The new APT 3.0 solver (blog.jak-linux.org)
submitted 13 hours ago by misk@sopuli.xyz to c/linux@lemmy.world
submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by Rustmilian@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.world
submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by Gamers_Mate@kbin.social to c/linux@lemmy.world

About a month ago I switched to Linux mint from windows 11.

The first thing I noticed was mint being faster and less bloated than windows 11.

I also liked having actual control over my settings without a corporation being able to undo them at will.

Another thing I noticed was not having to add extensions to text files to run as a program instead having the option in properties.

For certain windows programs and games I was able to use wine which was great because I like to use gamemaker 8.1 which was made before they added linux support.

I tried different wine environments starting with bottles then trying Steam proton and Lutris. With Lutris being the one I ended up using due to it being the only one that I could get to run every program I needed.

The ms paint alternative called drawing took some use to due to it automatically cropping out parts of the image outside of the line when pasting in a screenshot from the clipboard.

Although I do still miss ms paint but that is mostly nostalgia.

Fortunately there is an option to save the screenshot after taking it.

Migrating from windows I appreciate the SUPER key bringing up a menu on the bottom left which brings up some apps and the search bar. Which always searches on the OS unlike windows 11 which sometimes searches the internet instead.

Another detail I noticed is if you type paint or notepad in the search it brings up drawing and the text editor which is nice for people transitioning to Linux.

Being able to move the panel or add new ones was also a breath of fresh air from windows 11 making the task bar more restrictive.

Having the option of deb packages and flatpacks is really useful as well.

I also no longer have to worry about telemetry or microsoft trying to show me ads or pop ups.

TL:DR Mint is a way better experience than windows 11.

submitted 2 days ago by ooli@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.world

Are we (linux) ready for arm devices like snapdragon elite X? Asahi runs on mac os with arm chips and the software somehow runs better than macos itself?! Is the softwares packaged for arm linux different? Is there much softwares available for the arm platform like softwares available for the intel/amd chipsets?

After all are you optimistic about linux and arm?

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by Rustmilian@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.world

#Is it bad practice to run umount -a instead of specifying the directory to unmount? I've always run umount -a to unmount my drive but i notice it unmounts a lot of other things. Is this bad?

submitted 1 week ago by kbal@fedia.io to c/linux@lemmy.world

Update available! This version is very old.

Xscreensaver has apparently been checking for updates and is disappointed that it hasn't had one for 14 months because Debian is too stable. Can anyone recommend a linux screensaver which would work with xfce and can be trusted to never do that?


Hi guys!

I have nobara (Fedora) with dnf as package manager. Whenever I do an update or search, DNF will refresh the repos. However, for all the additional repos (librewolf, proton, a few others), it individually asks if it's ok to refresh, for each one of them, every time. It's...tedious. Is there a way to setup DNF so it doesn't prompt every time?


submitted 2 weeks ago by exu@feditown.com to c/linux@lemmy.world
submitted 2 weeks ago by mox@lemmy.sdf.org to c/linux@lemmy.world
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by meekah@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.world

I use KDE on arch and would like to achieve the following behavior:

Whatever way I launch Konsole, I want it to check whether there already is a Konsole instance. If one exists, it should be brought into focus, and if no instance exists, one should be launched.

I am unable to find such an option in the Konsole settings, even though I found a roughly 1 year old forum entry mentioning such a setting. Was it removed or am I just blind? Or do I need some optional dependency?

Alternatively, it would be fine if this could simply kick in when I use my Super+K shortcut, which I've set up. Maybe there's a way to call Konsole from the terminal like that? I tried using konsole --force-reuse but it didn't seem to do the trick, and konsole --new-tab does not bring Konsole into the foreground.

Edit: Here's a script that does this, by @Audalin@lemmy.world

WIN="$(kdotool search --class org.kde.konsole | head -1)"
if [[ "$WIN" != "" ]]; then 
    kdotool windowactivate "$WIN"

kdotool is available in AUR as kdotool-git

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by meekah@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.world

I recently bought a Drop ENTR, and I would like to use the media keys. On the drop.com website it says that using FN + the F-keys should work, but “Fn hotkeys may work with Windows operating system only.”. Well, for me it doesn’t work. Any ideas as to why that could be, or how I could go about creating a workaround?

obligatory I use arch btw

submitted 2 weeks ago by idunnololz@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.world

The house I live in has integrated speakers and they are all hooked up to an old AV receiver (Marantz NR1604). Currently it is annoying to play music through the receiver because essentially I have to plug my phone directly to the receiver. I am looking at other options.

Currently I set up a RaspPi to run Volumio, then I connected the RaspPi directly to the receiver. This allows me to play music from a music library (eg. a NAS) but I still can't easily stream music from my phone to the receiver. I'm wondering if anyone has any set up ideas for easy streaming from phone or computer to the AV receiver.

submitted 2 weeks ago by profdc9@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.world

I have a program (fldigi, pointed to by the github link) that uses dozens of shared libraries. I would like to be able to distribute a pre-compiled version of the program for testers. I could require each tester to install the shared libraries and compile the program for themselves, however, this would be extremely difficult for most users. What are some options for distributing a pre-compiled version of a linux program? Do I need to make a package for common distributions or common versions of each distribution? How about snap, nix, or flatpak? I don't have much experience with using docker or preparing docker containers, and the particular program (fldigi) requires access to system hardware to function, which a containerized version would have to accommodate.

This is going to be a temporary solution and I hope once the program is done being tested, my changes can be pulled upstream and then distributions will include it that way.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by nebulaone@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.world

~~System is Arch Linux. NTFS-3G is installed. I have had this problem on Gnome (Nautilus) and KDE (Dolphin). I already tried fixing it with Testdisk. No success. Any help is appreciated.~~

UPDATE: I have re-formatted the disk and it is working now. Thank you for all your suggestions and tips.

submitted 2 weeks ago by Linkerbaan@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.world

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS delivers the latest Linux 6.8 kernel with improved syscall performance, nested KVM support on ppc64el, and access to the newly landed bcachefs filesystem. In addition to upstream improvements, Ubuntu 24.04 LTS has merged low-latency kernel features into the default kernel, reducing kernel task scheduling delays.

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS also enables frame pointers by default on all 64-bit architectures so that performance engineers have ready access to accurate and complete flame graphs as they profile their systems for troubleshooting and optimisation.

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS includes Python 3.12, Ruby 3.2, PHP 8.3 and Go 1.22 with additional focus dedicated to the developer experience for .NET, Java and Rust.

With the introduction of .NET 8, Ubuntu is taking a significant step forward in supporting the .NET community. NET 8 will be fully supported on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and 22.04 LTS for the entire lifecycle of both releases, enabling developers to upgrade their applications to newer .NET versions prior to upgrading their Ubuntu release. This .NET support has also been extended to the IBM System Z platform.


cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/13156830


Archlinux: yay -S lunas

i made a versatile syncing cli program, lunas, that's capable of syncing local to local, local to remote, remote to local and remote to remote at the same time with many input directories, with their file attributes if enabled and more. It syncs both ways but it has src/dest options that can be assigned to individual input directories

it runs locally, unless remote syncing is used then it runs peer-to-peer using libssh/sftp

It can do sync removal between different input directories, meaning if u want to remove a file/directory that you don't want to sync back to other directories, you can "lunas -rm file" for local or "lunas -rrm user@ip:/path/to/dir" for remote and then use the option "-cr Y" while syncing to remove it from every other directories, or simply don't use this option and it should be ignored without removal, or "-cr S" and it should be synced back to the directory it was removed from, IF it was found in one of the other directories

it has an optional config file for defining presets for easier syncing instead of writing them each time in the cli

there are more options to it which can be found in the --help or in the man page for more details

a simple usage of lunas can be like this

lunas -p dir1 -p dir2 --dry-run

lunas -s dir1 -d dir2 -d dir3 -rd user@ip:dir4

lunas -r user@ip:dir1 -d dir2 -dr

lunas -rs user@ip:dir1 -d dir2 -cr Y

lunas -rd user@ip:dir1 -s dir2

lunas -p dir1 -p dir2 -p dir3 -p user@ip:dir4 -p user@ip:dir5

p: local path r: remote path , both of them are source and destination

s: source local path d: destination local path

rs: source remote path rd: destination remote path

-dr/--dry-run: outputs what would be synced without actually syncing them

-cr/--confirm-remove Y: confirms the sync removal as explained previously

submitted 3 weeks ago by cyn@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.world
submitted 4 weeks ago by mox@lemmy.sdf.org to c/linux@lemmy.world
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