[-] rockSlayer@lemmy.world 6 points 45 minutes ago

Yes. Homeless people are an underclass.

[-] rockSlayer@lemmy.world 6 points 46 minutes ago

Time to camp on SCOTUS lawns.

[-] rockSlayer@lemmy.world 3 points 2 hours ago

Sorry, I sometimes forget that other folks aren't as close to this as I am. Microsoft signed a legally binding card check labor neutrality agreement with the Communications Workers of America, an international union serving the US and Canada. Under the terms of the agreement, all management must remain neutral in regards to unionizing and must direct questions about unions to worker organizers. Additionally the neutrality agreement also means that when workers petition for recognition, the company will voluntarily recognize the union after a 2 week card check vote (union authorization card signatures and direct yes votes together count for yes)

[-] rockSlayer@lemmy.world 11 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

This one has gone far too long without their share of the brain cell. I love them

[-] rockSlayer@lemmy.world 14 points 11 hours ago

Excellent, first the workers at Activision immediately jump on the neutrality agreement, and now a second group of Zenimax workers are immediately testing their neutrality too. Gotta love it. It certainly feels weird that the biggest company in the world is labor neutral

[-] rockSlayer@lemmy.world 7 points 13 hours ago

More like, I will have sex with romantic partners if they want it but I won't ever go asking them for sex. I'm completely disinterested in sex with strangers. I tried to dance around it because some folks find the discussion gross, but an additional aspect to being ace for me is that it doesn't feel much different from masturbating. I still have libido, so both of those are just ways of handling a natural part of being human

[-] rockSlayer@lemmy.world 5 points 13 hours ago

I only recently started to realize that myself actually. Even growing up with LGBT+ folks exploding in visibility, it was always in the direction of allosexual folks. I grew up being conditioned to believe whatever I felt about sex should be ignored and that I should seek it out.

What I've realized is that I'm not sex-adverse like I assumed ace folks would be, I just don't care or think about it. I also don't get the hype around sex. That's also a valid asexual outlook. Some day I do want to be a dad though, so I need the very same family planning resources that are currently being chipped away.

[-] rockSlayer@lemmy.world 9 points 15 hours ago

The only reason I haven't is because I'm ace, so nothing's happening until I intentionally attempt for kids

[-] rockSlayer@lemmy.world 28 points 15 hours ago

Is that why Republican members of Congress recently stated that IVF should be banned?

[-] rockSlayer@lemmy.world 50 points 15 hours ago

God I wish they asked some basic constitutional questions at debates.

submitted 16 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago) by rockSlayer@lemmy.world to c/leftism@lemmy.world

The new bill primarily clarifies rules that were a bit vague, but it also has new changes that will substantially improve life-work balance.

  • ESST can be used in at least 15 minute increments and cannot be required to use more than four-hour increments
  • Qualifying workers were expanded to people hired with an expectation of working 80 hours in a year, rather than actual hours worked. Some jobs still exempted
  • ESST usage has expanded to bereavement
  • ESST rules for use are expanded to all paid time off
  • Employers that do not provide ESST must pay the worker for twice the amount they were supposed to get in ESST
[-] rockSlayer@lemmy.world 43 points 1 day ago

All you phonies bound to lose. Fascists get fucked, the LGBT+ community isn't going anywhere.

[-] rockSlayer@lemmy.world 35 points 1 day ago

That's the real crime. Leaders can be old. Workers should never be forced to be old.


Classic Jacobin, several months late on important news /s

Seriously though, while the article primarily focuses on the rule change from last year, the backdrop is necessary to cover what seems to be the first case since the rule was established. It can never be understated how important this NLRB ruling actually is. The laws still need to be updated to reflect modern union busting tactics, but this ruling is still crucial. The Cemex ruling restores part of what's known as "Joy Silk" doctrine, which was a major factor in the huge boom of unions from the 1940's through 1968. The casino is "considering it's options". I hope that means they cement the rule.


I don't think this is actually about needing to pay wages, I believe that the real target is the fast food worker council that was created to make these changes. I think they're going for a tried and true method to gain conservative sympathy, but Republicans are self-segregating away from California and their political influence is waning in the state.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by rockSlayer@lemmy.world to c/lgbtq_plus@lemmy.blahaj.zone

To start for anyone that may be concerned by the title, I've always considered myself an ally and I've supported both family and friends when they came out to me. I've always known that it takes a lot of trust for someone to come out like that, and I want to be the friend that they feel safe to talk with about that stuff.

I'm autistic, and I've recently started my journey of understanding that, my gender, and my sexuality. I've suspected since college that I was ace, and finally understood that about myself in the last few months. I made the first public message ever referring to myself as queer in a casual setting as a passing comment today which honestly felt a little strange, but already feels natural.

What I need help with understanding, is why should I actively tell my friends and family about it? The way I see it, I've always been this way and nothing will change in me between now and 10 seconds after I say something. I don't think of it as hiding anything either, I think of it as me being me. Why do others feel the need to share with people close to them?

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