The photo is a 1974 photo of Leslie Feinberg, from the FBI file on hir. I've written a piece on my interpretation of Transgender Warriors and Trans Liberation, but I don't think it's quite polished enough, so I'll post it later. Instead, I'll go over hir FBI file:
The FBI thought Feinberg could be violating the Communist Control Act, advocating the overthrow of the government, and engaging in rebellion. Needless to say, a hero to all of us. Feinberg was a member of the Workers World Party (the party still exists, but more notably PSL split from it), which apparently wasn't openly advocating for the overthrow of the U.S, they just think it's inevitable.
My favorite line? "captioned subject is believed to be a white female, who became male through some kind of sex change operation, and is possibly homosexual". Some interesting language choice, and it's an interesting snapshot into the evolution of Leslie's identity.
The FBI found Leslie's place of birth and birthdate from public school records. It's a bit of an interesting look into all of the many places the FBI can get their information, along with how information like that was so much more patchwork before the digital age.
"Interview of subject is not being recommended because of the questionable nature of his sexuality". Hmm, interesting.
It's interesting how their investigation spanned multiple cities, from Kansas City to NYC to Bufffalo to Boston. It probably involved quite a few officers, though I'm sure it wasn't the main focus for all of them.
There's some interesting mention about changes in Leslie's gender identity. Born a girl, for a time wearing a beard and mustache, then going back to "she". I'm sure we all know, Feinberg's gender didn't stop evolving there.
"Subject reportedly contributes all extra money to WWP", Leslie definitely was dedicated to the cause. Leslie doesn't attend NYC WWP meetings, but the FBI doesn't mention why.
The FBI isn't immune to typoes, Leslie did some "criminal terspass" that garnered some attention.They wasted some time checking if Leslie was in Boston, but verified where Leslie in NYC lived by pretending to be a part of the Voter Registration Commission.
There's a whole 43 pages of documents, all just from 1974-75. There's plenty of interesting tidbits in there, so maybe check it out.
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CW this is completely incomprehensible.This is either not at all a hot take or the weirdest shit I have ever posted, who knows. I am a filthy motherfucker, I have a powerful fetish for...
I guess I kind of jumped off of this from the lesbian u-haul meme, and also when your wife flies like 2800 miles to you, you start living together, Idk. But I have a strong-burning passion for it that's probably not normal!
To me cohabiting is almost more intimate than sex. I'm really into the ins and outs of living together and the fact that capitalism makes it difficult and complicated is just another crime to list in the future Victims of Capitalism Museum. I feel like you can't really know someone better than observing their quiet little daily habits, the stuff they do without thinking. What time exactly teethbrushing happens at, stuff like that. Cooking together is both fun and enlightening. Making decisions together about the house, I think you can tell a lot about someone by how they'd lay out a room, what their priorities are.
I love digging into that stuff, and to me true love is learning to wholly embrace someone's weird livingspace quirks. Some stuff is always gonna be a dealbreaker, like if someone is really bad at dishes, but my wife puts the toilet roll on "backwards" (facing the wall) every single time, apparently because her parents were actual demons
Of course the best part of cohabiting is having GAY AFFECTION permanently ontap for free. I'm an obnoxiously clingy person so I really enjoy just draping myself all over my beautiful significant other, it's uncommon for me to be more than fifteen feet or so from my lovely wife. When not cohabiting I often get caught up in long stretches of gay longing, y'know?
Since I am also a bookfucker, this utterly filthy behaviour extends into my reading and chat, there is a pathetic dearth of books, or like manga, whatever that feature sapphic cohabiting. To some extent it's understandable because romances as a rule (by royal decree of the Romance Writers of Amerikkka) are usually about the commencement of a relationship, rarely its progression. But bleeeeeeh where are my cohabiting gays?! The Weight Of Living by M.A. Hinkle has certain "domestic" vibes that are adjacent to this, but I strain to think of any fiction that actually features cohabiting at all.
I'm a real freak in that I desire to get right into the heads of your characters, like one of the things I really enjoy about the average A Novel is that they're so navel gazey, they tend to be good character studies as a matter of course. But Idk if you can get more intimate with fictional characters than knowing about their living habits, especially seeing how they change when living with someone else. Feel like it's a dimension that doesn't get explored enough in the gay shit I read, and I demand someone do somethin' about it.