well given the pier was used to commit perfidy they may prefer people forget it.
i doubt any of them have plans or means to secure IP rights to DE or its setting, so I don't think you have worry about any direct sequels.
I don’t understand. He’s a high ranking politician, why isn’t he a cowardly worm who only pays lip service to ideals? Is he at least treating his constituents like ungrateful children?
Stock prices are completely divorced from material reality. The only thing you can glean from them is how much hype a company has in the financial sector.
The pedant in me wants to point out that Microsoft had very little to do with this outage, but it’s at war with the part of me that thinks Microsoft is absolutely not worth defending in any way.
What audience is this shit for? Leftists understand that this policy and the rent caps he proposed are just empty promises for half measures, and the VBNMW crowd is already gonna vote for him. Nobody is swayed by this shit.
You put the phrase "I am dropping out of the race and resigning from my position as President" on the teleprompter and there's like an 80% chance he croaks it out before he realizes what he's saying.
A neighborhood in Vegas lost power for six hours during the height of this heat wave and the power company just kinda shrugged and said they don’t know why that happened. Things are looking great.
The deal would include a monitor to oversee Boeing — but the company would put forward three nominees and have the Justice Department pick one, or ask Boeing for additional names.
toothless garbage. i only skimmed this but I didn't even see any mention about a fine being part of this so they dont even get the traditional slap on the wrist non-punishment.
I mean I don’t want to disappoint you guys but…
Is this the one with the infamous “watch bush start a war”?
do you think the bulge size was specified in the prompt