I am genuinely confused by hexbear too

Is it a site for queer people or for beanis lovers?

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[-] Are_Euclidding_Me@hexbear.net 110 points 1 month ago

You can block them [hexbears], but there are tons of them that have lemmy.world accounts- and post regularly in the political communities.

You’ll know them when you see them.


[-] FunkyStuff@hexbear.net 90 points 1 month ago

You’ll know them when you see them.

Yeah you can tell they're Hexbears by their correct opinions and by the fact they don't need to make up lies about the people they don't like online.

[-] Frank@hexbear.net 62 points 1 month ago

The complaints that are like "those tankie assholes. You can always tell it's them because they rbrigade the thread and all post reasonable seeming sources that support their authoritarian tankie bullshit" are my fav bc yes, reality does have a well known tankie bias so nice of you to notice!

[-] happybadger@hexbear.net 65 points 1 month ago

Hexbear is gangstalking me. You can tell because any time I shit my pants it was actually Hexbear disinfomat on my phone which subliminally said "shit your pants if you love your country" and I fell for it again.

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[-] BountifulEggnog@hexbear.net 45 points 1 month ago

It's actually illegal to have an account on more then one website. I gave up my bank account to be here.

[-] sir_this_is_a_wendys@hexbear.net 45 points 1 month ago

You’ll know them when you see them.


Many of them look like this.

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[-] Acute_Engles@hexbear.net 97 points 1 month ago

I don't think about .world at all and it seems like they think about us a lot. Interesting

[-] PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml 70 points 1 month ago

We are disturbing their carefully curated bubble of boot.

[-] CyborgMarx@hexbear.net 95 points 1 month ago

It's really cute how rattled they are by our most mundane of takes, as if it's our fault they fell for one of the most ludicrous propaganda campaigns in recent history

Obviously what's happening here is that they're becoming increasing uncomfortable with the fact the mainstream media and establishment are signalling their intention to abandon the war now that it's obvious who's won, but because they can't look inward and ask themselves why they fell for this imperialist warmongering nonsense in the first place, so it must be those gosh darnn tankies and their worship of authoiritutrainaism that's to blame

[-] Staines@hexbear.net 55 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Good thing there's a pretty standard set of trope copes.

"Ukraine is too corrupt and wasted our western wunderwaffe", or maybe, "Ukraine kept defaulting to their own tactics instead of using western training because the slavic brainpan is simply incapable of superior angloid warfare" or hell, lets go with a classic for the bitter Ukrainian nazi's if there are still enough alive to have a say "our jewish leadership hamstrung us" -- something in line with the typical satanically racist "garden" thinking.

The kind of narrative that lets them slip on by without considering whether or not they were lied to, or the stability of high GDP economies that don't actually manufacture anything except consent.

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[-] Sickos@hexbear.net 93 points 1 month ago
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[-] ButtBidet@hexbear.net 91 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Hexbears can’t answer the question “is it ok to kill civilians” without asking “Palestinian or Ukrainian?”

Prolonging the war saves Ukrainian lives how? Really, someone from an outside instance answer. I promise not to debate you and just take your opinion.

For some non-Hexbearians reading this: I actively want to prevent Ukrainian conscripts (many of whom are avoiding the draft) from getting chewed up in the meat grinder. Yes, Russia bad. But I have zero control over what Russia does, wheres my own leaders are trying to drag this war out until every able bodied person in Ukraine is disabled or dead.

[-] EmoThugInMyPhase@hexbear.net 65 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

People on here have always been critical of the west’s bloodthirsty enthusiasm for depleted uranium on Ukrainian soil (people have to live here after this shit!), Ukrainian industry and properties being privatized, refugees being mistreated by Europeans, conscripts (hell we’re more charitable to these guys compared to IDF conscripts because Israelis aren’t fleeing their “country” to escape the draft), and we even become perplexed by the west’s so called aid to Ukraine that’s full of inefficient military contractors looking for a quick buck first before helping Ukraine’s military, or how Ukraine’s local governments are corrupt and failed to build proper defenses to stop Russians and no consequences were dealt by the Ukrainian government

These westoids don’t give a fuck about any of that. As far as they’re concerned, the ghost of Kyiv is still kicking ruzzyianaski ass 50000:1

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[-] dumpster_dove@hexbear.net 60 points 1 month ago

I will reciprocate their vibes-based take on what Hexbears think, and presume that they believe Putin would just be emboldened by victory in Ukraine and promptly invade another country. Thus, the war can only stop if Putin is defeated.

[-] SkingradGuard@hexbear.net 60 points 1 month ago

Liberals unironically believe this

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[-] Objection@lemmy.ml 82 points 1 month ago

It's very funny to me that liberals will say all this shit and never have the receipts. This isn't the first time I've seen them accuse people of liking Pol Pot, that seems to be one of their go-tos.

They're constantly spewing these conspiracy theories about Russian agents or conservatives in disguise, while adamantly refusing to understand how anyone could not subscribe to "vote blue no matter who" and lesser-evilism. I keep making fun of them but they just keep doing it and I only have so many clever bits in me. Though I was quite proud of my most recent one.

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[-] Leon_Frotsky@hexbear.net 76 points 1 month ago

Also saw an account with a trans flag, which is surprising they would accommodate such a person or such a person would have those weird views on lemmygrad.

mfw the ebil communists dont actually crucify the queers like i fantasise about them doing: avgn-horror

so funny that there's people so insulated from here that they dont know we have the highest trans population of any instance on lemmy despite the fact that no one here ever shuts up about explaining it (me included) weighing in with their highly informed takes on hexbear-trans

[-] Tommasi@hexbear.net 71 points 1 month ago

Complains about hexbear but links a lemmygrad thread.

Smh we're stealing valor

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[-] SkingradGuard@hexbear.net 71 points 1 month ago

Russian bots

Lmao, these liberals are incapable of having original thoughts

[-] sir_this_is_a_wendys@hexbear.net 46 points 1 month ago

I would say their worldview is childish, but most children aren't as gullible.

[-] CoolerOpposide@hexbear.net 45 points 1 month ago

Not even calling us Chinese bots is so disappointing. It pays way better these days

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[-] SexUnderSocialism@hexbear.net 69 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

These fuckers just can't stop talking about us, can they? The specter of Hexbear is haunting their lib brains. rent-free

[-] EmoThugInMyPhase@hexbear.net 68 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

iirc they don’t allow downvotes, plus dunking on someone is the entire point, and also the icons rendering there is different (significantly smaller) than the giant versions that they render as elsewhere. And yes, the made-up language aspect as well.

Are these guys 70 years old? Who calls emojis “made up languages” lol

I’m genuinely confused by, who even are these people

The west employed Henry Kissinger for decades and are confused with the concept of strange alliances? Besides, material reality doesn’t give a shit about grand gestures and ideas, so things aren’t pretty. NATO literally includes Turkey. Wanna talk about that since we care so much about the purity and sanctity of our ideas? Hungary? Poland? What about feminist icon Joe Biden’s friendship with Saudi Arabia and the other gulf states? What about the US’ relations with the fascist Philippines and Japan? Shut the fuck up.

What I have learned: * Russia has already won the Ukraine war

Lol all we do is repost western, liberal news articles and they get upset. Don’t get mad at us. Go complain and send a letter bomb to the NYT and Politico. We’re just reading what you people write.

I don’t even think they are accelerationists at this point. I think they are all either information warfare operatives or useful idiots. The hexbear admin has essentially admitted to this.

I’ve reported the administration to the FSB internal affairs. You will be served a termination letter tomorrow morning then promptly executed for leaking operation details to the enemy.

[-] comrade_pibb@hexbear.net 60 points 1 month ago

I may be an idiot but i draw the line at being useful

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[-] Alaskaball@hexbear.net 67 points 1 month ago

Zero mention of the news mega. How disappointing

[-] EmoThugInMyPhase@hexbear.net 63 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

That’s the weird thing. Every Lemmy post where they complain about Hexbear being shills and bots and Russian agents, I never see a single mention of the mega. They could easily screenshot like 5 different people unironically wishing Putin nukes Ukraine but they don’t. They don’t even have screenshots of people saying infinite genocide on the first world or saying hamas is good lol. These guys’ brain are permanently on Russia. 2016 truly damaged their brains in an irreversible way. It’s terminal.

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[-] CoolerOpposide@hexbear.net 57 points 1 month ago

The Hexbear news mega is one of the best news aggregation/discussion forums I have ever had the pleasure of using. Genuinely.

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[-] BountifulEggnog@hexbear.net 66 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

It’s weird that those forums are in English, reading the insane takes and rhetoric....

That's the only language I speak. What other language would I use? Is it really that hard to believe not everyone is a liberal?

...Also saw an account with a trans flag, which is surprising they would accommodate such a person or such a person would have those weird views on lemmygrad.


These people are not socialists. It’s all just right wing agitprop. It’s extremely obvious.

Has the right wing started supporting minority rights and an equitable redistribution of wealth while I wasn't looking? I hate libs even more now.

There is no coherent ideology over there besides “America/the West/capitalism should be destroyed.”

Even lemmitors think you should read theory

Or ask them to explain how the holodomor was actually not that bad and the millions of people that died deserved it.

That's not at all what we say, it was a famine. The last famine. Not a holocaust. Stop repeating nazi propaganda, please.

I also learned just now that the collapse of the USSR and and its former constituent countries in the 1990s is an example of how great communism is, because when the communism went away, everything got worse. It’s flawless logic; I can see no counter argument. [new comment, same thread]

Genuinely, explain how capitalism coming in and then everything getting worse shows why communism is bad. Or are they saying things didn't get worse under capitalism? Should I tap the "life expectancy in China" sign yet?

Also lets be real, a whole lot of these people are also chronic weed smokers [new comment, same thread]

jesse-wtf well that was random.

the entire weed comment, didn't include the full thing originally for brevity. But it seems all the more out of place with context.They do genuinely believe it until and unless they are challenged on it in a way they cannot refute and also simultaneously does not anger them.

If it angers them, they all become screaming sarcastic trolls.

If you manage to do it politely they will act as if they have an extremely nuanced opinion and well we basically believe the same thing with minor differences.

In short, they basically have late stage irony poisoning which has legitimately caused many of them to become delusional and extremely aggressive if correctly agitated.

If you are enough of a leftist to know their more grounded ideas and the lingo / meme culture, you can fit in well until you trigger them with a verboten question or idea.

You are correct that many of the psychological traits are basically the same seen in other cults of personality. Self reinforcing bubble.

Also lets be real, a whole lot of these people are also chronic weed smokers. Sure, in moderation that shit is fine, but use it consistently to the point that you need it to cope with reality and … well long term hallucinogen use kind of warps most people’s sense of reality.

[-] MayoPete@hexbear.net 46 points 1 month ago

Also lets be real, a whole lot of these people are also chronic weed smokers [new comment, same thread]

Ok boomer

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[-] CarbonScored@hexbear.net 64 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The opinions about Hexbear on that site are just bad faith at this stage.

It's depressing, but also kind of crazy seeing Lemmy.World whip themselves up a whole mythology about us that has almost no relation to reality already. So thoroughly based on "I heard this from someone who heard this from someone who heard this who said that they once saw.."

[-] Frogmanfromlake@hexbear.net 57 points 1 month ago

That’s anti-communism in a nutshell. Say anything bad about Communism that you want and a large number of people will believe it.

[-] Dirt_Owl@hexbear.net 47 points 1 month ago

Weird how it mirrors how westerners make up shit about leftism in general

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[-] mathemachristian@hexbear.net 64 points 1 month ago

Whoa, I should not have hit that link.

Those guys are loons, and now I feel like I’m on a list for seeing that conversation, haha.

In capitalist america people are scared to even hear others talk against their regimes propaganda for fear of being associated with them.

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[-] ksynwa@lemmygrad.ml 64 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

smiglord Heh. You conveniently forgot that Russia invaded Ukraine.

[-] huf@hexbear.net 62 points 1 month ago

no they didnt. history began in april 2024. the russia-ukraine border was always where it is now.

[-] ksynwa@lemmygrad.ml 52 points 1 month ago

Actually history began in 1922 and ended in 1990. How can the Soviet union invade itself?

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[-] gramxi@hexbear.net 63 points 1 month ago

that entire comm looks like a dozen anarcho-bidenists and their alts trying really hard to convince everyone that there's some wide-ranging fediverse consensus about hexbear and lemmygrad being 4chan ops. I legit recognize half the names in that thread because we banned them for being unapologetic reactionaries or insufferable debate bros. Rent free.

[-] jimmyjohnsandwichfive@hexbear.net 62 points 1 month ago

Why do they keep talking about us wtf

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[-] Awoo@hexbear.net 61 points 1 month ago



They severely underestimate how much this endless whining about us results in new users for us after people travel over here with the same confusion about the topics to see for themselves but then spend time here and convert with a little education.

Many such cases.

[-] Rod_Blagojevic@hexbear.net 47 points 1 month ago

I first learned about Chapo Traphouse from my friend's anarchist blog that was complaining about it. It was immediately apparent that the comedy podcast was offering much stronger political analysis. I was already a marx enjoyer, so I was happy to find some related entertainment.

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[-] Huldra@hexbear.net 55 points 1 month ago

Incredible brain operations for someone like this to conjure the phrase "Russian-aligned ordinary people"

Takes some kind of centrism prophet to be like this about Russia and then still think that, well, some "ordinary people" probably are still "aligned" with Russia.

[-] JayTreeman@hexbear.net 55 points 1 month ago

There's some weird disinformation going on. Hexbear is leftist for sure, but my short time there I've yet to see any of the rhetoric that people claim is everywhere there.

[-] utopologist@hexbear.net 45 points 1 month ago

Some... disinformatsiya, perhaps?

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[-] Cowbee@lemmy.ml 55 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

One thing that gives genuine hope is that the anticommunist liberals on Lemmy express more than anything genuine confusion with respect to Marxism, and make up conclusions to fit their misconceptions. This is pretty easy to take advantage of.

I specifically use exclusively a .ml account so that I can help liberals question their beliefs and lead them to theory, even though my Lemmy experience would be better if I was on a Hexbear or Lemmygrad account IMO. My strategy does require softening my more radical opinions, but just like combatting Imperialism takes priority over combatting Capitalism, I believe clearing up the major misconceptions and leading liberals to theory from a softer, level-headed voice has genuine radicalization potential.

Kinda like blades and shields in Dune, the slower knife penetrates the liberal shield and leads them to theory. I know other comrades prefer a more direct approach, but I believe casting 2 nets of different shapes catches different fish.

I even managed to get Unruffled to agree with me without shutting me out, and he's very reactionary.

Open to feedback from any comrades though!

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[-] Droplet@hexbear.net 49 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

PSA for confused lemmy.libs who stumble into here:

No, Russia did not wage an ethnonationalist war against Ukraine, nor was it a revanchist aggression from the Putin regime.

The Donbass separatists were not traitors who wanted to leave Ukraine and join Russia. In fact, Donbass separatism started after the Maidan fascist coup regime, upon taking power on 23 February 2014, repealed the Kivalov-Kolesnichenko Language Law that granted Russian and various minority languages the status of “regional languages” in the Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada. The very first thing they did after taking power.

Ethnic Russians in Donbass and Crimea saw it as an act of ethnic cleansing from the fascist regime (and of course, compounded by increasing acts of violence by the Ukrainian ultranationalists during the Maidan protests), and began to revolt.

Take this from the “most trusted” source of NATO propaganda wing, the Atlantic Council:

On February 28 [2018], Ukraine’s Constitutional Court ruled the bill “On the principles of the state language policy” unconstitutional and rendered it invalid. The law in question, adopted back in 2012 and known as the “Kivalov-Kolesnichenko language law,” granted Russian the status of a “regional language.” It was precisely the abolition of this law by the Verkhovna Rada on February 23, 2014, right after then-President Viktor Yanukovych fled the country, that Russia saw as an aggressive gesture against the “Russian-speaking population” of Ukraine and later used as a pretext to justify the annexation of Crimea and military aggression in the Donbas.

Take this from Wikipedia’s timeline of the Maidan revolution:

On 23 February [2014], the second day of national mourning, parliament voted to abolish the law on language policies that had given the Russian, Romanian, and Hungarian languages the official status of regional languages in some areas.[3][232] However, this measure was later vetoed by the acting president, who said he would not sign the bill until new legislation protecting minority languages was developed.[233]

On 23 February [2014], parliament adopted a bill to repeal the country's law on minority languages. If signed by the president, the bill would have disestablished Russian as a minority language of Ukraine, although regions like Crimea are populated by a Russian-speaking majority.[286] The Christian Science Monitor reported that the bill "only served to infuriate Russian-speaking regions, [who] saw the move as more evidence that the antigovernment protests in Kyiv that toppled Yanukovych's government were intent on pressing for a nationalistic agenda."[287] Acting President Turchynov vetoed the bill on 28 February.[288]

Also on 23 February, clashes erupted in Kharkiv between thousands of equally sized pro- and anti-government rallies, and Mayor Kernes was blocked from entering the City Council building.[289] Pro-Russian protesters stood guard over the statue of Vladimir Lenin in the city center,[290] but the deputy head of the Regional State Administration announced that the city would dismantle the statue regardless on 25 February.[291]

The fascist Euromaidan Press called the language law a “Kremlin’s Trojan Horse”. Yes, because a law granting minorities to exercise their rights and freedom to use their native languages in the society is actually Putin’s devious plan to destroy the great Ukrainian civilization.

You can be as cynical as you want about Putin’s regime, but Russia had two options:

  1. Sit back and let ethnic Russians in Donbass and Crimea slaughtered by the Ukrainian nationalists, like what the Israelis are doing to Gazan Palestinians right now, or
  2. Militarily intervene to prevent a genocide from taking place, responding to requests by the Donbass separatists

In other words, Russia’s hand was forced and deliberately provoked by the US, which led to a heavy sanctions against Russia in 2014. The idea that Russia would choose to be economically sanctioned by the rest of the world, which wiped out their GDP growth since the 2000s, just because they wanted to gain some Ukrainian territories, the second poorest country in Europe, simply does not make any sense on a geopolitical level.

In fact, we can even give Russia some benefit of doubts about its military intervention. After the Ukrainian Civil War ended in 2014 and 2015, the Minsk Agreement was initiated with the explicit intention of returning Donbass (but not Crimea) to Ukraine, but with extra conditions:

  1. Decentralisation of power, including through the adoption of the Ukrainian law "On temporary Order of Local Self-Governance in Particular Districts of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts".

In other words, Ukraine is not allowed to commit ethnic cleansing in Donbass. The Minsk Agreement, which Ukraine accepted and then violated, specifically included a local self-governance provision to Donbass such that Kyiv’s Verkhovna Rada cannot simply impose cultural bans on Russian and other languages without the authorization of the local governments.

If Russia’s intention had been to take Ukraine’s territory, then why would they choose to return Donetsk and Luhansk to Ukraine? It is very clear that Russia wanted to keep a congenial business ties with the EU (which it sold oil and gas to and made huge profits from it) rather than dealing with a Ukrainian civil war.

Of course, this EU-Russia economic ties was seen as a threat to the US imperialists, and it had to be severed at all costs. This came to a blow when Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines finished its construction in 2021, but repeated interventions by the US stopped the pipelines from starting their operations.

On the other hand, the Ukrainian fascists had repeatedly violated the Minsk Agreement since 2014, and both Merkel and Hollande had to drag Putin back to the table for Minsk II, which the Ukrainian violated again.

The fascists had no intention of maintaining a truce with Russia - their intentions have always been to re-take Donbass and Crimea militarily and purge the regions of ethnic Russians. This was why NATO was arming the Ukrainian fascists for 8 years while Russia was watching by the side, still waiting for Ukraine to fulfill its end of the Minsk protocol.

Alarmed by such development, the US-Russia Summit was held in June 2021 to resolve the security concerns that Russia had raised about Ukraine. Not even two months later, first in August 2021, then in December 2021, the US shipped Stingers and Javelins to Ukraine. The message was clear from the Biden administration: there is no option for peace. And the longer Russia waits, the more the Ukrainian armed forces would be allowed the preparations to retake Donbass and Crimea. It was a now or never situation for Russia.

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[-] Staines@hexbear.net 46 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Hello fellow bots of hexbear.

I love that they're confused that other groups like hexbear can have such a different but cohesive narrative of events. A big thanks to 72T for their work on the news mega the past couple of years. I can't express how much it means to me to have a sane space on the internet for people to analyse propaganda and stenography from both sides and cut to the consistent truth and motives.

Liberals also seem to struggle with the idea of trying to understand something and it's impacts without treating it like a sports team.

[-] RiotDoll@hexbear.net 46 points 1 month ago

when your long term strategic prognosis is "well if we dig in obstinately and turn our homeland into a meat grinder, we can make a wasteland not dissimilar to what iraq and afganistan became", it feels like... you know, that's not actually an ideal outcome for anyone. Take the L, for the good of your people. A flag changes, some [very corrupt] government people need to flee - and you lose autonomy... but the meat grinder is... it's worth all that to you? you have so much compassion for Ukraine!!!!

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this post was submitted on 04 Jun 2024
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