[-] ashinadash@hexbear.net 3 points 31 minutes ago

Basically =) they're making the gaems woked!!!

[-] ashinadash@hexbear.net 2 points 37 minutes ago

desperate to make liking videogames embarrassing again.

I could do it better than these losers bridget-smug (be unbearably autistic about specific games)

[-] ashinadash@hexbear.net 5 points 38 minutes ago

So much worse: Sweet Baby Inc is a company that basically advises on and edits your game's script or whatever for sensitivity, more or less paid inclusivity advice. Gamers got mad.

[-] ashinadash@hexbear.net 3 points 39 minutes ago

"Nothing will fundamentally change" t. Gamergater Biden biden-alert

[-] ashinadash@hexbear.net 2 points 4 hours ago

Petrify and Charm do go hard but I'm like, could I run a witch for those instead? Being made of glass doesn't go hard, also I manage to miss 70% chance Petrify spells kiryu-pain

I'm lookin forward to it and Knight of Lodis and both Orge Battle games, Matsuno gang.

[-] ashinadash@hexbear.net 5 points 14 hours ago

i-think-that Max Payne 1 good, Max Payne 2 bad

[-] ashinadash@hexbear.net 3 points 14 hours ago

Never played Person of Lordly Caliber but given how good Tactics Ogre is I can't imagine it or March of the Black Queen aren't rad as well. Lordly Caliber used to be spoken of in hushed tones as one of the rare goats.

[-] ashinadash@hexbear.net 4 points 14 hours ago

Real, but Kirby games are near peak for comfy kirby-spin I've been meaning to play all the Dreamland games and Epic Yarn and stuff for a long time.

[-] ashinadash@hexbear.net 9 points 15 hours ago
[-] ashinadash@hexbear.net 15 points 19 hours ago

Capitalism subsuming criticism of itself joyce-messier

[-] ashinadash@hexbear.net 22 points 21 hours ago

Bethesda has majorly diluted the already-potentially-liberal criticism of capitalism inherent to Fallout by making it consoomer treat slop

[-] ashinadash@hexbear.net 32 points 22 hours ago

Why on earth does anybody care about what Ubisoft does

Shit company shit games been that way for almost 20 years

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 21 hours ago) by ashinadash@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

It's a game of such depth and scope that I always have questions about it. I know magic radius is mostly Men/Int threshhold plus terrain you're standing on, have not experimented to findout which terrain stats (the ground has stats) affect it.

But also, who should wear what armour? Since luct.tacticsogre.com only says that 'if its not a warrior class you may not want full body armour', well wtf? Should archers wear Balder robes? Should ninjas? Valkyries???? Fucked if I know.

Also I can't really figure out how to raise(or lower) Loyalty reliably. Leveling up your guys in real battles is meant to do it, but my knight Isetan keeps spamming the "I dont have the confidence to follow u........" message that displays at 5 Loyalty, every battle. That means his Loyalty is going up and then down every battle, why? What affects that? He even say this when I don't bring him?? Also the game has crashed on the Disaffection message a few times so that's unhelpful.

Friendly fire is really unpredictable, is it literally RNG? Sometimes it seems like archers or hawk men will make really tight shots past several allies densely packed, and sometimes it seems like they should cleanly arc their arrows over one buddy but thwap 70 damage. Is it height related??

Sometimes whenever I'm throwing rocks to powerlevel a new soldier or amazon in training, that unit will just lose health, appropos of nothing. Wtf is that about, does throwing rocks really hurt for 1/4 of your HP???

Why are the Tactics Ogre soundtracks not stored as Compact Disc Digital Audio? Like 99% of Playstation games have CDDA you can rip, but Tactics Ogre (on both PS1 and Saturn) seems to play its music in realtime with low-sampling-rate PCM samples, a la the Past tracks in Sonic CD. Literally why.

You're all gonna have to tolerate this Ogre posting until I find somewhere or someone to talk about TO with. Also if anyone has the Prima guide for the Playstation game please hit me up, cannot find a scan ❤


pls help, all my self regulation and restraint gone

hours upon hours of funny ogre game

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by ashinadash@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Delete PSPs and Rebirths, real Atlus stank hours. This localisation kind of sucks, lol.

I have a bunch of ridiculously specific questions about Tactics Ogre My Beloved, that I cannot find on search engines (DDG and Searx) or in the LUCT faq/guide. I also looked at Warren Report and Coffee Potato on youtube, no dice. If you know about it pls tell me, or embarrass me by showing me links to the answers!

  • Why do Ninjas suck so bad at magic? Three damage from a FireBurn on a fire-elemented Ninja to a wind-elemented Eagleman of the same level???

  • Actually what's a good strat for Ninjas generally? They're so frail.

  • What governs whether or not spells like Thunder or Acid are single-tile target or five-tile targeting? I have two Valkyries with Thunder, and one casts for five tiles, the other for one tile...

~~SOLVED: Area of Effect for spells in SFC/PSX/SS is governed by the Intelligence stat, apparently. Above 64 gives five tiles, above 128 gives 13, according to GameFAQs.~~ My earth-aligned Denim has 89 INT, yet while his Acid is five-tile, his Thunder is single tile. Fake.

  • Is there a way to influence or change alignment, or is it just random and fixed?

  • Does loyalty affect a unit's stats or anything?

  • What even governs accuracy, just generally? Also is the RNG completely goofy?

  • How do you turn off those fucking spell dialogues during training???

  • Why is Canopus such a heroic chad who cannot be stopped and MVP every time??? stalin-heart


  • While stat increases are random on level, there is a Skill system that grants a unit "points" in that skill, i.e. Missile, Utility, Melee etc. Basically units get better at using attacks or spells or etc the more they use em. This may account for why my Ninjas and also Valkyries are trash shrug-outta-hecks

  • If you walk back and forth over non-City locations you can get random battles. I want more Lizardmen so this is handy.

Also if anybody knows how to make PCSX derived emulators (PCSX-R, for example) load Tactics Ogre saves? The PlayStation version apparently fails to load saves from thirdparty memory cards that use compression, and Tactics Ogre on PCSX-ReArmed also fails to load saves it created. If you have any info on the PlayStation version's turbojank code, please hmu. I actually suspect that the game has poor coding overall, since the Super Famicom english translation is buggy despite being by a known group, and the PlayStation version seems hokey too. (hangs briefly during turns, aforementioned save issues, goofy text box formatting)

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by ashinadash@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Real bloomer hours who up, smash that upbear if you've been playing through 40 years of incredible video games bloomer

submitted 2 weeks ago by ashinadash@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

I know it's the internet, and fucking discord to boot, like seriously where is our burning Clive? But I'm not gonna go outside to yell at people about weird books, so unless any of you knows of an awesome book club near me or a forum online or something, we're stuck with this. And yes, it's the book servers again.

You would think queer spaces might be more accepting of leftist views, lenin-dont-laugh but I keep getting owned for not licking boots basically. First there was this based classic:

which stemmed from someone really liking the idea of french canadian cyberpunk, surely the apex of liberalism. Aside from that quote in the screenshot I wasn't really rude though, I didn't even swear at em. I got banned essentially for a cross of "omg ur so rude" and "we can do whatever we want" though, which is just as well cause fuck em I guess. You wanna take pride in that identity, seeya nerd.

But just recently I got in all kinds of hot water again for this epic banger:

The context here was just talking about tone tags, and someone else has whined and complained about not wanting to use a reference sheet for tone indicators because they don't know what they mean, lol.

See this isn't like I'm bursting through the wall and saying ANOTHER KKKCRACKA DOWN at grandpa's funeral, I'm not even swearing, it's so much less than that. I'm generally pretty content to let small disagreements slide or whatever, but it's always the most agreeable shit these people decide to attack me on. Like no, I am not gonna back down from saying "canada bad" and I'm not gonna back down from saying "at the point NTs won't even read tone indicators, I don't give a fuck", surely these are like the least offensive positions in the world. How could people take PERSONAL OFFENSE to this shit? And yet.

So I want to ask if there are any more mitigating strategies I can use to not get rekt by angry lib mods? This shit is stressful and exhausting, literally not trying to cause a fight with this stuff. I guess I'm not shocked that libs love tone-policing autistic transfems no matter how fucking nice you are, though =)

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by ashinadash@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

I clowned a scratched lib recently for being french-canadian and proud of it, france-cool kkkanada and that was pretty funny. But more recently someone else asked me about that incident a bit, and then she pretty much shilled for the French at me.

She said stuff like "well French canadians are a bit more complicated I guess... lots of them are metis or straight up native american" and "they had an alliance with them[indigenous peoples] and did marriages to strengthen it" ( brow ) and even "A lot of Acadians went to live with natives when colonies were disbanded by france". With a little bonus "Yes the French were really strong on defending Mi'kmaqs and saw them as the actual authority on the land" as a treat.

Now, I don't believe most of this nicey-nice pro-French shit for a second. But I sort of had to ask, how and why the hell were the French even there to start with? You rarely if ever hear about French colonists in North America; they still stole all the land like any settler-colonialists, right? Glancing at NATOpedia, I can see that Iroquois peoples were not overly happy at the french being there, which is about what I would expect. (although they did align with Dutch and English settlers themselves) The French government sent over "indentured servants" to their colony too, which, oof. Also

Enslaved men, women and children represented approximately 65 percent of the 6,000 non-indigenous population of Louisiana by the end of French rule.

Haiti pre-1791 moment. But funny enough, the NATOpedia article rarely makes mentions of any abuses of New France's indigenous populations, other than a bunch of wars with the Iroquois(started by Some Guy de Bastard murdering a few of their chiefs, it seems). That has to be a lie by ommission, right? Like

Modern historians have highlighted that despite largely functional relations with indigenous peoples, administrators in France viewed co-operation as a wholly irritating task. Geographically removed from the colonies, Parisian courtiers viewed indigenous peoples as 'sauvages', often criticising New French officials for even interacting with nations.

but mostly the NATOpedia article is about fucking fur traders, coureurs des bois, okay. Basically though the French populations of settlers shouldn't have any special consideration compared to Dutch or British settlers, right? Surely any european that shows up on north american shores, claims the land by alleged divine right and starts exploiting its resources is a bastard, yes?

E: sorry if I put my foot in my mouth anywhere

submitted 2 weeks ago by ashinadash@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Gravity Rush is a disorganised hot mess with a bad excuse for a story, but it fucks!!! Discuss.

submitted 2 weeks ago by ashinadash@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

I'm not fuckin' sorry, no you may not debate this objectively correct headcanon.

submitted 1 month ago by ashinadash@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

vent post please ignoreI'm so sick of being a shameful social embarrassment, holy shit how pathetic do you have to be to be incapable of talking to people ON THE INTERNET

Fuck talking to people in general

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by ashinadash@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net


Male, Female and Other. Very inclusive, also props for including "fuzzies" as a race. Gaming was woke before most of these pathetic Gamergate 2 losers were even born. Maybe even before YOU were born!!


Every time I'm on the character creation screen of a cRPG now, I say "Where are my three genders! Gaming has fallen!!" ooooooooooooooh

submitted 1 month ago by ashinadash@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net

Special thanks to @Ho_Chi_Chungus@hexbear.net for this incredibly sick banger. It's kind of like if Black Dresses and Sleigh Bells kissed, which I dig.

submitted 1 month ago by ashinadash@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

Idk if there's a better comm for this, but.

Let's say, purely for the sake of argument debate-me-debate-me that I am currently on a super-cool prescription painkiller that works great. Let's also say for the sake of argument that the bone/sinew structure that's supposed to hold my ribs together is trying to kill me constantly by conspiring with the base of my skull to cause me unbearable chronic pain. If I skip more than like one day of the cool prescription painkillers, then even just walking around becomes challenging. But also, if I just keep taking the cool prescription painkillers, I'll build up a tolerance. I'm on like 75mg a day right now and even that could be playing with fire.

I need something cool that's gonna dummy out my pain receptors long term. What's a good painkilling solution? I've tried cymbalta, taking way too much paracetamol and ibuprofen, and this cool highly addictive prescription thing. I'm game for any suggestions.

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