[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 4 points 1 day ago

I know! It should be "hot diggity dog".

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 5 points 2 days ago

Could also be job postings to convince current workers that their overwork will soon end because the company is about to hire new folks. I've seen that theory floated to explain the "help wanted" signs at fast food places that never come down.

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 7 points 4 days ago

Medical conditions also play a role in it. I'm on medications that make me wicked susceptible to overheating. I start melting at 75°F if there is even a mild amount of humidity. And that's at home where I can dress comfortably.

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 83 points 1 week ago

I thought it was disrespectful to wear your hat in church. Huh.

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 88 points 1 week ago

As a former public librarian and current person who walks their dog, I'm of two minds.

  1. I've seen less drug use and public sex at local public libraries than at interstate rest areas and on hiking trails.

  2. If you're going to overdose, I'd rather you do it in public where you can get help. If you're going to engage in public sex please don't do it around people that aren't into that. There are private clubs for that.


I started it to keep my hands occupied during a class. I love the simple 2-color pattern. I picked the kit up from Stitched Modern.


I'd been using the Joey app to keep tabs on a few subreddits I'm fond of. It finally stopped working today.

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 33 points 8 months ago

Drunk driving isn't an accident.


So, I've never been to a pawn shop before. I'm curious what's there, but TV makes them seem shady and odd. What should I know before I visit? I'm sort of expecting a cross between an antique and a thrift store, that sort of vibe.

I'm in the USA and don't intend to pawn anything.

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 32 points 10 months ago

Robert Evans wrote a post on it and did multiple podcast episodes.

The TL&DR is that AI-generated children's books are crap, without a coherent storyline or any literary niceties like "foreshadowing" and "beginning middle and end". Kids are still learning what stories look like, so if you hand them AI-generated stuff they might know it's unsatisfying, but they can't put into words why their books are wrong.

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 32 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Seconding the honorific "Mx". From what I've seen, it's decently well-adopted in the non-binary community. I've not seen it much used outside of that community--it seems to be used mostly when someone 'needs' an honorific but doesn't fit into the 1950s list. I've heard it pronounced "Mix" and "Mux". I tend to go with "Mix".

IRL, I've used "Hey, you" and "Yo!" when hollering at folks I don't know (example, "Yo! You dropped something!")

Sidenote: As a nonbinary person, I prefer not being given an honorific over being given the wrong one.

Minirant not directed at OP: And omg, if you need to go with a feminine honorific and you don't know whether the person is married, go with Ms, not Mrs. or Miss. The connotations of the wrong one are just creepy.
Not married and called Mrs="Hey, you're too old to be unmarried. Please feel judged about your relationship status"
Married and called Miss="Hey, you're too young to be married. Please feel like I don't respect you as an adult."
In all cases Ms="I don't know and/or care about your marital status and I'm trying to be polite"

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 39 points 10 months ago

I read an article about it recently. If a student asks to be called by a name other than the one they were registered with (for example, Benjamin asks to be called Ben or William asks to be called Sir Buttface) the school is supposed to inform the parents and get approval. A "side" effect of this is outing trans kids to their parents.

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 53 points 10 months ago

I think the person you responded to pointed out the condoms because they believe food-insecure people shouldn't have sex. Which is silly--you don't always have a choice in sex (not everyone's relationships are healthy). And if you're going to have sex, preventing unwanted pregnancy and disease is the responsible choice.

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 151 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Welp, that's my vocabulary lesson for the day. Screenshot:

Also, the dino in the upper right is cute.

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 36 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

They get really repetitive and don't add much to the conversation.

See the community I started at !samsondruggingthecat@lemmy.sdf.org !
Lemmy member since 2023.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org to c/newcommunities@lemmy.world

A community for images of strong people trying to pill their animals.

Samson Drugging the Cat



submitted 11 months ago by grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

Right now I have 3 Lemmy accounts:

  • this one, where I post things that I wouldn't mind my employer reading
  • one I made so I could make a community on a specific instance
  • a third one where I post about difficult personal stuff

How do you divide up your accounts, or do you just have one?

submitted 11 months ago by grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org to c/pets@lemmy.sdf.org

He's just curled up in his crate, so chill. Old man dogs (he's 16) are great.

submitted 11 months ago by grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org to c/snoocalypse@lemmy.ml

So, I know I can search for communities. Is there a community to ask for community suggestions?

I guess I'm looking for a /r/findareddit/ equivalent.

I'll also take

  • cute animal community suggestions and
  • "hey look at my cool craft I did!" community suggestions


submitted 11 months ago by grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org to c/snoocalypse@lemmy.ml

I moderate a very polite community of about 1500 users. There are 2 other mods.

I'm not confident Reddit is the right place for it anymore. I just reached out to my fellow mods to see how they're feeling. We didn't participate in the blackout because

  1. the most we've modded is marking something as a spoiler after someone posted and
  2. I was reeling from IRL surprise badness (which seems mostly resolved)

Does anyone have advice on migrating a subreddit over to Lemmy?

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joined 1 year ago