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Those colors are amazing. Thank you for sharing
A shitty cell phone pic from Manuel Antonio National Park in Quepos, Costa Rica
Saw this cool frog, took a picture, showed to this guy, and he was like “oh those are like super poisonous”
They are poisonous because of their diet. We had them around where I grew up but they were not native and, without their natural diet, they were not poisonous.
They're extremely cute as froglets!
Absolutely gorgeous I'd love to visit Costa Rica one day. Cute spicey frog
It was wonderful. I got dental care while I was there and it was incredibly affordable and expertly done. Best healthcare system in Latin America and one of the better ones in the world.
Some photos while driving. One of the downsides is driving in Costa Rica is an intense experience that I would not recommend. We got a deal where a car rental was only 50 cents a day if we added it onto our flight so it was like why not! They only had manual which was fine, I can drive that, but keep in mind because it also meant I had to do 100% of the driving as my partner is like most Americans and has no idea how to drive a manual. But when we picked it up the clerk was like “have you ever driven in Latin America before?” when I replied no he looked a little alarmed. It was challenging
There was a sloth, these were actually really hard to find. Hide and seek champions, way up in the trees and blend in well.
Monkeys however, were all over the damn place. They would unzip your backpack and steal your shit if you didn’t pay attention, apparently. We were also warned to not leave bags outside because raccoons would apparently also do this
Yellow = don't touch it's poisonus
edit: A cool frog indeed
See that looks green to me so I’d totally just die
Me dying after eating cheese
POV: You have lactose intolerance
January 2024
It somehow looks even more peaceful in the winter
It was very serene. We were among the only ones there.
It really is a beautiful place, damned near miraculous. Too bad there are so many shitheads looking to ruin it for everyone else...
Edit: added photo tax, let's keep this going! Granted, not as glamorous as OP's, but I love my native lands.
Fuck the shitheads. Thanks for keeping it going I love seeing it
Too true! And, no, thank you for the reminder! It's so easy to lose track of these wonderful details nowadays...
Going for the long one here, but Carpenter Lake near Lillooet looking towards Seton Portage? Final answer for all the Lemmy currency.
Diablo Lake and Sourdough Mountain in the North Cascades
thunder Creek trail is worth the trip
Thanks for the tip I'll check it out next time I'm up north
sometimes i envy people that working to explore around the world
pardon my english :)
I'm very lucky to be able to do some exploring at this point in my life. Your time will come eventually and then it will be my turn to be envious.
that is very cool dude.. have a good life
Where is this?
Thanks! I was gonna guess the Jurrasic Park island
Lol, not quite.
Hey, take away all the humans and it's proper paradise. But offices are nice too, I guess...
don't make the capitalists make u believe u are comf in offices!!!! nuuuu!!!! u have the ability to say no and then they go :o
cuz they expect u to behave but if u jus don do that, they like >:o grrrr why u not content with awful life we have created for u >:o
Where is that? Lake Tahoe?
Lake diablo, Washington State, if I'm not mistaken
Mars: :'(
Mars is very pretty, too! It has that austere serenity to it. May be completely biased in thinking this, but every official photo from Mars gives me that distinct feeling of once-alive, almost liminal.
Heck, every planet is wonderful in its own way, even Venus! There's something awe-inspiring about the sheer inhospitability of that place. And the surface looks like Silent Hill: The Planet!
Edit, because this got me started: we live in an absolutely wonderful universe, all in all! Even our relatively backwater region of space is awesome, our solar system kicks ass, even if our Sun is essentially a runt in terms of mass. It's our runt!
I can only dream of one day exiting the atmosphere and getting that particular perspective on existence, which is why it saddens me so much to see where space exploration's heading (edited from the more politically loaded variant).
lousy AI nonsense
it used to be more beautiful, this is after all the industrialization polluting air and water.
IIRC in germany 25% of trees are dying, due to one reason or another. You often see trees without any needles/leaves, and if they have, they are often grey-ish. It is rare to see a completely healthy forest, and yet if you do, it gives you a sense of what is the meaning of life. At least that's how it is to me. Such a connection to nature.