This is the least serious leftist space. You will be just fine here. If you make a bad take, you may get called out on it. But the correct response is to just investigate what they are saying and adjust your views accordingly. That's all it takes to be a "good" leftist; the only "bad" leftist is someone who refuses to do that navel-gazing, refuses to critically examine their own views.
Chat is a text only community for casual conversation, please keep shitposting to the absolute minimum. This is intended to be a separate space from c/chapotraphouse or the daily megathread. Chat does this by being a long-form community where topics will remain from day to day unlike the megathread, and it is distinct from c/chapotraphouse in that we ask you to engage in this community in a genuine way. Please keep shitposting, bits, and irony to a minimum.
As with all communities posts need to abide by the code of conduct, additionally moderators will remove any posts or comments deemed to be inappropriate.
Thank you and happy chatting!
Thank you, user with a pig shitting on its balls as their profile picture, very cool!
No one reads theory, they just tell people to read theory. One day someone will actually read theory and tell us what the hell we're all doing here.
Both are true
Everybody thinks they're the vanguard, nobody thinks they're the proletariat. We need a whole hell of a lot more of one than the other.
The vanguard is the proletariat. They're not separate from the masses, but rather the most politically advanced and organized section of it
The whole class has been ignoring the homework? It was all in the syllabus, and I kept reminding you to do the reading!
You all know the final isn't being graded on a curve, right? It's covering all of the material from the whole year.
Aw man, professor sounds mad, if we cant pass this class we'll be turning linen into coats our whole lives... We need a study montage set to The Distance by Cake! stat!
As an admin you're expected to be part of the vanguard party that cleanses us of our false consciousness.
All I know is the true value of linen.
It's an excellent cooling material; even other organics can't compare
The true value of linen was the coats we made along the way.
Being gatekept on being a leftist is extremely leftist, the more times you've been purity tested the more leftist you are. Doesn't matter if you actually pass those purity tests, mind you, but it means you've stuck around long enough to not have given up and succumb to becoming a lib or fash.
As for theory, you can start with listening to Dolly Parton's seminal "9 to 5" as a primer on communism
Old country is excellent theory
Also there isn't like an exam for leftism. Being an educated leftist is always better but if you say you're a comrade, you are to me until proven otherwise and that's done through actions
No, you won't be bullied as long as you act in good faith. It's a good sign that you want to grow and learn and are willing to ask questions.
In my book, you're a leftist if you want the end of capitalism. The rest of theory is just for learning the how and the why.
For something that's easier to read, I'd suggest Blackshirts and Reds by Michael Parenti.
Blackshirts and Reds by Michael Parenti.
Cannot recommend a book more. Dead simple. Huge impact. Best bang for buck read imo, especially if you still have lingering apprehension about AES states.
Just learn a handful of quotes and drop them here and there in discussions, no one will notice that you haven't read theory
'having lots to say is what matters the most here, and that is something I cannot do.'
- something you cannot do... YET.
my first year or two of leftism was hanging out in online forums and reading 'easy' theory by Chomsky and other similar palatable modern theorists, who aren't exactly Marxist with a capital M, but have valid critiques of capitalism.
I'd recommend 'How The World Works' by Chomsky. It's my go to recommendation to anyone who's curious. The whole book is taken directly from his radio appearances and the like, so it's totally conversational and written for maximum digestibility. Each chapter is very short, sometimes even just a page or two iirc. He gets into the big debates, without throwing jargon around.
For me, it was illuminating, and made me pretty angry with the world and the lies I'd been told. This drove me to go further and further. I found what interests me most: imperialism.
I think a knowledge of imperialism is the key to unlocking Marxism. already linked my basic beginner guide in this thread so I won't spam it. Instead, I'll leave you with advice for if you never read theory, as much as I think you should.
Don't speak on what you haven't thoroughly investigated. If that is, say, whether or not revolution is required, don't immediately say yes or no, or even say that you think revolution is required but aren't sure. This sounds mean, but I promise, this right here will eliminate the vast majority of any real bullying you could come across. You can learn the answers to those questions by reading theory but also by listening to others.
Secondly, browse effort-posts and the News Mega. Just see what people are saying, and try to look up online what you aren't familiar with.
Third, just have fun in the general megathread and hobby comms like c/games! Those are just comfy and cozy.
We're all liberals here, so no worries
The important thing is to engage in a continual process of learning and self-education, so that you can engage in correct practice. Liberals don't have to do this because a. we're constantly bathed in propaganda that disseminates their worldview and b. they don't want to change the world in any meaningful way. You can pick up a lot by just hanging out with other leftists here and listening and chatting, but eventually you will want to read theory to better understand why they think the the things they do. Better yet, join an org irl, engage in political education through them and put it into practice.
At the end of the day, leftism isn't something you are, it's something you do.
A work like Capital may be a little much to start with and the style is a little old fashioned, but I think you're underestimating yourself. Reading any sort of non-fiction just means taking it at the pace you are comfortable with. Sometimes you have to look up a word or a phrase, sometimes you have to sleep on something and come back to it with fresh eyes -- that's fine! Understanding isn't something you get immediately -- it comes over time. If you're still intimidated, maybe try starting with something outside of direct theory. Pick a topic that you're interested in, and find a book on it. Reading is like any habit, it gets better with practice!
what do you mean by you haven’t been able to read theory? like is something making it difficult for you or are you not sure where to start, or is it something else? someone here might be able to help you out
It is mostly due to depression and having very little confidence in what people often call "Critical Thinking Skills" And I know that, when I read something, I am literal minded due to autism, so I often make incorrect conclusions, unless I am told outright what the intended message was.
check out channels like this one if you want to get some info in a more personal way : don't be worried about being literal minded or having incorrect conclusions, just study (reading, podcasts, audio books, whatever you prefer) to gather knowledge and find people to talk to about it and things will become more clear over time.
I want to second what propter_hog said, being a leftist is a process. There is always more to learn about the world and the forces that drive it. Keep learning, and develop some healthy skepticism and media literacy with regard to capitalist depictions of socialist countries, and you're on track.
Almost like a dialectic
Yes I admit, I haven't tried to read theory. I have no confidence that I would do it correctly.
two points. first, the only incorrect way to read theory is to not read it. even if you don't understand 100% of a book -- hell, even if you only understand 25% of a book the first time you read it -- you can still get a lot out of it and become a better, more informed leftist. second, theory is only one side of the coin. what makes a good leftist is a combination of theory and praxis that inform each other, so if you're still really that worried about not being able to read theory, getting out and actually contributing to a leftist cause will both help you feel like you're a Good Leftist and make reading theory more approachable, bc praxis informs theory and vice versa
Death to America
You're here to learn, you won't get bullied. Generally when someone gets dumped on massively it's cause they came in combative and arrogant and remained so in the face of people replying with paragraphs of well written and educational rebuttals with links, if the other person proceeds to double down it's open season. This us a very comfy place to be otherwise. You're approaching with probably more humility than we'd expect let alone see often, so you're fine.
Welcome! We have a LOT of emojis and an account everyone can use if they want to pretend they're a dog!
Nah, I don't meet theirs as well. Just be economically socialist, superstructurally progressive, and foreign policy-wise anti-western
People will argue with you if you say something they disagree with but the only bullying I've seen is towards people who are being bigots or advocating for things that objectively suck