impossible odds
Plays games that are literally designed to be possible
omg they made lemmy political
impossible odds
Plays games that are literally designed to be possible
we're forged by endless zero-stakes fights built explicitly to be in our favour
just didn't have the same ring to it, I guess
Put Elon in the title please,
so people can filter it out of their feeds.
Edit: Thank you OP!
I'm interested in using such filters.
Is is a feature of your client? I googed around and it's only apparent that you can block entire communities.
Yeah, it's a feature of my client, Eternity,
I've written a guide once on how to set it up:
Other clients might support similar filter functionality though, but afaik it's not natively supported by Lemmy at this time.
I really like the client "Thunder" it can filter keywords, too.
What would the silver spoon nazi bitchboy know about struggle?
In life he was given everything, in games he cheats and hires someone else.
My partner plays POE2 and said it's statistically impossible for Elon to have what he had without developer assistance. There were multiple statistically perfect items (like one in a trillion chance).
I don't even need to go that far, he plays like dogshit. Every time he streamed himself playing PoE2 was proof he didn't achieve anything. He'd have needed to play for hundreds of hours at near peak efficiency to reach that position on the leaderboard, there's no way somebody who sucked so badly accomplished that.
Oh wow, the greatest Diablo IV and Path of Exile II player in the world, who totally didn't cheat and paid others to play his accounts for him, replied.
I need two shields, how can I protect myself without two shields?
I think ER lets you dual wield shields but it would have to be one in each row and it’s a meme build.
Anyways fuck that Nazi piece of shit.
Okay, I sometimes also do this in Elden Ring, but this is an ER specific quirk because some shields can parry and some can't. I tend to keep two shields on if I have the equip load for them so that I can have a parry shield and a WA shield on an easy swap.
He's right, nobody wants to fuck gamers, period.
Unironic gamer copypasta in 2025. Wow.
Yes, forged into being a whiny child that breaks their controller when they don't immediately succeed at the vidya games.
Don't fuck with people who enjoy being entertained by manufactured and tested challenges designed to be rewarding.
We're forged by endless boss battles against impossible odds.
I wouldn't know, Em-8ER doesn't have any.
Living proof that no amount of money can ever un-lame someone
That definitely has Tim Buckley vibes. Kinda cringe.
What's the context?
I looked up the original Tweet and there doesn't seem to be any. Mark Kern, a man in his 50s, just posted that.
Mark Kern (Grummz) is basically the face of modern Gamergate. A terrible gamedev and terrible person.
Is Elon gonna fund Firefall 2 now? Right after Mark abandons his current grift he's been stringing people along with for years
I've been gaming so long I can tell when a high school student has recently seen Enemy At The Gates for the first time ever by the fact they will use the name "Vassili Zaytsev" (or at least an approximation of it; it's almost never spelled correctly) and will exclusively be sniping. Or named God and also sniping because they saw NAVY Seals.
Unpopular opinion: gaming is a lazy ass hobby.
Consumption of media isn’t a hobby in general.
I differentiate between creative and consumptive hobbies, as someone who has both.
Saying gaming "isn't" a hobby is like saying sports or board games aren't hobbies.
If all you do is sit and watch sports then no it isn’t a hobby it’s a passive activity. If you’re going to a sports bar and talking to other people or getting online and engaging with people, Tracking statistics, betting things like that are what elevate a passive activity to a hobby. I’ve probably been playing games longer than a lot of people on Lemmy have been alive. It’s never just been a consumptive hobby for me. I paint as well (both Warhammer/miniatures and canvass) I consider those creative hobbys.
I’m not sure how you would do board games as a consumptive hobby. Could you elaborate on what your mean?
I don’t think you can just count board games as a hobby.
I agree but lots of people don’t. People who proudly wear “video games” as their hobby hate that. But honestly it’s the truth.