[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 4 points 21 hours ago

You should submit a feature request for that. It is possible to send from the aliases on other platforms; might just be something their devs need some critical mass to work on.

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 10 points 1 day ago

Do you mind calling out the questions you think are inappropriate or exist for rage clicks? What constitutes a good article for you if this is a shitty one?

Looks like there is now a subscription program. imo that’s much better than it used to be at least for Insta (apologies for the link; not sure when it changed so that’s the best quick search).

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 51 points 1 day ago

It’s P2W. There’s absolutely no way their grind example is actually achievable by a casual player.

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 9 points 3 days ago

Over in the US I’ve been stoked to see the boycott. Also over in the US I’m now really sad that your only option is Walmart because that will fuck you in the end.

Costco is great if you need bulk or very specific but completely random items in the rotating stock. It is not a replacement for a grocery store unless you can reasonably buy a lot of one thing and use it before it’s bad.

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 3 points 5 days ago

I think this one gets the paper crown. While he was supported by the British, our cosplayer doesn’t say he wouldn’t take shadow dollars from foreign investors which is in fact a current tenet of several major US political figures. You can hate someone while taking their money.

Protestant, white, abandoned his wife, involved in frivolous conflict. Good cosplay for this nut.

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 2 points 5 days ago

Yeah but there are genderfluid Norse gods and Viking women were both allowed to own property and request divorces. That last one is a big deal for the US right ever since Matt Walsh got dumped. I did have to hunt for a reason on this one so I think it’s definitely closer.

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 4 points 5 days ago

The Romans didn’t exclude folks from society based on the color of their skin. I think that’s a really good call because a lot of the other things line up but the whole “black people need separate but equal shit” from the US right attitude doesn’t mesh.

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 4 points 5 days ago

His only point, per him, is his hatred of the British. I tried for a few minutes to think of a group that fought the British that he could cosplay as but I came up blank. Either they were fighting for religious freedom (not his so that’s out), they were fighting to avoid colonialism (he’s all about that), or they wanted to remove autocrats (totally against his party).

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 91 points 2 months ago

Absolutes in programming tend to lead to bad designs. This is more a “I’m gonna stir up some shit on Twitter” post than real wisdom.

  • No microservices usually leads to bloated, tightly coupled logic that ignores business domains
  • No monoliths usually leads to sprawling microservice deployments with tightly coupled dependencies and flavor-of-the-week new ones
  • No Kubernetes usually leads to VPS pets or crazy obstacle courses trying to get SSL termination without a million fucking dependencies in a cloud container orchestration system that isn’t as good as Kubernetes
  • All Kubernetes usually leads to huge SRE costs for a tiny app

The same shit happened last summer when AWS came out with their “we dropped microservices for a monolith and look at our speed increase” article which ignored good design principles. Sometimes you should split things over business domains so you can deploy and code independently. Sometimes Kubernetes is the best way to handle your scale needs. The stories we normally read are about people doing it wrong (eg AWS making a bunch of microservices inside a domain sending fucking gigs of data between what should have been functions in a single service). Inexperienced folks don’t always know when to move from their minimum viable solution to something that can scale. That doesn’t mean you remove these things, it means you train on when you need them.

Should we abandon design patterns because singletons or flywheels aren’t the correct solution all of the time?

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 126 points 9 months ago

“Patent troll” and “required actions to preserve trademarks” are two totally different things. The former is objectively bad in all ways. The second is explainable if there truly is a trademark and said gear infringes on the trademark and may be excusable if the Linux Foundation is forced to act to preserve their branding (trademark law is weird). It’s even more explainable if this is a shitty auto filter some paralegal had to build without any technical review because IP law firms are hot fucking mess. I’m also very curious to see the original graphics which I couldn’t find on Mastodon. If they are completely unrelated and there was an explicit action by someone who knew better, the explanation provides no excuse.

Attacking any company because the trademark process is stupid doesn’t accomplish much more than attacking someone paying taxes for participating in capitalism.

[-] thesmokingman@programming.dev 375 points 10 months ago

Swartz wasn’t involved in the origins of Reddit. He got involved when Y Combinator combined his company with Reddit (something along those lines?). He was not an actual founder, just an early influencer. In many ways, decoupling him from the shitshow that Ohanian and Huffman have engendered is a good thing.

This is very similar to the argument of Musk being a founder of Tesla.

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