to make a deal and sell we're going to take it folks, we're going to do it. And what are the nasty Danes going to do about it? Their military is a total joke, total basket case. They don't have any nukes, not even a little tiny one. What are they going to do? Throw Legos at us? It's going to be great, all the Christmas presents will be made in the USA and Greenland will get McDonald's, they will get amazing American healthcare, they'll get the second amendment right to free speech, they'll become part of the greatest nation on earth, we'll breed a penguin-bald eagle hybrid, a Very patriotic bird, and we'll make it their national bird. It's going to be great folks!
I find it interesting how the metropol are increasingly falling back to mercantilist thought.
Take it by force
As a Brazilian, I guess it's just a matter of time to read something like
"For purposes of National Security and Freedom throughout the World, the United States of America feels that the ownership and control of The Amazon rainforest is an absolute necessity"
How many countries has he suggested taking land from at this point? lmao