Sorry for being late on this, but I saw some decrepit struggle sessoin from a while ago and wanted to add on. Also I want to make sure everybody on this site knows, especially with the new bluesky folks arriving, but NOBODY SHOULD FEEL BAD FOR INCELS.
You seriously have no excuse. There are actual adults who partake in this shit. I have been rejected and/or dumped by everybody I have shown romantic interested in, and not once in my life has it ever, EVER crossed my mind (nat even once) that, "oh, gee! i get it now! it's those dumb women that are the problem!" because it isn't hard to have a shred of fucking empathy and realise that people have free will, and you aren't entitled to anything, ESPECIALLY NOT PEOPLE. I cannot stress this enough,
I don't care how much you think men get rejected more than women do (not true at all), or if society supposedly just made them this way (re: people have free will), or any justification you have to be nice to incels, THEY DO NOT DESERVE IT. THEY SHOULD LEARN TO TREAT PEOPLE AS HUMANS, NOT AS SEX TOYS.
tl;dr, if you're an incel, disrespectfully fuck off and die.
I tried to ignite a cat vs dog struggle sesh, multiple times, just because someone dared to suggest cats are better because they don’t yap nearly as much as dogs.
I will keep doing it until I get this issue stickied, because I’m sicko thunder
well i mean objectively dogs are better than cats, but if you want to start a struggle session you've gotta get real wacky with that belief...
have you considered commenting something like "fucking disgusting animals anytime I come across a mangy stray outdoors (who has probably slaughtered hundreds, if not thousands, of local birds and small mammals) I let my dog off the leash and he usually snaps their necks. cats can't and won't even protect you if your home gets invaded by cops"** or something else along those lines under someone's post about their pet? good luck
**this statement is NOT endorsed by abc he is kind to all animals, even the 8 stray cats in his apartment complex who always try begging for treats when he is walking to the mailbox
No, but seriously, my area has a cat infestation. That’s right, I said it, they’re a fucking PESTILENCE. They’re everywhere. 25 years ago it used be stray dogs who’d roam the streets. Who knows what’s happened to them. Wiped out by hurricanes. Rounded up by dog catchers. Genocided by cats, who knows.
Now, not only is there cat shit everywhere, cats are outright destroyingthe flora and fauna. What’s worse is there’s fucking people dumping kitty kibbles on the streets, by buildings, IN buildings. Grandmas, college kids, LIBS.
This has to fucking stop. Also cat shit is much, much worse than dog shit, and on that metric alone dogs win, no further need to debate.
Misogynists suck btw, for sure
my apartment complex borders a larger complex and a bunch of single family homes, so of course, a few strays isn't unusual but holy shit this is the first place I've lived in this city (fairly large 300k+ population) that I'm like "there are too many stray animals outside" and they're ALL cats. Literal families of cats too because, since moving here back in August, I've seen two toms with distinct coats and then 3 older females who also have distinct coats, and then a bunch of 1-3 year old cats with...those same coats.
that's right and why i haven't succumbed to like, literally feeding the entire population kibble like my one neighbor does nightly. the other day I heard one of the females yowling (i swear to god at first I was like "oh they're having sex" but i remembered its winter and they were probably fighting eachother) and I was sitting on my couch like
as I realized that come spring, there's gonna be population boom when all of the cats get pregnant and can sustain those kittens since they have easy access to a food source (me, the pushover twink)
{Meooooooww|Give me (Edie) treats}
We might be neighbors 😄 The whole street behind my house is full of strays and all the grannies and neighbors keep giving them food, and now the entire street smells like cat shit.
*This message brought to you by someone using a Strelka pfp.
Ah, it would be proximate to my dream struggle session about the intersection of outdoor dogs and outdoor cats
Let's goooooo, I am so ready for this