[-] theother2020@hexbear.net 19 points 6 days ago

The Bidens are looking sharp

[-] theother2020@hexbear.net 52 points 6 days ago

My lib mom keeps bemoaning that they can’t run a moderate republican against Trump. (A general election with two Republicans.) She’s a Romney fan. This is what happens your politics are based in civility and aesthetics, and mostly aesthetics. She can’t wait to vote for Newsom.

tankie Do we have a Romney emote? Walter Mondale was the best I could do.

[-] theother2020@hexbear.net 17 points 6 days ago

Yeah, I was thinking of Havana Syndrome and conflated it with the heart attack gun. Similar technology. Related I heard through a 1st hand source the US works on heart attack tech, but I don’t know via what mechanism (biological or otherwise); they also work on the antidote to it.

[-] theother2020@hexbear.net 26 points 6 days ago

Uyghur g3nocide. The heart attack gun. Do these count?

[-] theother2020@hexbear.net 3 points 6 days ago

First Biden misgenders Trump and now Moore. SMH, party of woke.

[-] theother2020@hexbear.net 86 points 1 week ago

“My numbers are better in Israel than they are here.”


[-] theother2020@hexbear.net 50 points 1 week ago

And this from his fund raising email sent out a few days ago. It’s gross. The vaguest vague reference to genocide, or not even, maybe just a bad debate and a vibe. People Are Demoralized.

Yes. These are extremely difficult and painful times. People are demoralized.

The presidential debate last Thursday was a disaster. Trump lied, lied, and lied. Biden did very poorly in defending his record, or exposing Trump for the fraud that he is. Further, he did not bring forth a strong agenda for this second term.

Yes, I, like I suspect many of you, have had my significant disagreements with the Biden Administration. But I do know that time and time again he has been willing to support and sign progressive legislation... but only if we were able to get it to his desk.

So our job this November is clear: first, we must defeat Donald Trump, the worst president in modern American history.

[-] theother2020@hexbear.net 52 points 1 month ago

I just want a Chinese EV


[-] theother2020@hexbear.net 51 points 2 months ago

Thousands of North Koreans stole Americans’ identities and took remote-work tech jobs at Fortune 500 companies, DOJ says

  • Fortune article


The Justice Department on Thursday announced the arrests of three people in a complex stolen identity scheme that officials say generates enormous proceeds for the North Korean government, including for its weapons program.

The scheme involves thousands of North Korean information technology workers who prosecutors say are dispatched by the government to live abroad and who rely on the stolen identities of Americans to obtain remote employment at U.S.-based Fortune 500 companies, jobs that give them access to sensitive corporate data and lucrative paychecks.

The fraud is a way for heavily sanctioned North Korea, which is cut off from the U.S. financial system, to take advantage of a “toxic brew” of converging factors, including high-tech labor shortage in the U.S. and the proliferation of remote telework, Marshall Miller, the Justice Department’s principal associate deputy attorney general, said in an interview. The Justice Department says the cases are part of a broader strategy to not only prosecute individuals who enable the fraud but also to build partnerships with other countries and to warn private-sector companies of the need to be vigilant about the people they’re hiring. FBI and Justice Department officials launched an initiative in March and last year announced the seizure of website domains used by North Korean IT workers.

“More and more often, compliance programs at American companies and organizations are on the front lines of protecting our national security,” “Corporate compliance and national security are now intertwined like never before.”

The Justice Department says the conspiracy has affected more than 300 companies — including a high-end retail chain and “premier Silicon Valley technology company” — and generated more than $6.8 million in revenue for the workers, who are based outside of the U.S., including in China and Russia.

The three people arrested include an Arizona woman, Christina Marie Chapman, who prosecutors say facilitated the scheme by helping the workers obtain and validate stolen identities, receiving laptops from U.S. companies who thought they were sending the devices to legitimate employees and helping the workers connect remotely to the company.

According to the indictment, Chapman ran more than one “laptop farm” where U.S. companies sent computers and paychecks to IT workers they did not realize were overseas.

At Chapman’s laptop farms, she allegedly connected overseas IT workers who logged in remotely to company networks so it appeared the logins were coming from the United States. She also is alleged to have received paychecks for the overseas IT workers at her home, forging the beneficiaries’ signatures for transfer abroad and enriching herself by charging monthly fees.

The other two defendants include a Ukrainian man, Oleksandr Didenko, who prosecutors say created fake accounts at job search platforms and was arrested in Poland last week, and a Vietnamese national, Minh Phuong Vong, who was arrested Thursday in Maryland on charges of fraudulently obtaining a job at a U.S. company that was actually performed by remote workers who posed as him and were based overseas.

It was not immediately clear if any of the three had lawyers.

Separately, the State Department said it was offering a reward for information about certain North Korean IT workers who officials say were assisted by Chapman. And the FBI, which conducted the investigations, issued a public service announcement that warned companies about the scheme, encouraging them to implement identity verification standards through the hiring process and to educate human resources staff and hiring managers about the threat.

[-] theother2020@hexbear.net 57 points 4 months ago

I don’t agree with his choice but


[-] theother2020@hexbear.net 53 points 4 months ago

LoL the Atlantic

[-] theother2020@hexbear.net 66 points 7 months ago

Good v Evil. No mention of Hamas even as pretense for the white supremacy and biblical fanaticism.

LOL (hexbear.net)

Twitter link

(Can’t figure out alt links on my phone, sorry)

US Mad (www.theregister.com)

Surprisingly good comments section. Even got one poster saying “Comeonguys, stop being so anti-US.”

US Mad (www.theregister.com)

Surprisingly good comments section. Even got one poster saying “Comeonguys, stop being so anti-US.”

Cool cool (hexbear.net)

Does math. That's 11 years away. Subheading does not compute.


Keir Starmer interview in Time Magazine a couple months ago.

In another part, he says: “I’m conscious that we’ve got a lot to learn internationally as a Labour party so we study intensely the US and particularly the journey of Biden into office because the Democrats are our sister party.”


CW ⚠️ medical homicide

Hospital: Treatment, discharge of woman who died appropriate <— that’s the actual headline, WTF AP

archive link

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A woman who died after being discharged from a Tennessee hospital and forced to leave despite her pleas for more help received appropriate medical treatment, the hospital said, but changes were being made to security procedures.

The findings from an internal investigation by Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center in Knoxville over its treatment of 60-year-old Lisa Edwards were released Tuesday, news outlets reported.

Security officers at the hospital called police Feb. 5 saying that Edwards had been evaluated and discharged, but was refusing to leave. Four responding police officers were investigated for repeatedly ignoring her pleas for help as they accused her of faking illness.

The Knox County District Attorney’s office said it would not press criminal charges against the officers after an autopsy determined that Edwards died of a stroke and that “at no time did law enforcement interaction cause or contribute to Ms. Edwards’ death.”

A video released by police showed officers struggle for about 25 minutes to move Edwards into a police van and finally a cruiser. Edwards repeatedly asks for help but is rebuffed by officers and hospital security guards who become frustrated with her inability to step up into the van and tell her she is faking her incapacity.

After she is placed in a police cruiser, video shows Edwards trying to pull herself upright repeatedly, but eventually she slumps over out of sight. Several minutes later, one of the officers performs a traffic stop on another vehicle while Edwards remains in the backseat. When he opens the rear door, Edwards is unresponsive. He calls dispatch for an ambulance, telling them, “I don’t know if she’s faking it or what, but she’s not answering me.”

Edwards was pronounced dead at the Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center the following day.

The hospital said it conducted a thorough internal investigation of Edwards’ care and found that her “medical treatment and hospital discharge were clinically appropriate.”

The hospital also reviewed security procedures and said changes were being made. Several security officers who were working at the facility when Edwards was removed are no longer employed, the hospital said.

“In addition, we are implementing empathy training for security officers serving on behalf of Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center and Covenant Health,” the statement said.

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