[-] CatZoomies@lemmy.world 3 points 2 hours ago

Those little babies. They’re so cute. Hope they were taken in and on their way to good homes

[-] CatZoomies@lemmy.world 1 points 2 hours ago

That’s great to hear. I collect game soundtracks. That’s like when I play a new Life is Strange, it’s an incident soundtrack buy.

[-] CatZoomies@lemmy.world 3 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

Let’s cut all the philosophical crap and focus on what is most important here.

Would you still love me, now that I’m a worm?

[-] CatZoomies@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Well done soldier! Been seeing a lot of your posts here and I always enjoy your retro gaming pics, especially if it’s one of my favorite formative games like Ocarina of Time.

You’re making me want to dust off my old consoles and hook them up. I need to replay Chrono Trigger to honor Akira Toriyama who passed away this year. Would give me a good excuse to get the SNES up and running.

[-] CatZoomies@lemmy.world 10 points 1 day ago

Celeste for $1.99? Hell yes! Insta buy for me, been wanting to play this game so bad.

[-] CatZoomies@lemmy.world 8 points 1 day ago

That means we get a share in the profits, right? Right?

[-] CatZoomies@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

It works for Boebert. I guess they wanted to try it for Trump. Lol

[-] CatZoomies@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

I hate that I want to enter that sink hole and go under those sheets of grass.

It’s incredibly dangerous, and yet when will I ever get the opportunity to do this.

[-] CatZoomies@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

I, too, was forged in the fires of Macromedia.

Before the dark times. Before the empire.

[-] CatZoomies@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I think it’s a noble thing to preserve these digital recordings. It’s tough, because they’re the individual person’s memories. But long after we’re dead and our names and lives are forgotten, it would be an important artifact for our future generations to have access to.

Now I’m thinking about all the old VHS tapes my parents have. If they haven’t already degraded, I’m going to ask for those tapes and see what it costs to digitize them myself.

[-] CatZoomies@lemmy.world 8 points 2 days ago

Would you be willing to digitize that recording and upload it to the Internet Archive for preservation? You certainly don’t have to add the link here, but I believe it would be a wonderful thing for the next generations to watch one day.

I love watching old restored footage so I can vicariously experience that moment in time and reflect on how far humanity has progressed.

[-] CatZoomies@lemmy.world 32 points 3 days ago

If you press the dedicated AI button on the All New Logitech Signature AI Edition M750 Wireless Mouse, you may get the exclusive chance to visit the cursed Shadow Realm.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by CatZoomies@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.world

no cheating

submitted 4 months ago by CatZoomies@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

Ubisoft has said the recently released Skull and Bones has achieved “record player engagement” since launch, although it has yet to announce how many copies it’s sold or how many players it has.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/10316885

100% off | Free giveaway for today, Jan 4, only.

This is the final game in Epic's annual daily holiday giveaway, as they will return back to weekly free games going forward.


submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by CatZoomies@lemmy.world to c/pcmasterrace@lemmy.world

EDIT January 6, 2024:

All games have been accepted by the winners! Thanks everyone for your participation! I loved reading the different messages and hearing some of the positives, the things that made you feel hopeful, and a bit about some of the games you've played. While I wish I could give you all more copies of games, we will do another giveaway like this in the future.

Stay safe, and happy 2024 ahead!

EDIT January 5, 2024:

Minor edit for posterity. All games have been claimed apart from God of War. Each winner of God of War never responded so I'm working down the list through a randomizer to select the eligible winner for this game. I'll update this post one final time as soon as we have an eligible winner that claims this final giveaway.

EDIT January 4, 2024:

There was no response received for the selected winners for Elden Ring and God of War.

I am re-drawing for both these games and will update this post once these final two game codes are accepted by the new winners.

EDIT January 3, 2024:

All games have been claimed apart from two: Elden Ring and God of War. Considering it is the holiday and there may be some obligations, I'm extending the 24 hour window by another 24 hours. If the winners do not reply by Jan 4, 2024 ~ 9 AM ET, they will be forfeit and I will re-draw new winners.

EDIT January 2, 2024:

Giveaway Ended! All winners have been notified, but they have 24 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond, I will re-draw for the new winner the next day until all codes have been exhausted.

I will also be editing this post periodically to acknowledge who won and if they accepted.

I loved reading all these comments, and thanks for everyone responding here and also sharing an optional story! There's a lot of positivity and hope out there, which makes me also feel the same.

P.S. - I really wish I could afford more games to giveaway to you all, but we can certainly do something like this in the future and perhaps make some kind of collaborative giveaway.

Stay safe, and happy new year ahead!

Original Post:

Happy Holidays everyone!

In spirit of the holiday and the upcoming new year, I want to do something nice for you all and give away 10 Steam codes for some of my favorite games that I've played recently!

Games I'm giving away:

  1. ~~Elden Ring~~ - Winner @chaogomu@kbin.social
  2. ~~God of War~~ - Winner @MR_GABARISE@lemmy.world
  3. ~~Hogwarts Legacy~~ - Winner @silentknyght@lemmy.world
  4. ~~Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition~~ - Winner @stefano@lemmy.world
  5. ~~Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered~~ - Winner @OriginalMP3@lemmy.world
  6. ~~Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales~~ - Winner @b_crussin@programming.dev
  7. ~~Persona 5 Royal~~ - Winner @Commiunism@lemmy.wtf
  8. ~~Returnal~~ - Winner @Renacles@discuss.tchncs.de
  9. ~~Tales of Arise~~ - Winner @kamenridermaddie@lemmy.world
  10. ~~UNCHARTED: Legacy of Thieves Collection~~ - Winner @mwproductions@lemmy.world

How to Enter:

  • Comment on this post with the one game you are interested in.
  • Optional: Share a story about something that made you happy or hopeful this year. Or share a story about a game you recently played that you loved.


  • You can only enter once, and pick only one game.
  • Your Lemmy account must be at least 30 days old and have participated recently in Lemmy/Fediverse.
  • If your account appears to be a bot, troll, or spam account, you will not be selected.
  • Moderators of the !PCMasterRace@lemmy.world community are not eligible.

Winner Selection:

  • I will randomly select eligible winners below.
  • You will be notified via two ways: I will @ mention you and reply on your comment to this post. I will also send you a private message.
  • If you are selected, you will have 24 hours to respond to me to claim your eligibility.
  • For transparency, please also reply to my public-facing comment so that others know you received and claimed the code successfully.
  • If I do not get a response from you within 24 hours, you are forfeited and a new winner will be redrawn the next day.


  • You must enter by end of day December 31, 2023, local time.
  • I will start drawing 10 winners either on Jan 1 and Jan 2. (Hey, I have family obligations so I'll do my best to start on Jan 1.)


  • This not a sponsored post of any kind. I purchased these keys myself for the sole purpose of this giveaway.
  • They activate only on Steam as Retail OEM keys.
  • These keys come from Game Billet, a legitimate reseller. They do not come from sketchy places like G2A (NEVER, ever do business with G2A or companies like them).
  • Steam Support: How to activate a Product Key - https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/2A12-9D79-C3D7-F870


Cheers (the holiday kind),

CatZoomies | PCMR Moderator, on behalf of the moderation team

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by CatZoomies@lemmy.world to c/workreform@lemmy.world

John Oliver discusses dollar stores and why Irish Spring is not his soap of choice.

Video Duration: 21:53

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/p4QGOHahiVM | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4QGOHahiVM

Invidious Link (privacy-respecting frontend for YouTube): https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=p4QGOHahiVM


  • John Oliver promotes awareness for work reform.
  • Highlights systemic corruption in dollar stores.
  • Calls out unsafe conditions and human rights abuse.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/7544165


Enter the Norse realm

His vengeance against the Gods of Olympus years behind him, Kratos now lives as a man in the realm of Norse Gods and monsters. It is in this harsh, unforgiving world that he must fight to survive… and teach his son to do the same.

Grasp a second chance

Kratos is a father again. As mentor and protector to Atreus, a son determined to earn his respect, he is forced to deal with and control the rage that has long defined him while out in a very dangerous world with his son.

Journey to a dark, elemental world of fearsome creatures

From the marble and columns of ornate Olympus to the gritty forests, mountains and caves of pre-Viking Norse lore, this is a distinctly new realm with its own pantheon of creatures, monsters and gods.

Engage in visceral, physical combat

With an over the shoulder camera that brings the player closer to the action than ever before, fights in God of War™ mirror the pantheon of Norse creatures Kratos will face: grand, gritty and grueling. A new main weapon and new abilities retain the defining spirit of the God of War series while presenting a vision of conflict that forges new ground in the genre.

submitted 8 months ago by CatZoomies@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world


Enter the Norse realm

His vengeance against the Gods of Olympus years behind him, Kratos now lives as a man in the realm of Norse Gods and monsters. It is in this harsh, unforgiving world that he must fight to survive… and teach his son to do the same.

Grasp a second chance

Kratos is a father again. As mentor and protector to Atreus, a son determined to earn his respect, he is forced to deal with and control the rage that has long defined him while out in a very dangerous world with his son.

Journey to a dark, elemental world of fearsome creatures

From the marble and columns of ornate Olympus to the gritty forests, mountains and caves of pre-Viking Norse lore, this is a distinctly new realm with its own pantheon of creatures, monsters and gods.

Engage in visceral, physical combat

With an over the shoulder camera that brings the player closer to the action than ever before, fights in God of War™ mirror the pantheon of Norse creatures Kratos will face: grand, gritty and grueling. A new main weapon and new abilities retain the defining spirit of the God of War series while presenting a vision of conflict that forges new ground in the genre.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by CatZoomies@lemmy.world to c/pcmasterrace@lemmy.world

Hello PCMR community!

On July 13th, we asked the community for your opinion if you would like to change the name of this community.

Results of the Survey :

  • Yes - 28.1%
  • No - 71.9% (winner)

Of the 1,201 responses received, we as a community have democratically decided that we should not change the name from PC Master Race. I am grateful to our community for your input, as this was a difficult topic to navigate together.

If you would like to review the history of this, please check out this post here: https://lemmy.world/post/1430610

We'll pin this post for some time and then consider adding a bullet into the sidebar for this Community to help stave off further discussions around this topic as the community has already decided collectively.

Kind regards,

The Moderator Team

@Hurts@lemmy.world @_MoveSwiftly@lemmy.world @Brunbrun6766@lemmy.world @IowaMan@lemmy.world @BobaFett26@lemmy.world @The_Vampire@lemmy.world @Fudgeknuckles98@lemmy.world @CatZoomies@lemmy.world @Xeon@lemmy.ml @geosoco@kbin.social

EDIT 30-Aug-2023:

Due to some of the recent targeted attacks against Lemmy.world, I noticed that the image I shared with this post was purged from their servers.

Here's a new screenshot of the results for posterity: https://i.postimg.cc/jqNg5gWx/pcmrsurvey.png


I hate to ask but there way too many subscription services and I don’t have the means to watch the World Cup. Are there any places out there where I can stream it?

submitted 11 months ago by CatZoomies@lemmy.world to c/3ds@lemmy.world

The 3DS has such an extensive library of games, and I used to play it so much as my favorite console back when it first came out.

This year with the eShop closing, I went on a bit of a spending spree and picked up a lot of games for it.

Currently I'm playing through Detective Pikachu and am almost near the end. This game is surprisingly better than I thought it would be, as I'll admit my curiosity to play it was first formed when I played Ace Attorney on 3DS, and then of course with the Ryan Reynolds movie a few years back.

After I put this one down, it's time for Tales of Abyss - a game I've owned for so long but never played.


We, the moderators of PC Master Race, acknowledge there has been recent controversial posts shared in our Lemmy community that suggest the name of the community should be changed. The argument is that usage of “Master Race” can potentially be associated with the Nazi regime since “master race” is a specific reference to Aryan persons.

Due to message length limits in Lemmy, see the below replies which outlines the post-mortem discussion by the moderators of this community.


  1. What happened?
  2. What is the current state?
  3. What are we doing to address this?
  4. What happens if the name of this community is changed?
  5. Next Steps
  6. Take the Survey


  • Survey link here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeLqKx4y49BnmsyuEdwZUCSOTg3rWCjqqfloxhoE59CF7TH6g/viewform
  • This survey will close on August 20. We will create a new post summarizing the decision afterward.
  • You can take the survey anonymously and without signing into a Google account.
  • Due to the controversy around this topic, this Post will be locked.
  • The moderators will share the results of this initial survey to the community after 30 days to allow sufficient time to collect feedback from the community.
  • No new posts about the Name Change topic will be accepted. If you would like to discuss this further with the community, please use this older post: https://lemmy.world/post/1100953

Final Thoughts:

  • Regardless of where you stand on the name "PC Master Race", at the end of the day we are all people. We are all connected by a hobby that we love: gaming on PC, or just being PC enthusiasts.
  • We are a democratic community that encourages everyone to be respectful, have fun, and engage with each other.
  • Be kind to others, even when they have an opinion that you disagree with.

If you have specific questions, please send a Private Message to the moderators which you can find in the sidebar. Thank you for your understanding.

Kind regards,

The Moderator Team

@Hurts@lemmy.world @_MoveSwiftly@lemmy.world @Brunbrun6766@lemmy.world @IowaMan@lemmy.world @BobaFett26@lemmy.world @The_Vampire@lemmy.world @Fudgeknuckles98@lemmy.world @CatZoomies@lemmy.world @Xeon@lemmy.ml @geosoco@kbin.social

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joined 1 year ago