Kinda love that the breathless media is trying to spin this as a senseless act of violence. Why the hell are you telling the masses what the assassin wrote on the bullets if it makes him look like a folk-hero? Is the media really that detached? Do these people think the Sheriff of Nottingham was the good guy?
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i don't understand how they benefit from telling us but i'm really glad they did. they totally could have kept that secret forever and it would have made the entire thing way less powerful
Profit. It's the hot news story right now and every detail can get harvested for views and therefore ad revenue. That's all there is to it.
the cops though, why did they release the info
Probably so they could spin up some bullshit about online radicalization or whatever
I too get online radicalised when my online loved one gets online cancer and is online denied by my online health insurance.
The media class are in a profound social echo chamber, the very idea anyone would oppose the elites and celebrate resistance is literally incomprehensible to them, they're not educated enough to even think about this abstractly, most of them were trust fund brats of one kind or another, their brains are just not wired for this
On the otherhand the cops are just happy to have someone "worthy" to hunt, whose capture or killing will give them a kind of fascist glory and social media cred
yup, the linked abc news article didn't even try to guess what "deny, defend, depose" meant.
That resembles the title of this book
Jay Feinman seeing the news tomorrow morning: "I DIDN'T MEAN THAT!!!"
great catch, i think it's probably not a coincidence
He stopped a mass murderer. In a civilised society it'd start a purge.
Rare good guy with a gun in America
The only way to stop a bad guy with an insurance company is a good guy with a, you know, the thing
The Chad inscribing bullets for your assassination of a capitalist pig vs the virgin signing missiles being used in a genocide
SO AWESOME I LOVE HIM HAPPY DAY so he definitely wasnt a hired hitman and he definitely did this for political reasons and the media is gonna have an even harder time spinning this
yeah i hope he was like a disgruntled cop/vet/etc whose spouse or family member had a terminal illness or something that killed them because of a denied claim. (i mean, not for them - would be shitty to just have your life/loved one/etc die at the whim of some billion dollar insurance company) but it probably would really bring the whole table around to "wow maybe insurance companies are shit" so...
if hes a cop im gonna kill myself (sorry if this concerned anyone, im not suicidal)
feels cool, but we need to see this moment and energy from a broader perspective. If this just ends with everyone being "that was cool" it's not enough. Instead, as the debt collective noted, medical debtors (and others harmed by this evil system) need to organize.
After all, eventually CEOs will just hire tons of goons and private security. So as cool as this was it's not sustainable and violence is only effective coupled to a movement. I'm thinking of my here - when he discussed violence it was always as part of a larger mass movement, not simply wielded by random adventurers.
Of course this doesn't mean we can't seize this moment and this shock to begin to organize and deploy real power. I need to reread all of Lenin on the adventurism, but does he ever talk about being opportunistic about this stuff?
I think Lenin and the gang did more bank robbing and stealing weapons than assassinating people pre-revolution.
holy hell he's actually so cool
Just goes to show that in the age of cookie cutter killings, doing Cool Shit can still have an impact.
is any of this real or is this an elaborate advertising scheme for a fucking thriller novel?
Lmao a viral marketing campaign of killing ceos
I feel like even Bill Hicks would be on board for this one
Damn, so that means he was based?
Holy hell this is a hell of a guy
CEO hit in kinetic exchange that took place in Midtown Manhattan earlier today. The surgical strike was carried out by a lone operator.
"It's unfortunate when bystanders are at risk of coming in harms way, but these things happens." Said spokes person, who commented on the condition of anonymity. They continued to say that the target was well known by the community, operating in the open. Showing that these kind of people are part of a bigger problem.
The CEO later passed away from his injuries.
fellas what words are you carving into the shells of your bullets??
The lyrics for the song We Didn't Start The Fire by Billy Joel, one word per bullet casing, humming the song as I spray and pray like the Bullet Farmer when he says "Sing Brother Heckler, sing Brother Koch" in Fury Road
holy shit
What an absolute king. Ooooooooh he got away I wonder if he's after more than the one.
I hope those fuckers are wondering too. I hope they're up at 3am wondering.
so did the obvious contract killing come with specific stipulations for how a message should be sent (neato)
or was the contract killer ideologically sympathetic and doing pro bono work (basedbasedbased) (waow)
Kinda wanna get that as a tattoo.
ok its official the killer is the coolest american since john brown, this is action movie levels of badass
Death to America