Prefer a more classic look? Try

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by ijeff to c/lemdroid

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Is Canoe Boat? (
submitted 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago) by to c/

It’s the weekend, let’s have a poll. Or a debate. Whichever.



Hey folks. I set up #NaviDrome on a #YunoHost instance I'm testing stuff out on. Installation worked just fine. But it won't allow me to create that first user (the admin, sort of) but SSO me in. Which then doesn't work with the #Tempo app, obviously.

Does anyone have any experience and can help?

This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/stablediffusion by /u/Tokyo_Jab on 2024-07-27 03:29:21+00:00.

This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/stablediffusion by /u/23MJordan on 2024-07-27 04:14:52+00:00.


  • A lot of performance improvements (see below in Performance section)
  • Stable Diffusion 3 support (#16030, #16164, #16212)
    • Recommended Euler sampler; DDIM and other timestamp samplers currently not supported
    • T5 text model is disabled by default, enable it in settings
  • New schedulers:
  • New sampler: DDIM CFG++ (#16035)


  • Option to skip CFG on early steps (#15607)
  • Add --models-dir option (#15742)
  • Allow mobile users to open context menu by using two fingers press (#15682)
  • Infotext: add Lora name as TI hashes for bundled Textual Inversion (#15679)
  • Check model's hash after downloading it to prevent corruped downloads (#15602)
  • More extension tag filtering options (#15627)
  • When saving AVIF, use JPEG's quality setting (#15610)
  • Add filename pattern: [basename] (#15978)
  • Add option to enable clip skip for clip L on SDXL (#15992)
  • Option to prevent screen sleep during generation (#16001)
  • ToggleLivePriview button in image viewer (#16065)
  • Remove ui flashing on reloading and fast scrollong (#16153)
  • option to disable save button log.csv (#16242)

Extensions and API:

  • Add process_before_every_sampling hook (#15984)
  • Return HTTP 400 instead of 404 on invalid sampler error (#16140)


  • [Performance 1/6] use_checkpoint = False (#15803)
  • [Performance 2/6] Replace einops.rearrange with torch native ops (#15804)
  • [Performance 4/6] Precompute is_sdxl_inpaint flag (#15806)
  • [Performance 5/6] Prevent unnecessary extra networks bias backup (#15816)
  • [Performance 6/6] Add --precision half option to avoid casting during inference (#15820)
  • [Performance] LDM optimization patches (#15824)
  • [Performance] Keep sigmas on CPU (#15823)
  • Check for nans in unet only once, after all steps have been completed
  • Added pption to run torch profiler for image generation

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix for grids without comprehensive infotexts (#15958)
  • feat: lora partial update precede full update (#15943)
  • Fix bug where file extension had an extra '.' under some circumstances (#15893)
  • Fix corrupt model initial load loop (#15600)
  • Allow old sampler names in API (#15656)
  • more old sampler scheduler compatibility (#15681)
  • Fix Hypertile xyz (#15831)
  • XYZ CSV skipinitialspace (#15832)
  • fix soft inpainting on mps and xpu, torch_utils.float64 (#15815)
  • fix extention update when not on main branch (#15797)
  • update pickle safe filenames
  • use relative path for webui-assets css (#15757)
  • When creating a virtual environment, upgrade pip in webui.bat/ (#15750)
  • Fix AttributeError (#15738)
  • use script_path for webui root in launch_utils (#15705)
  • fix extra batch mode P Transparency (#15664)
  • use gradio theme colors in css (#15680)
  • Fix dragging text within prompt input (#15657)
  • Add correct mimetype for .mjs files (#15654)
  • QOL Items - handle metadata issues more cleanly for SD models, Loras and embeddings (#15632)
  • replace wsl-open with wslpath and explorer.exe (#15968)
  • Fix SDXL Inpaint (#15976)
  • multi size grid (#15988)
  • fix Replace preview (#16118)
  • Possible fix of wrong scale in weight decomposition (#16151)
  • Ensure use of python from venv on Mac and Linux (#16116)
  • Prioritize python3.10 over python3 if both are available on Linux and Mac (with fallback) (#16092)
  • stoping generation extras (#16085)
  • Fix SD2 loading (#16078, #16079)
  • fix infotext Lora hashes for hires fix different lora (#16062)
  • Fix sampler scheduler autocorrection warning (#16054)
  • fix ui flashing on reloading and fast scrollong (#16153)
  • fix upscale logic (#16239)
  • [bug] do not break progressbar on non-job actions (add wrap_gradio_call_no_job) (#16202)
  • fix OSError: cannot write mode P as JPEG (#16194)


  • fix changelog #15883 -> #15882 (#15907)
  • ReloadUI backgroundColor --background-fill-primary (#15864)
  • Use different torch versions for Intel and ARM Macs (#15851)
  • XYZ override rework (#15836)
  • scroll extensions table on overflow (#15830)
  • img2img batch upload method (#15817)
  • chore: sync v1.8.0 packages according to changelog (#15783) *...

Content cut off. Read original on

This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/stablediffusion by /u/Historical-Action-13 on 2024-07-27 01:27:23+00:00.

This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/stablediffusion by /u/3dmindscaper2000 on 2024-07-26 22:06:11+00:00.

This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/buildapcsales by /u/hotwingsofredemption on 2024-07-27 03:05:13+00:00.

submitted 58 minutes ago by to c/

Decided to restore this old thing from out in the shed. It was in the weather for a couple of years, and I think it's 20+ years old.

Replaced the pump with a USB powered 5 watt silent one.

Replaced the halogen lamp with an LED one.

Cleaned as much as I could.

Seems to be working well. How long the $12 ebay pump lasts remains to be seen.

submitted 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago) by to c/

Join The 7th Guest creators Graeme Devine, George “The Fat Man” Sanger, and (remotely) Matt Costello as they discuss stories from creating the original CD-ROM horror classic, as well as the sequel, The 11th Hour. Led by Phantasmagoria 2‘s own Paul Morgan Stetler, you’ll hear tales about writing the puzzles, working with the actors to create haunting FMV scenes, and ask your own burning questions!

submitted 53 minutes ago by to c/

How to update BIOS on a system that only use Linux as OS.

Asking this because some clowns at Acer decided that they will only provide BIOS updates through Windows Update.

submitted 3 hours ago by to c/
The New Internet (
submitted 1 hour ago by to c/

This is one amazing blog post. I don't think I've ever identified so much with what they are saying here.

Some quotes from the beginning of the article:

Instead, the tech industry has evolved into an absolute mess. And it’s getting worse instead of better! Our tower of complexity is now so tall that we seriously consider slathering LLMs on top to write the incomprehensible code in the incomprehensible frameworks so we don’t have to.

Programmers today are impatient for success. They start planning for a billion users before they write their first line of code. In fact, nowadays, we train them to do this without even knowing they’re doing it. Everything they’ve ever been taught revolves around scaling.

In modern computing, we tolerate long builds, and then docker builds, and uploading to container stores, and multi-minute deploy times before the program runs, and even longer times before the log output gets uploaded to somewhere you can see it, all because we’ve been tricked into this idea that everything has to scale.

submitted 54 minutes ago* (last edited 52 minutes ago) by to c/

How to update BIOS on a system that only use Linux as OS.

Asking this because some clowns at Acer decided that they will only provide BIOS updates through Windows Update.

submitted 20 minutes ago by to c/

Your Arsenal è il terzo album in studio del cantante inglese Morrissey, pubblicato il 27 luglio 1992 dall'etichetta discografica HMV. L'album ha ricevuto il plauso della critica e ha raggiunto il numero 4 nella UK Albums Chart... Ascolta il disco...

submitted 11 minutes ago by to c/
submitted 4 minutes ago by to c/
submitted 39 minutes ago by to c/
submitted 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) by to c/

I was reading about Dungeon Meshi and Kuro, the "kobold".

Kobolds are usually depicted as canine humanoids in Japanese media compared to the more reptilian humanoids that kobolds are depicted as in western media[4] such as Dungeons and Dragons. The reason for this is credited as either a mistranslation of the first Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual[5] or because of the lack of reference art in said Monster Manual, but a picture of a jackalwere being present on the opposite page[6], which was then used as reference art for the anime, The Record of the Lodoss War. That anime is credited for solidifying the trope of canine kobolds in Japanese media.


And the supporting youtube video

Bonus fact: piglike orcs.

G@mers rise up! (
502 Dewott (by Tamtamdi) (

Artist: Tamtamdi | twitter | deviantart | danbooru

submitted 5 hours ago by to c/

After some time to check out the fixes all work on experimental we are ready to push this update live on the default branch now. Enjoy!

  • New: Bas Boule television show! Dynamically driven and will be different each time.
  • New: 15 new collectable Bas Boule cards scattered throughout the city*
  • New: Camera now has a working flash (can turn on/off)
  • New: Citizen conversations, notes, v-mails & evidence
  • New: Screen space reflection toggle graphics option
  • New: In-game poster art (including those by our competition winners)
  • Improved controller support (simplified controls, virtual cursor, onscreen keyboard etc.)
  • Memory footprint optimizations
  • Memory leak fixes
  • Updated object icons
  • Updated furniture icons
  • Price revisions for some furniture and items
  • Localization update
  • New page-based contents for décor editing as opposed to scrolling list for easier & faster navigation
  • Improvements to cruncher V-mail legibility
  • Various small UI Tweaks
  • Improvements to auto travel navigation
  • Improved distant citizen LOD model with correct scale
  • Improved ball & grenade throwing physics
  • Player can now log in on their own purchased cruncher
  • Fixed: Lots of bugs in v-mail sender/receiver logic, tweaked spawning parameters
  • Fixed: Added some missing junk item descriptions
  • Fixed: Cruncher cursor now properly controlled with ‘Primary’ or ‘Select’ button action
  • Fixed: Control glyph was broken for the escape key
  • Fixed: Extra dialog option visible in dialog choice menu when in high resolutions (4k+)
  • Fixed: In ‘Dead of Night’ it was possible for the flophouse owner to live on an echelon floor and be very difficult to access.
  • Fixed: Room contents now updates properly when moving between rooms in the décor menu
  • Fixed: Some ‘null’ furniture could be displayed within the décor menu’s current room furniture list
  • Fixed: Hanging basket placement position in décor edit mode was wrong
  • Fixed: It was possible to ‘resume game’ when there was no game loaded, resulting in a blank world loaded, if you spammed a button during the game’s initial load screen.
  • Fixed: An issue where the player was unable to get crushed by an elevator
  • Fixed: Turning a camera off and back on again within the security app would cause the camera itself to appear in captures
  • Fixed: If visible but far away, citizen photo images could appear blank when loading a game or looking at CCTV captures.
  • Fixed: In some languages with some items the object name text when looking at them was not displayed.
  • Fixed: Security system breaker box bugs
  • Fixed: Using the in-game text input search fields could result in them keeping focus after the case board was closed, resulting in loss of input.
  • Fixed: Wooden fence geometry & UV
  • Fixed: UI time text could overlap other parts of the UI on certain non-ENG languages
  • Fixed: Security disabled states were not saved properly
  • Fixed: Elevator controls UI can no longer overlap the containing window
  • Fixed: Physics objects could disappear if thrown too high while in certain areas
  • Fixed: When starting a new game in sandbox mode and setting 0 starting lockpicks, the game displayed ‘99’ lockpicks in the UI.
  • Fixed: Player unable to purchase lockpick kit when inventory was full even though it does not take up an inventory space.
  • Fixed: Being able to turn in side jobs multiple times
  • Audio: Proper can impacts for wall and floor
  • Audio: Echelon barrier now emits sound
  • Audio: Sea splashes for chucking different sized things in the sea
  • Audio: Minifridge now has its own sounds
  • Audio: New music tracks added
  • Audio: Grenades now momentarily affect player hearing
  • Audio: Flash bomb causes temporary ringing at close range
  • Audio: Hyperacusis filter option added (Audio Settings)
  • Audio: Bass reduction filter option added (Audio Settings)
  • Audio: Retirement sequence music cue added
  • Audio: Pick-up object foley added
  • Audio: Wristwatch and fists foley added
  • Audio: Player bullet impact sound fixed and improved

* Requires a new city generation to appear/spawn/see

submitted 1 hour ago by to c/
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