[-] dudes_eating_beans@hexbear.net 61 points 4 days ago

Physical keys, physical buttons, physical currency

I will never budge on any of this

I don't like butter, meat, bread, or wine so that doesn't leave me with much options in fr*nch "cuisine"

[-] dudes_eating_beans@hexbear.net 35 points 3 weeks ago

don't understand why libs call Russians "orcs". Like, I know it's supposed to be racist and dehumanizing, but like, aren't most Russian people white? Is it cause they aren't western European white? But then like, how come Ukrainians are considered white and not called orcs even though there is no physical differences between the two countries other than an arbitrary geopolitical border?

Am I thinking too much about this

[-] dudes_eating_beans@hexbear.net 62 points 3 weeks ago

hey kids, do ya want to patch rent irl


[-] dudes_eating_beans@hexbear.net 48 points 4 weeks ago

When I worked at whole foods they told us to be "aggressively nice" to anybody we suspected of stealing. Like follow them around and ask if they need assistance and shit.

I never understood the co-workers that made it their top priority to stop folks from stealing. I'd notice folks steal all the time and didn't give a shit. Hell, I used to steal all the time too.

[-] dudes_eating_beans@hexbear.net 36 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Who up needing they clippussy ate

[-] dudes_eating_beans@hexbear.net 41 points 2 months ago

“we support October 7” and “we stand with Hamas”

This but unironically.

[-] dudes_eating_beans@hexbear.net 42 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

But do you condemn the car?

[-] dudes_eating_beans@hexbear.net 58 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

dawg I'm fucking dying this shit is great please tell me it's real

[-] dudes_eating_beans@hexbear.net 42 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

In a just world, anybody that penned anything like this and tried passing it as journalism would be publically executed, and the publication would be dissolved after having its assets sold and distributed among the general populace.

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