[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 22 points 17 hours ago

number of times saying "Have you no shame, sir?" has worked: 1

number of times attempted: 14,789,996

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 13 points 19 hours ago

why is he an orangutan what movie is that

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 8 points 20 hours ago

Never quite understood why aliens are gonna crop up to save us if the nukes fly. Like, are we a research specimen and they can only start interfering when we've rendered ourselves functionally extinct?

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 18 points 1 day ago

Imagine if every four years Britain had a contest to see who gets to live in Buckingham palace.

That's us, that's our stupid fucking constitution.

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 1 points 1 day ago

It's pretty similar, yeah. A lot of casual investing (and even a worrying amount of professional investing) focuses too much on changes in exchange-value while overlooking use-vale. Exchange-value fluctuates with market trends, with how people feel about something and what they are willing to trade to have it. Use-value is sort of like the 'floor' -- it's the material value of something, its practical use.

At the moment, the computer programmes that get called "AI" have an exchange value that almost certainly exceeds their actual use-value (which is still hazy at the moment; this stuff is pretty new). A hardware company like NVIDIA really benefits from this, because it drives up the exchange value of their computer chips, which already have an established use-value. There's a risk here, though. At the moment, demand for chips is high and they are producing as much as they can to meet it. If it eventually turns out the use for "AI" is significantly less than its exchange value, they'll find themselves producing more chips than people actually need.

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 18 points 1 day ago

Caroline Pinkerton

strikebreaker GLaDOS

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 8 points 2 days ago

I wonder if it's just 'cus Nvidia isn't being talked about much. "AI" is the buzzword, the There's Gold in Them Thar Hills of this bubble. Hardware is the picks and shovels, where the real cash is being made. If they're just training this on scrapping text from the web, that's an easy fact to overlook.

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 7 points 3 days ago

Elden Ring is a game screaming for community servers. Like, let people make servers for trading or with different drop rates or mixed up enemy locations.

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 13 points 4 days ago

:dean-smile: when they aren't comparing politics to the fantasy boarding school

:dean-frown: ...so they compare it to the comic with the french gorilla instead

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 9 points 4 days ago

We have a steel industry?

[-] Wheaties@hexbear.net 21 points 5 days ago

I could maybe see "Tankie" piercing through Trump's social circles and winding up in his vocabulary just cus he's catty and vindictive and the people in his favor are always shifting. But Biden? No way. I think his team are very careful what they say around him. Plus, there's gotta be, like, at least one or two degrees of kevin bacon between him and anyone online enough to use that word.


written in the fucking 1970s


I know it's spelled "minute". That was a typo and I am not going to fix it.


...really, we've not really incorporated it into our understanding of the natural world, either. The closest we got was the late 19th century project to justify the racism we were already doing (or "Social Darwinism", when it's attempting to appear grown-up and respectable).

The way we talk about class is still firmly grounded in 18th and 17th century ideas. An evolutionary perspective would have us thinking about this along multiple generations, across enough spans of time that the individual is incidental - a part contributing to a greater system. On this scale, it doesn't matter how good, how just, how longsighted this or that president or industry titan or """great man""" is, cus soon they'll be dead. Someone else moves in to take their position. It's the structure around them that truly continues, that defines the flow of history.

That kind of thinking is anathema to the US civic tradition. We are discouraged - in schools, in churches, on television, in our art - from such broad considerations. It doesn't matter that statistically most people here die in debt having worked all their lives -- they just didn't do enough willpower! So they must deserve their sorry plight! The Elect, whether chosen by God or the Market (not much of a distinction, for a lot of people here...), are thus equally deserving of their 'success'.

Even our atheists think like this! They've just replaced 'God' with an Operating System. They belittle religion for projecting a familiar patriarchal figure into the great unknowns of the cosmos, then turn around, point to the sky, and say it must be a desktop interface. And non of the underlying assumptions change! The aesthetics and the words are different, but we're still trying to cram a planetary biosphere of billions of people down the throat of a framework that refuses to consider anything bigger than the individual!


(id look up the quote, but it's funner to butcher ideas and re-arrange them in new language)

i feel like that's not just the US as a nation state, but Yankee culture and society in general. Like, I'm starting to think we're just not capable of incorporating new experience into our collective learned behaviors. Not even after COVID - the polite thing isn't to mask up or even hand-sanitize when you have cold or flu symptoms, it's to pretend like nothing happened (and AIDS barely gets talked about and only in the past-tense...)

Most of the art and music and literature getting remixed remade and referenced is from the 20th century, or has roots beginning in that time. In terms of infrastructure, very little built this century seems to have any amount of longevity in mind.

Geopolitically we're still doing Cold Wars and proxy-conflicts -- even when those have been rendered obsolete by our own fucking actions the previous (and first...) time there was a big Cold War. And we never stopped funding and arming settler colonialism, even with practically unanimous condemnation in the UN (take away our VETO for the love of all things good TAKE IT AWAY)

i don't know that i have a conclusion for this. On a personal level, living in the 20th century US but having 21st century tech reminds me way too much of Fahrenheit 451. It's maddening. Like I'm trying not to notice the great big Amygdalae on the Healing Church; there's no outlet for the Insight so it's just hovering there and i'm scared to walk too close to it for fear of how others respond.

submitted 3 months ago by Wheaties@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net
submitted 4 months ago by Wheaties@hexbear.net to c/memes@hexbear.net

spam this at the /r/neoliberal dorks if you want

submitted 4 months ago by Wheaties@hexbear.net to c/memes@hexbear.net

saw some good friends. Lost my marbles, caught them. touched some tree stumps. Looked at a redwood and saw the past looking back at me. took pictures with both types of cameras, talked, listened. Cried shuddered wailed all quietly to myself.

got back this morning heard some news.

i am FUCKING steamed

๐ŸŽตโ™ช๐Ÿ—’๏ธ new News old, new News old, I've heard this one all before -- this young man skipped spring and went straight to simmer.


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