[-] wander1236@sh.itjust.works 4 points 12 hours ago

Three pickle opera

[-] wander1236@sh.itjust.works 44 points 17 hours ago

I know the expression is "there's always an xkcd" but this is suspiciously exact

[-] wander1236@sh.itjust.works 4 points 21 hours ago

He really likes being around his people so I feel bad kicking him out. Luckily he mostly stays out of the way.

[-] wander1236@sh.itjust.works 6 points 21 hours ago

Mine knows it and doesn't listen (we don't try hard enough)

[-] wander1236@sh.itjust.works 11 points 2 days ago

Threads is owned by Facebook, a company notorious for interacting with the web in bad faith.

[-] wander1236@sh.itjust.works 29 points 4 days ago

This is exactly as detailed as it is when it's properly localized

[-] wander1236@sh.itjust.works 48 points 4 days ago

(In the US) Remember to take your early, more "generic" courses at community colleges rather than private if you can. They're cheaper and a lot of the time better at teaching those courses.

[-] wander1236@sh.itjust.works 122 points 1 month ago

The good old "make a tech startup with a gimmicky product idea, get millions in VC for some reason, create an underwhelming product that was never meant to be any good, then get bought up by a big company that will sit on the IP and never do anything with it" strategy of making money.

[-] wander1236@sh.itjust.works 135 points 1 month ago

"Microsoft's latest update breaks [some] VPNs and there's no fix [yet]"

Windows is getting worse and worse, but do we have to spin legitimate bugs as some nefarious plot?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by wander1236@sh.itjust.works to c/mildlyinfuriating@lemmy.world

I took the onion off and made some garlic bread with the loaf so things turned out okay.

I was looking forward to the BLT though.

Edit: I ordered delivery through GrubHub, so I couldn't see them making the sandwich. I thought it seemed a little light when I took it out of the bag, but the BLTs I've gotten before have always felt light, so I didn't realize.

Also this is c/mildlyinfuriating. It wasn't a huge deal, and GrubHub refunded me for the item, but it was mildly infuriating since I wanted a BLT and someone misunderstood my order.

Pick OS rule (sh.itjust.works)

[-] wander1236@sh.itjust.works 239 points 7 months ago

I'm pretty sure it's saying you can't turn left onto the road to the left of the intersection. Looks like some pretty bad road design.

Interesting rule (sh.itjust.works)

Happened to see I have 196 comments on Lemmy


cross-posted from: https://sh.itjust.works/post/3443568

(Lots of nested crossposting, but all info is available in the quote below.)

cross-posted (ish) from: https://sh.itjust.works/post/2176471

Hey everyone!

Because of how Mastodon and Lemmy are spread across multiple domains, I made an app for Android to help make following shared fediverse links hopefully a bit easier.

Fediverse Redirect has support for most Mastodon and Lemmy instances, and lets you choose which client you want the links to open in, even if that client doesn't support deep linking. It needs some initial setup because Android is very much not built for one app to have so many deep link domains specified, but it should be easy on Android 11 and later or when using LinkSheet.

Both variants are free and open source and there's support for a bunch of clients already. I'd love to hear your feedback on behavior/UI/new clients/whatever. Keep in mind that a lot of clients don't have a way to send them links, so I may not be able to add support without changes to the client.

Right now, downloads are available through the GitHub releases tab and through IzzyOnDroid. I may put the apps on the Play Store, but I don't think they'll be happy about all the deep link domains.

As with the original post, let me know if this isn't a good place to post this and I'll remove it.


cross-posted (ish) from: https://sh.itjust.works/post/2176471

Hey everyone!

Because of how Mastodon and Lemmy are spread across multiple domains, I made an app for Android to help make following shared fediverse links hopefully a bit easier.

Fediverse Redirect has support for most Mastodon and Lemmy instances, and lets you choose which client you want the links to open in, even if that client doesn't support deep linking. It needs some initial setup because Android is very much not built for one app to have so many deep link domains specified, but it should be easy on Android 11 and later or when using LinkSheet.

Both variants are free and open source and there's support for a bunch of clients already. I'd love to hear your feedback on behavior/UI/new clients/whatever. Keep in mind that a lot of clients don't have a way to send them links, so I may not be able to add support without changes to the client.

Right now, downloads are available through the GitHub releases tab and through IzzyOnDroid. I may put the apps on the Play Store, but I don't think they'll be happy about all the deep link domains.

As with the original post, let me know if this isn't a good place to post this and I'll remove it.

submitted 10 months ago by wander1236@sh.itjust.works to c/android@lemmy.ml

Hey everyone!

Because of how Mastodon and Lemmy are spread across multiple domains, I made an app for Android to help make following shared fediverse links hopefully a bit easier.

Mastodon/Lemmy Redirect has support for most Mastodon and Lemmy instances, and lets you choose which client you want the links to open in, even if that client doesn't support deep linking. It needs some initial setup because Android is very much not built for one app to have so many deep link domains specified, but it should be easy on Android 11 and later.

Both variants are free and open source and there's support for a bunch of clients already. I'd love to hear your feedback on behavior/UI/new clients/whatever.

Right now, downloads are available through the GitHub releases tab. I may put the apps on the Play Store, but I don't think they'll be happy about all the deep link domains.

Let me know if this isn't a good place to post this and I'll remove it.

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joined 1 year ago