[-] BoxOfFeet@lemmy.world 17 points 3 days ago

Why not just shut the door so the cat doesn't get in there? The toilet paper being hung correctly is more important than the cat for me.

[-] BoxOfFeet@lemmy.world 22 points 3 weeks ago

Things like FOSS stuff makes you think people can organize and work together freely to achieve a common goal, and maybe anarchy could work. But then, you see a busy intersection when the traffic lights go out and you realize the general public are idiots and everything devolves into selfish chaos as you're stuck a half mile back, as cars shoot through in no particular order and you inch closer to the madness terrified to make your left turn. I have zero trust in society without some form of rule and order.

[-] BoxOfFeet@lemmy.world 34 points 1 month ago

A blood sacrifice to the Musk.

submitted 1 month ago by BoxOfFeet@lemmy.world to c/bicycles@lemmy.ca

I got this when he sold his house to move to an assisted living facility. It's just been sitting in my garage for a couple years. Busy with the kid and all that. Well, we just got a little child trailer, and I didn't want to pull it with my mountain bike so figured it would be a good time to clean this guy up. New tires and tubes. Cleaned and lubed. Waxed. I thought it was trying hard to look like an old Schwinn, so I thought some nice shiny fenders would help out with that.

I have so many memories of going on rides with him, and of him taking it camping. I always thought it was a nice looking bike. I'll have to show him a picture of it all cleaned up next time I see him, I don't think he's ridden it in at least a decade.

Next on the agenda is new brake pads, and some retro lights. Any other suggestions? Maybe a white saddle seat, or different handlebars? I'm pretty sure its only value is sentimental, so the best suggestions are cheap suggestions. Thanks!

[-] BoxOfFeet@lemmy.world 48 points 1 month ago

I just don't get modern truck culture. They're so big, and ugly! They are such an inconvenience to everyone else on the road. And I doubt even half the people who own then do truck stuff with them. They're way to tall, the giant tall grilles look stupid. Their stupid headlights shine in my face. A 2024 Colorado is bigger than a 1994 Silverado. Why? I hate them even more than people who wear pajamas in public.

[-] BoxOfFeet@lemmy.world 31 points 2 months ago

I just finished my Windows XP build, and have been enjoying FO3 again the way it was meant to be played.

[-] BoxOfFeet@lemmy.world 34 points 2 months ago

1999 was such an amazing year in my gaming life. Rollercoaster Tycoon, Mechwarrior 3, Battlezone II, and Unreal Tournament. So, so many hours of my life spent in those. That was like, 5 years ago, right?

[-] BoxOfFeet@lemmy.world 18 points 5 months ago

Hey, anybody know the best browser for Windows Mobile 6.5?

[-] BoxOfFeet@lemmy.world 18 points 7 months ago

I've seen this one many times. I still laugh every time.

[-] BoxOfFeet@lemmy.world 19 points 7 months ago

At my previous job, once a year they had a catalog of company merch. Nobody ever got it, because it was kind of over priced. Well, I had a good year and wanted a jacket and a zip up fleece. It was like, $160. My order comes, and I love it. I give the person in charge of said orders a check. Next day, she gives it back, saying they were having an issue cashing it internationally, or something. Because the company is headquartered in Canada. So, a week goes by and I ask if it was sorted out, or should I pay a different way. She said she'd let me know. Then, she quit. I was there another year, and nobody ever hunted me down for my $160. Then I quit. Free jacket and fleece.

I do have a small collection of parts that were manufactured or ordered incorrectly. They're useless, and too small to be of any scrap value. I like them because they are so drastically different from the prints, it's funny. Like, what were they thinking when they made these? I'll probably bring them back ans toss them in the scrap bin before I leave this job.

[-] BoxOfFeet@lemmy.world 26 points 8 months ago

I just did the zap element thing on that warning. So far so good, except you can't scroll down.

[-] BoxOfFeet@lemmy.world 24 points 11 months ago

Have they not read "The Jungle"? Pretty sure this exact sort of thing was addressed a hundred years ago.

[-] BoxOfFeet@lemmy.world 26 points 11 months ago

Plex Amp? Nah. Hauling 8 pounds of CD's to work everyday? Yeah.


I tried just about every suggestion here, but still couldn't get an airtight print. This is transparent PLA. I'm going to play with my speeds and overlap to try to get it clearer, but it was dimensionally accurate and completely sealed the first try.

Don't look too carefully at the barrel, it's just a hollow test one. I was able to eyedropper fill and test the grip section with it, but the OD is wrong, and there's no real filling mechanism in it. That's phase 2 of this project!

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by BoxOfFeet@lemmy.world to c/watches@lemmy.ml

It started as a eBay Frankenwatch. Unfortunately, and obviously, the 6309 in it was useless. Also, it was completely the wrong type of crystal, just ground to fit. So, it got one of my spare 7S26's. It took a custom spacer to fit, and I had to grind a larger bevel on the rotor to fit it in the caseback. Hands and dial are Yobokies.

Edit: also, it came with no gaskets, even on the crown. So, it got a whole new set.


I'm pretty new to PETG, and have been really struggling with it compared to PLA. My latest print of this part is dimensionally accurate, but I need it to be air tight. It is very much not at the moment.

I have a Flashforge Adventurer 3, so the hot end and nozzle are one interchangeable unit. My higher temp nozzle is 0.6mm. My 0.3mm is only capable of 240. My last print was 0.2mm layers, with the 0.6mm nozzle at 245C. I used 15% overlap on my walls, and in order to keep my nice dimensions I had my cooling fan on.

Anybody have any advice on how to improve the seal? I'm tempted to try more overlap, with random start locations per layer. Do you think if I run it hotter I can get the layers a little thinner? Any advice would be appreciated.

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