Hard and soft tacos? How accommodating.
typical internet cats. videos, pics, memes welcome!
rule 1) be kind
other cat communities midwest.social cats
Are hard tacos actually nice to eat? Whenever I see them in movies and such, it seems like the tortilla would just shatter the moment you bite into it.
It's like a tortilla made of a giant cornchip. Breakage can be an issue but they don't explode like glass or anything.
Soft tacos are easier to eat but you can't get Doritos crunchy taco shells as a soft taco
I like hard shell tacos, though I will say it's often an exercise in creatively holding broken pieces of taco as I eat it. The secret is to spread a tortilla with refried beans (or any other food that can serve as glue; guac, sour cream, melted cheese, etc) then wrap that around the hardshell taco for a best of both worlds experience. It's also very much a white people taco night thing; I'd never want a hard shell for a good Mexican or texmex style taco, but if you're talking about ground beef in a Mccormick spice blend with peripherals from the "mexican" aisle of an American supermarket, hard shells are dope.
No, they’re not. Unless you like making messes. Then they’re right up your alley.
Why not both indeed.
Crunch wraps!
Soft taco around a hard taco.
Doesn't even have to be dinner
Without paying much attention or zooming in I could tell this was Dutch. Then I saw the white chair, the cheese and de Ruijter.
The white chair is TripTrap made by Stokke (At least the original design, guess it's been pirated by other makers) This could have been any Nordic country as well apart from the details ofc :) I blame IKEA for that
So the Norwegian Forest Cat is sitting on the Norwegian children chair :)
Edit. Think it might be a siberian actually...
Well spotted!
Tuxedo Batman is so polite, and cute.
10/10 deserves dinner.
Literally just finished eating White People Tacos... so good. The cat is the only creature there with any taste.
Does the colour of the skin of the ingredients really affect the taste?
White people tacos refers to a specific way of making tacos, which has little to do with any Mexican recipe. It's named that way because it's usually eaten by white people.
And it mf slaps frfr
It's a white people taco night
A white people taco night
It's not limited to only white people
But white people love it the most
Where is dinner at? I will be there for taco night every time.
And on Taco Night no less‽
A white people taco night no less...
I am so gratified to learn that others use this term, too. Ain’t nothing wrong with some hamburger meat in a large tortilla chip with cheddar cheese, but it is most definitely not the same food item as you get from a taco joint. This is one of those home cooking exclusives.
People shit on these tacos but it's a way better use of ground beef than fucking manwich or hamburger helper or meatloaf, or anything else besides burgers.
Damn I would have eaten that whole spread growing up. Late for dinner? more like foods gone
taco cat is taco cat spelled backwards
I know the seasoning packets say to drain the fat from the hamburger after browning, but it always leaves it so dry. I never drain the fat out or add water and I let it all marinate for at least an hour before serving. It's so, so much better.
I thought it was weird my SO grandma's cat ate at the table with us but I guess it's not unusual.
Figures a tuxedo cat would have class
White people taco niiiiiight!!
Ay yo white people taco night? Where you at, I'm flyin in
Twist: OP lives alone with his cat
The cat's just sitting there like "the cheeese tax, the cheeese tax"
Next taco night, add a bit of water to your sour cream to make it a little bit runny. Then add a bit of salt, some lime juice and smoked paprika. Is nice.
This is why I prefer low-fat sour cream for burritos and tacos, it's a little runnier. I just throw some finely diced shallots in there and leave it for some time in the fridge.
Where's the olives?
That's why no one came
Where tomatoes?
Hey, they were invited. Didn't show up I guess.