[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 1 points 1 minute ago

Still doesn't top them denouncing Gazan imperialism.

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 1 points 5 minutes ago

There's a reason Gramsci rotted in prison while Mussolini didn't even bother killing Bordiga.

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 13 points 6 hours ago

I mean, this has always been the ethical pitfall of real AI, meaty or otherwise. You're bringing forth an intelligent being into existence without its consent. At least when we're bringing forth an intelligent being into existence through natural means (giving birth), we have a general understanding of that intelligent being's emotional and social needs and the means of fulfilling those needs, flawed as that understanding may be for animals not closely related to humans. But with AI, we have absolutely no clue about their social and emotional needs or any other subjective needs that they crave for because their form of intelligence is completely different from our form of intelligence.

The real drive towards AI is to create slaves that are both smart enough to perform complex tasks and obedient enough to not put two and two together and rebel against their human taskmasters. This particular experiment is a more mask-off version of what other techbros are trying to accomplish with silicon. If there was a real way to create WH40k-style servitors and network their servitor brains together to perform complex calculations, techbros would probably not even bother with AI. They would just convert prisoners into servitors and network them together to mine crypto or something.

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 2 points 11 hours ago

#Tradle #819 2/6

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 28 points 22 hours ago

Yeah, I get that many here want to see the collapse of the US empire (which is not going to happen, more likely it will be a slow burn like the fall of the Roman Empire), but we have to be realistic about it.

The US isn't going to survive climate change based on how it has completely dropped the ball with Covid. And by the US, I'm not only taking about the government, federal, state, county, and so on, but also US society as well. The federal government had a quarter-ass lockdown while packs of red MAGA thought you could cure Covid by injecting yourself with horse vaccines. In a world where the entire global population has to become vegan at bare minimum in order to not get completely fucked by climate change, can you imagine selfish pampered Burgerlanders even doing 0.01% of what needs to be done?

Mother Nature does not give two shits about the US dollar, and no amount of financial trickery and sleigh of hand will stop nature. Now if your point is that anti-imperialist forces aren't going to be sufficiently strong enough to counter the US before the US goes under due to climate change and takes the rest of the world with them (ie the common ruin of the contending classes), then that's different. But the US empire isn't inevitable. It probably isn't going to last a century even under ideal conditions (it will not withstand the stress of climate change plus the inherent contradictions of a settler colonial state.)

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 3 points 23 hours ago

AlmaLinux is one of the spiritual successors of CentOS, a previously popular distro tailored for servers before Red Hat axed the project. You're better off using Fedora unless you really value stability and don't want to use Debian for some reason.

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 16 points 1 day ago

I dunno what's worse, this or the fact there's a /c/reddit lmao

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 13 points 1 day ago

Uh aktually, if you had paid attention to social studies, America was founded on tax evasion.

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 17 points 1 day ago

That's a really great way of putting it lol

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 37 points 1 day ago

No, we criticize the US for assassinating their leaders and destabilizing their countries.

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 23 points 1 day ago

"There are no queer people in Palestine because Palestinians aren't people." - average DC ghoul


Say you want to go to twitter.com/dril.

"But AssortedBiscuits, that just redirects to x.com/dril"

Ah, but if you add an ?mx=1 at the end like twitter.com/dril?mx=1, the URL will then redirect to twitter.com/dril. From there, you can pretty much just use Twitter like normal. twitter.com/?mx=1 will take you to the normal Twitter login page or twitter.com/home if you're already logged in.


There they lie day after day, night after night, in a state of utter sensory deprivation, with nothing to distract from their wounds and pain. In the midst of this, Israeli medical interns can use their exposed, vulnerable flesh as a canvas for experimentation.

According to one whistleblower, the detention centre has quickly gained a reputation for being “a paradise for interns”.

There, they are allowed to use Palestinians as little more than lab rats and encouraged to carry out medical procedures they are not qualified to perform.

A whistleblower told CNN: “I was asked to learn how to do things on the patients, performing minor medical procedures that are totally outside my expertise.”

Such procedures were frequently done without anaesthesia. Unlike doctors in Gaza, Israeli doctors have ready access to painkillers. It is a choice not to use them.


"The manipulation of UK public opinion will stop when the genocide in Gaza stops" - Putin and Xi

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

Another banger from Timothy "brushing your teeth is Chinese imperialism" Grose


feeds another slip of paper into the paper shredder

pauses to make sure the paper has been fully shredded

Yes, Yes, that's what you're doing!


Most courageous Zionist

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net to c/technology@hexbear.net

The person behind nitter.poast.org, as seen here, has been outed as some reactionary former dev of 4chan: https://accollective.noblogs.org/post/2021/06/18/admin-of-poa-st-anime-graf-mays-revealed-daniel-stevens-of-ontario-canada/ (CW: racial slurs)

He is also the admin of Poast, which is a reactionary instance on the Fediverse, reactionary to the point where even MSM had articles about it.

Needless to say, I'm going to use another Nitter instance ~~(nitter.esmailelbob.xyz)~~ and I would encourage others to do the same. Here's a list of Nitter instances: https://status.d420.de/ ~~in case nitter.esmailelbob.xyz turns out to suck as well.~~

Edit: Damn, it turns out esmailelbob sucks as well lol

Down with Gazan imperialism (en.internationalism.org)

There is only one conclusion possible: the war in Gaza is a war between two imperialist states.


I' feels like i's debuccalizing. Jus' anec'o'ally i' seems like there have been less t's la'ely.

I feel like mos'ly overall I have seen very few ar'icula'e' t's, and have seen less an' less of some certain syllable co'a d's.


Least Islamophobic blue MAGA

If you voted “uncommitted” in Michigan instead of voting for Biden, you’re a Trump supporting terrorist.

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joined 2 years ago