[-] Lophostemon@aussie.zone 132 points 6 months ago

The whole repair thing should made super easy if we want EVs to succeed.

  1. Make all batteries use an easily swappable set of standard cell sizes.
  2. Make battery controllers standardised and swappable.
  3. …. Er… that’s it.
[-] Lophostemon@aussie.zone 86 points 6 months ago

Punk is (was) almost nothing BUT politics.

[-] Lophostemon@aussie.zone 51 points 6 months ago

My 14 yo would be stoked. He’s right into networking tech. Doesn’t really care about Nintendo.

[-] Lophostemon@aussie.zone 58 points 6 months ago

Melania always seemed to have a look on her face like someone just farted. I now know why.

submitted 6 months ago by Lophostemon@aussie.zone to c/spotify@lemm.ee

I’m really disgusted with the lack of control to dismiss recommendations etc. as a PAID subscriber.

The only recommendations they give is to listen to MORE to change the nature of the advertising.

I don’t want to see (insert some brand of shit podcast) on my home screen but there’s no way to make it go away!


Apologies for yet more dumb questions. Not sure if it’s a Thunder thing or a Lemmy thing.

When I go to search for new communities, I only get the option now to search within the instance I signed up on (Aussie.zone) instead of everywhere. Have I accidentally changed a setting somewhere?

[-] Lophostemon@aussie.zone 116 points 6 months ago

Corporate infighting in the macabre world of feeding people shit instead of real food.


I keep seeing communities which seem to consist of nothing but a bot that reposts stuff from Reddit.

What’s the point? Really? I ain’t posting a comment about a funny thing there. No one seems to post about the the second-hand funny thing here.

Can we please just sever ties with that shithole altogether?

[-] Lophostemon@aussie.zone 124 points 6 months ago

How have we come to point where Chris fucking Christie seems like a sensible choice out of a tray of crap?

The guy who closed down a public bridge to cause political harm to a rival. What a jerk.



There’s a community I’d like to block from my feed but the name is so long that when I hit the info circle, the palette isn’t high enough to reach the ‘block community’ option. There’s no way to scroll down to it either.

Can we have another way of blocking communities please?


Hello, I’m just wondering how I can clear the message notifications? The little red icon says 20+ no matter what I do to read / click them.


advice needed (aussie.zone)

Hi, I’m not a coder etc but I’m not a complete noob with computers.

My FIL has apparently been scammed / hacked by some shithead (according to wife) who has apparently managed to get control whenever he turns his laptop on. I don’t know much more than that right now. The situation is pretty shityy because the poor old man lost EVERYTHING in recent flooding; all possessions, personal documents etc. He was given this laptop to help him get his life back together, personal admin etc.

He’s actually an OG coder and mathematician but is old enough to be vulnerable to the crap that these scum pull on the unsuspecting.

I’m wondering if there’s a way (rubberduck?) to quickly delete teamware etc as soon as the pc boots. Not sure how much admin control he has anymore.

Is there a safe mode (?) way of getting back control / kicking external admins?

Many thanks for any advice.

Interwebs ELI5 (aussie.zone)
submitted 7 months ago by Lophostemon@aussie.zone to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Could someone explain why we can’t just plug the average PC etc into a ‘raw’ internet line (like just entering a house) and have a mini modem on the motherboard do the translation work?

I know there’s a limit to IP addresses, and that it’s maybe easier to have a little box do the work where it enters a building.

… but apart from that?

[-] Lophostemon@aussie.zone 219 points 7 months ago

You know… in all my time upon this earth, I cannot look back and think of a single instance where I thought: “Gosh, this advertisement which has inserted itself in between me and the desired content has actually made me want to go purchase that product.”

[-] Lophostemon@aussie.zone 61 points 7 months ago

Mmmm. What fun. Stewing in a disease-ridden floating money-sponge for three years. Marvellous.

[-] Lophostemon@aussie.zone 133 points 7 months ago

The original game as invented by bored semi-drunk Scots was, I’m sure, a good laugh several hundred years ago with wee sticks and a random round thing.

The modern game and all its hideous capitalist/ classist cultural connotations is fucked.

[-] Lophostemon@aussie.zone 66 points 8 months ago

Yes! I’m confused! Hawley has always been a shithead. What’s changed!!?! I’m not complaining, just curious… and a little suspicious.

[-] Lophostemon@aussie.zone 112 points 8 months ago

I was described to someone, right in front of me, as “…the sort of person who educates people involuntarily.”

[-] Lophostemon@aussie.zone 51 points 8 months ago

Welp…good lucky with that other guy, whomever that might be.

submitted 8 months ago by Lophostemon@aussie.zone to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

New Lemmy user here. I have two points of improvement I’d like to note, but am not sure where the actual ‘responsibility’ lies.

  1. It would be great to be able to mass-block communities from lists, rather than tiresomely do them one -at-a-time from ‘All’.

It would also be useful to see the list for subscribing, as I don’t know what’s out there until I see it. Sometimes I can’t think of something to search for until I see it.

Perhaps this lies more with individual apps/ clients rather than the Lemmy ecosystem…?

  1. May I suggest that communities entirely consisting of bots re-posting Reddit links is, uh, unhelpful?


(BTW I’m sorry that I posted this also a reply to an earlier post. I cannot figure out how to delete it.)

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joined 8 months ago