Iirc No other democratic country's media are affected by this disease

Its just india don't worry

Modi is high on AI lol

Wow Somebody in lemmy thanklessly supporting congress and creating posts Good job sir🫡

Cows are underrated

[-] RickAstleyfounddead@lemy.lol 11 points 2 days ago

Now it smells beans

[-] RickAstleyfounddead@lemy.lol 2 points 3 days ago

Oh then my house is still in 90s

[-] RickAstleyfounddead@lemy.lol 3 points 3 days ago

Who are you to assk

Jumpe(r)ule (lemy.lol)

Are we (linux) ready for arm devices like snapdragon elite X? Asahi runs on mac os with arm chips and the software somehow runs better than macos itself?! Is the softwares packaged for arm linux different? Is there much softwares available for the arm platform like softwares available for the intel/amd chipsets?

After all are you optimistic about linux and arm?


https://lemy.lol/post/24667681 Firefox pwa isn't working

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by RickAstleyfounddead@lemy.lol to c/firefox@lemmy.world

Firefox pwa extenstion gets stuck in pwa rpm installation in fedora. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/pwas-for-firefox/

I've tried waiting for 30 sec and restarting firefox, Nothing works. Previously i used floorp browser and it had ablaze pwa and it worked OOTB What would go wrong now?any hint?


All cheap smartphones have a fingerprint sensor but all laptops dont have one. Is it because of security concerns or spacing reasons?


cross-posted from: https://lemy.lol/post/24413858

Help Needed: Configuring ASUS Fingerprint Sensor on Fedora

I recently got my hands on an ASUS device equipped with an fingerprint sensor . As a Fedora user, I've been trying to set up the fingerprint sensor on my system, but it's proven to be quite a challenge.

So, I'm reaching out to the community here for some guidance. Has anyone successfully configured an ASUS fingerprint sensor on Fedora before? If so, could you please share your experience and any tips or resources that might be helpful?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.


cross-posted from: https://lemy.lol/post/24413858

Help Needed: Configuring ASUS Fingerprint Sensor on Fedora

I recently got my hands on an ASUS device equipped with an fingerprint sensor . As a Fedora user, I've been trying to set up the fingerprint sensor on my system, but it's proven to be quite a challenge.

So, I'm reaching out to the community here for some guidance. Has anyone successfully configured an ASUS fingerprint sensor on Fedora before? If so, could you please share your experience and any tips or resources that might be helpful?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.


I recently got my hands on an ASUS device equipped with an fingerprint sensor . As a Fedora user, I've been trying to set up the fingerprint sensor on my system, but it's proven to be quite a challenge.

So, I'm reaching out to the community here for some guidance. Has anyone successfully configured an ASUS fingerprint sensor on Fedora before? If so, could you please share your experience and any tips or resources that might be helpful?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

[-] RickAstleyfounddead@lemy.lol 13 points 2 weeks ago

Matrix/element > signal > xmpp > telegram > RCS > SMS

[-] RickAstleyfounddead@lemy.lol 6 points 1 month ago

Downloaded files are stored in external private storage (Android/data/com.github.libretube). Note that since Android 11, the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission does not grant third party apps access to external private storage, requiring workarounds. The (usually hidden, not to be confused with Files by Google) Android built-in Files app will always have access to this directory. In the downloaded files, audio and video are separated. Hence it is recommended to exclusively use LibreTube for playing downloaded media.

From libretube FAQ

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