Hello everyone! Hestia here with a new Megathread! Years ago, before I transitioned and when I was still in college I took an anthropology class. My favorite part of the class was when we were covering different gender customs across the globe and got to make a report on one of them. I can't remember exactly which one I chose for that project, but what I do remember is a map with different pins scattered on it with various forms of gender-queerness. I decided to track it down and share it with you folks!
Edit: you have to open this in a browser, if you're on a phone it will automatically try to open it in Google maps and won't bring up the info.
This map provides a brief summary of these genders, but does not go in depth. If you find any you're interested in, feel free to do some further research and share your findings here. I'll pin a comment to this post you can attach them. I'm going to share a couple that I found interesting and decided to look further into myself, both of them are non-binary and native american in origin.
The first one I want to talk about is the Winkte, which is a third gender role that was particulatly notable in the Lakota tribe The Winkte are seen as half-men, half-women, and considered sacred. They are typically AMAB and historically have served unique roles in matters of romance and matchmaking and often served as intermediaries for prospecting couples and their families. They also participated in war parties, functioning primarily as witnesses to battle and as doctors to care for the injured. They were also seen as seers, able to forsee paths to victory.
This next one I'm going to talk about seems mostly local to the Zuni people called the "Lhamana" and I find the Zuni culture to be particularly fascinating, even just doing a cursory glance at it.
Gender roles were well defined in Zuni culture, but the Zuni also valued the concept of a "middle" as it represented stability. This originates from their creation myth, which I won't go in detail here because I don't feel qualified to summarize it, but it's in the link down below.
The Zuni culture is pretty neat and they don't refer to gender when talking about children. They believed that gender wasn't an inborn trait but something you acquired as you approached puberty. I wish this was the western approach, but alas.
As children approach puberty they begin to differentiate through different hair styles or clothing choices. AFAB Lhamana would grind corn and make a bowl of stew when they get their first period. There's probably some cultural significance to this, but I'm not going to do a deep dive on it right now. AMAB Lhamana would start to wear dresses once they hit puberty and start performing women's work. Both AMAB and AFAB Lhamana were allowed to switch between male and female gender roles as they pleased.
That's all for now! To wrap thing up I would like to invite yall to our public matrix server! https://matrix.to/#/#tracha:chapo.chat
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today in adventures in being out at work
guy comes up to me and while i'm pretty used to being called "sir" because of my barely trained voice, this guy called me "sir" before i fucking said a word to him
, so I just took a mental deep breath and responded to him in my best femme voice I could muster. I think I could feel that it was at least good enough to put him on his toes because the rest of the interaction was kind of awkward and he never called me a man after
Based, unlimited gender expression warfare on the cis
My dream is to cause such gender awkwardness among them that their reductive and mechanistic conceptions of gender simply shatter :3
Or something lol
I'd really like to simply be gendered properly as a woman by strangers but for the time being it's just going to be unlimited funny looks at my nametag until i can get my voice training down
That's fair ofc
I was joking, but only kind of, and I'm extremely socially inept so wasn't sure how to convey
Personally I used to love when people in my retail jobs called me by the "wrong" gender even if they would usually "correct" themselves lol (I donut want to be forcibly slotted into these social categories) even before I was starting to realize the full scope of what I wanted (I'm still not out to many people :( )
I hope you can get these mfs to gender you properly soon
Oh no, it's totally fine. My deadname was unisex and before I came out at work I was working to soften my voice to at least sound kind of androgynous, which was really funny when I saw someone glance down at my name tag trying to get a hint on how to gender me only to be hit in the face with a unisex name. It's not how I'd prefer to present but it was pretty fun, ngl
cw: dysphoria mentioned
Ohh okay, I'm on that "worrying about offending people without realizing" grindset more than usual lately :/
Hehehe, is pretty silly :3
People rely so much on vibes for gender-assessing people, have had people be quite strange to me especially if they have taken clear unchangeable binary gender for a natural property of reality or something (in the sense of unexamined brainworms) lol
I wanna be out at work too :/ Maybe one day I will find the juice to do it if my next job is safe for it, I thought I was fine with just pretending until recently but I'm maybe not okay with it actually. It helps I've been unemployed for a year too ofc lol
Doing the social transitioning is wayyyy too harddd relative to how it should be :/ At least the body don't fight it or ignore the (chemical) signals usually when someone starts HRT lol
My new psychiatrist actually asked me for pronouns at our first visit, idk it's such a little thing but..... is nice when people ask cuz I been repressing so hard I haven't been able to do the social vibes thing very much even, idk
I wanna do more voice training too, my voice bothers me sometimes (would go into it but trying to stay positive) :/ Not to mention the vibes thing again. It does help most of my friends are queer as fuck so my cishet male voice vibes/speech mannerisms aren't as strong from years of exposure to people who don't care to sound that way hehe
Am quite early in all this stuff ofc, just started rly trying to figure it out in last few months
Has been really cool to see your journey <3
"I'm not a "Sir"! I work for a living you damn muppet!!"
in your best drill instructor voice