[-] thawed_caveman@lemmy.world 34 points 1 week ago

The life expectancy of 75 is an average (of the US population i assume), billionaires are likely to live longer

[-] thawed_caveman@lemmy.world 49 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Oh i thought it said RS. Man someone should learn to crop their memes

[-] thawed_caveman@lemmy.world 155 points 1 month ago

I didn't believe you, OP. I thought there's no way, it's exactly the kind of thing that would be made up. Like we all talk about accidentally streaming porn but it never actually happens.

But holy fuck, there's images. There's a screen recording. You can see one of the guys had a pup hood. I am completely shocked.

And yeah, even before he realized what was happening the chat had already come up with an excuse and he went with it. We live in a clown world.

[-] thawed_caveman@lemmy.world 33 points 1 month ago

They were talking about being tired and getting away from it all, what you're describing sounds like the least relaxing activity possible

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by thawed_caveman@lemmy.world to c/reddit@lemmy.world

I've been the main moderator of the same community since 2016. This evening, i approved my last comment.

I'm leaving for two reasons:

  1. Reddit went public a week ago. I didn’t volunteer to work for a publicly traded company, i volunteered to work for a community. As long as i live under capitalism i accept that my labor will generate value for shareholders, but damned if i ever do it for free. (this is not a Faulkner quote)

  2. April 1st is coming and i'm scared they might do another r/place. Doing in r/place 2022 and 2023 has left me dejected and bitter and i don't want to feel obligated to participate again.

Leaving felt like ripping myself off of something warm i've been comfortably glued to for a long time. Still recommend it for anyone still giving Reddit shareholders free labor

EDIT: there are too many comments to respond to, but i've appreciated all of them! Thank you

[-] thawed_caveman@lemmy.world 79 points 3 months ago

This is a thing that annoys me and it's not just Microsoft doing this: there's never a "No" button, it's always "Not now" or "Maybe later". As if i'm going to reconsider. As if it's an honest offer worth thinking about and not a pop-up.

[-] thawed_caveman@lemmy.world 49 points 3 months ago

Yeah i've learned not to trust this kind of simmetrical worldview, even when it makes me feel smart for being above it.

most relevant meme (lemmy.world)
submitted 5 months ago by thawed_caveman@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.ml

today i remembered an idea for a meme that i had years ago and forgot about, enjoy

[-] thawed_caveman@lemmy.world 27 points 6 months ago

Surely "speed of sound" must be an exaggeration, i don't see the object reaching mach 1 and then stopping within such a short distance.

Plus they happened to be in a hospital, so chances of survival are maximized.

How to keep a man (lemmy.world)
[-] thawed_caveman@lemmy.world 47 points 6 months ago

The internet can amplify incredibly marginal phenomenons. Like, how many incels can there possibly be? Yet you hear about them all the time

[-] thawed_caveman@lemmy.world 30 points 7 months ago

Maybe i'm already half asleep, but i love this comment that starts out on topic then drifts into a unrelated rant written in the most entertaining way.

[-] thawed_caveman@lemmy.world 65 points 11 months ago

This seems like rage bait. The smug british stereotype is too perfect.

[-] thawed_caveman@lemmy.world 31 points 11 months ago

Physical buttons. Sometimes an app or the OS itself will fuck up and not show you the home or back button for example.

I would miss headphone jacks but any phone worth buying still comes with those... for now

never buying this again (media.discordapp.net)
[-] thawed_caveman@lemmy.world 42 points 11 months ago

I thought the comments section would be filled with vapes.

Guys, i think vapes are a good candidate for something that hindsight will show us was dangerous, and i think images of teens smoking Juul will age as poorly as kids drinking beer.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/909097

Almost always my movies even though i have tons of music, and always the most obscure shit. I have Disney movies and Breaking Bad, but people go for the auteur french sci-fi animated features.

Soulseek gives me much the same joy of sharing as torrent does, perhaps more so because it's one-on-one with a username instead of an IP.

It's very easy to contribute to Soulseek as opposed to torrent, you just mark your shared folders. I think there's probably more content as a result, at the cost of the inefficiency of multiple people offering the same thing. Which i'm not sure matters.

I don't know if the rooms are really worth it. You only get the messages starting when you logged in, so you can't catch up to what happened before; this problem is particularly relevant because most rooms are dead; those that aren't dead consist of a lot of vicious arguments; and it's live chat anyway, never my favorite format for discussion.

I prefer Soulseek to eMule just because it works, but i also found it simpler.

Unfortunately my VPN doesn't play well with Soulseek, apparently it doesn't support port forwarding? I'm not sure how to fix this. It may in fact have been a problem when torrenting too the whole time and i didn't notice.

Overall i really enjoy Soulseek and will probably always have it in the background, it's pretty great!

explained (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by thawed_caveman@lemmy.world to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

According to Wikipedia, the lastest version of eMule was released in 2010, but "official forum users" developed an updated version as of 2017.

Is this information up to date? Is that still true? I'd feel a lot better installing something on my computer that was last updated at least in this decade, which version of eMule should i pick, if any?

EDIT: i'm downloading this.

Thanks everyone!

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joined 1 year ago