submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by star_wraith@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Well over $100k in the higher cost of living states, too. And as the article states, that’s typically about double what the median salary is for a single person in most states.

I’d like to point out that AES states - while maybe they didn’t have all the same quality or quantity of consumer goods - were able to able to to provide a comfortable life for everyone without all the predatory that US workers currently have. And don’t take my word for it, take it from the neoliberal queen herself, Angela Merkel. When asked about life in the former GDR, she described it as “almost comfortable”. Now before you mention that “almost” is an important qualifier, note that the context of her quote was her trying to criticize the former GDR but she grudgingly conceded the comment above.


I’m white. My daughter is also white. She’s 3 years old, almost 4.

Up to this age, my approach to teaching her about race has been to focus exclusively on skin color. Meaning, we talk about how people can have all different colors and tones to their skin. Talking about skin color on a spectrum. But always emphasizing that people are all the same and that everyone should be treated the same.

In isolation, this all sounds lib. I of course want to get all into structural and institutional racism et al. But… she’s 3. Up until a few months ago she was still pooping and pissing in a diaper. My thinking is that emphasizing this more lib understanding of race is more age-appropriate now, and we can get into the real stuff a little later on when she has the mental and emotional maturity to handle it (that said, I have told her that the cops aren’t very nice to people who don’t look like us. Whatever, the daycare has pigs come over and talk to the kids even at her age, so fuck em I’m gonna counter that shit now).

Is this the right approach? Is there more I should be doing? If you all have any age-appropriate books on this topic you can recommend, definitely let me know.

[-] star_wraith@hexbear.net 73 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I don’t claim to be an authority, but I have spent the last couple years trying to learn about the DPRK as much as I can from more independent sources (like from people from China who go there as tourists).

From a material perspective… very broadly it seems like it’s better to live in the DPRK than to be poor in the United States, but someone in the US who isn’t poor is probably better off than most DPRK citizens. That of course should not be a surprise, given how heavily the DPRK is sanctioned and how restricted their trade is. Interestingly from the time shortly after the Korean War (after the DPRK was able to recover from having every bit of its industrial capacity destroyed and ~20% of its people killed) up through the 80s, the DPRK was seen as the wealthier of the two countries on the Korean Peninsula.

Honestly, the only way to deny that the people of the DPRK are doing ok materially is to use the line about how whenever you see videos of people having fun a water park or whatever, they’re all just actors. For that, idk I think any application of critical thinking would tell you how ridiculous that is.

That said, there’s some truth to the famine thing, but that’s more an artifact of recent history. There really were famine conditions and suffering in the 90s. But that was more a function of some unique weather/climatic conditions plus the collapse of the USSR. The environmental and terrain conditions in the DPRK are not ideal for farming (cold and mountainous), so there’s a lot less margin for when things go bad. The famines could have been alleviated if the DPRK was allowed to have normal relations with other countries, but at the time the US and their allies used that suffering to try and put the screws to the DPRK instead.

I don’t know enough about the political situation to be able to speak to it with confidence.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by star_wraith@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

amerikkka Death to America and viva la revolucion! diaz-canel-troll fidel-bat che

Was just thinking about this since I’m wearing my Cuba WBC cap around town (from the most recent WBC when Cuba was actually “allowed” to be in charge of their own team).


I don’t have any myself, but thought you all might know some.

[-] star_wraith@hexbear.net 87 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Me when I’m talking about Stalin on hexbear: “Stalin did a lot of good but I really think it’s important to balance that against the cadres like Bukharin who were unjustly killed in the purges or how industrialization could have been achieved in less brutal ways. And don’t get me started on how some of the economic decision making under Stalin lead to a lot of problems with economic planning later on down the line!”

Me when literally anyone else tries to shit on Stalin: stalin-shining stalin-shining stalin-shining

Edit: in that thread I noticed how those libs just use “Stalin” and “USSR” interchangeably. The propaganda works so damn well. The US was able to convince people that the extraordinary circumstances the USSR faced under Stalin and during and immediately after WW2 (when conditions in the gulags were admittedly horrific but so were the conditions for most Soviet citizens during the war, especially for the 20-25% of the population that lost their lives thanks to the fucking Nazis) was the norm from 1917 to 1991. Even the most ardently anti-Stalinist bourgeois historian would acknowledge Corn Man ended the gulag system and for decades the prison system was basically fine and certainly better than what we have in the US today. But most libs think the worst aspects of Stalinism remained all the way through Gorby, because they have brains as smooth as silk and no lib actually bothers to study history.

[-] star_wraith@hexbear.net 87 points 9 months ago

Shortly after Oct 7, Malema was talking about how he wanted to help arm Hamas. Not offer general support, actually sending them guns and shit. Maybe he’a problematic in other areas but he’s an absolute chad in my book.


I’m not a native German speaker obviously, but doesn’t “Das Kapital” translate to “THE Capital”?

Also, English-speakers should call it just “Capital”. Calling it “Das Kapital” is just propaganda to make the title sound more menacing than it is.


Liberals will point to how improvements in quality of life have occurred in capitalist countries in recent centuries (debatable, and certainly not true for the entire world, but let’s assume they are correct for now). What is usually implied is that it’s all thanks to capitalism that we have the quality of life that we do, thus capitalism should be allowed to continue.

The thought I had was, do most of the quality of life improvements come down mostly to how agriculture and medicine developed? Meaning, famines were a harsh reality of life for much of human history, and modern agriculture has allowed us to now be in a position where globally, we can produce more than enough food consistently for the whole planet.

Likewise in regards to medicine… in the past just getting sick could be a death sentence. People had to live with incredibly painful conditions their whole life that we now have cures for. Honestly modern medicine is the one reason why I would rather live in 2023 than any other time.

What I’m getting at is… though these advances did occur under capitalism, I don’t think I would give capitalism the “credit” for them. Obviously socialism was not possible 200 years ago. I’m not denying standard Marxist historical progression. What I am doing though, is trying to attack the liberal narrative of treating capitalism as some god who has bestowed his mercy on us - that everything good we have is from Him, and thus we must give Him our praise and continue on His economic system into eternity.

The Soviet Union and China were/are both able to be incredibly productive in agriculture and ended their historic, periodic famines. The Soviet Union (and Cuba!) were/are renowned for their advances in medicine.

I think the only things you can give capitalism “credit” for is developing the productive forces, allowing for high levels of commodity production, and increasing levels of wealth (though not equally shared).


This is shaping up to be the thing right wing nuts get outraged about this upcoming week. I feel like this is a good litmus test… anyone who gets angry about this is probably way more of a white nationalist than they are letting on. You think these same people who be angry about a blue/white/orange tricolor, saying it’s too close to the Dutch flag?

submitted 9 months ago by star_wraith@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

Wherever he is, I hope he’s doing good. I don’t remember if he was an open communist when he was in the Virginia legislature but probably the least lib politician in America in a generation. Seemed like a pretty genuine dude, too. Feels like he dropped out of politics and has been pretty quiet since.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by star_wraith@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Had always been a boxers enjoyer, until a friend made a devastating insult:

“You wear boxers? What are you, like 80 years old?”

Completely bodied and no way to recover. So I decided to try out boxer briefs. I always hated that constricting feeling on my thighs, so I avoided them. Decided to buy a slightly loose, larger size and I’m liking it.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by star_wraith@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Never really been a huge fan of Christmas. Something has always bugged me about it, but I've never been quite able to figure out what.

I've thought about all the reasons people - especially leftists - don't like Christmas. Like, the consumerism aspect can be annoying. But tbh I don't know anyone who actually is focused on spending money on people. I really only see people I know worry about gift-giving because they want to give something meaningful, myself included. It can be stressful and overall I kinda wish gift-giving wasn't a part of Christmas, but it doesn't really bother me. Stores obviously push you to buy stuff but really, when isn't that the case under capitalism?

There are other aspects of Christmas I really don't like - the music and how long the season drags out in particular. But those are admittedly just "me" things. There are a lot of people who like that part of Christmas, and I'm firmly in the "let people enjoy things" camp. So while these aspects might bug me personally, there is something else - something social - that feels off with Christmas.

But then a couple weeks ago, I was watching another "Christmas special" kids show that emphasized "Christmas is special time with the people we love" message, and I started thinking through something: I think what bothers me about Christmas is that it seems there is this massive social effort to resuscitate a sense of social belonging that capitalism itself has killed.

In order to survive, capitalism has completely and totally obliterated our social fabric and has turned us all into individualistic atoms. It had to do this. The social fabric is what allows us to experience not only common humanity, but common struggle. We are social creatures and we need some sort of social connection. But social connections are a threat to capitalism, so it must be destroyed. We need to be mobile workers who move away from the family and social connections we form. We spend all our time working so we can't form social bonds. The single family residence is considered the only way to live if you have the means. Unionizing or even just viewing our co-workers as group that should collectively act has been demolished.

So capitalism rips apart our social fabric in order to reproduce itself. But... we are social creatures. We all know something is missing. So to help assuage that angst, capitalism has "invented" modern Christmas. Modern Christmas involves telling people that for one day or one season, yes everything is totally fine. Having social connections is good. Of course, we are not actually given anything that helps improve our social connections. But our rulers deem that for a few weeks, we can have the vibes of a functioning social life, as a treat. They take the corpse of a healthy social fabric and prop it up and pretend it's alive, a la Weekend at Bernie's.

That's really the point of the Hallmark movies. That the point of the news highlighting feel-good stories about the holidays. Of every TV show having a "Christmas special" once a season that emphasizes that caring about others is what matters. I mean, of course those things are good. But it's an effort to create something artificial in place of something real.

Christmas is capitalism's social MacGuffin. We supposed to think about our loved ones this one time of year because it's Christmas and that's what Christmas is. But Christmas I think is just what's evolved into our release valve. Put all our energy in making one day matter so we don't think about the other 364 where we are alienated from each other. It's why every time we hear platitudes about "Christmas is a special time of the year" in the media, it rings hollow.

[-] star_wraith@hexbear.net 84 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Ex-US ambassador Victor Manuel Rocha charged over spying for Cuba

A former US diplomat who served as ambassador to Bolivia has been charged with working as an agent of the Cuban government for more than 40 years.

Victor Manuel Rocha, 73, is accused of helping Cuba gather intelligence against the US since 1981.

Mr Rocha referred to the US as "the enemy" and claimed his work as a secret agent "strengthened the Revolution", according to court papers.

fidel-salute to our based comrade doing his part to support the revolution. There’s a long history of Americans acting on behalf of Cuba and completely befuddling the US deep state, because they can’t fathom someone risking everything not for money, but for ideals. It only took you assholes over 40 years to figure him out, good job (makes jerking off motion)

[-] star_wraith@hexbear.net 100 points 10 months ago

rate of inflation

Weasel question. If the inflation rate was 15% last year and then “only” 13%, then technically the rate of inflation has gone down up obviously you still have the issue of higher prices than last year.

[-] star_wraith@hexbear.net 77 points 10 months ago

That woman cannot be more than 40, right? In that time, pretty sure the only time China “takes” property is when you do criminal shit (so no different from any country). I’m guessing “her” property refers to the fact that her great grandpa or something was a landlord, so instead of living a normal working life she thinks she’s entitled to just sit around and collect rent from peasants on “her” property.


[-] star_wraith@hexbear.net 78 points 11 months ago

White men in their 80s, famous for changing who they are and their values at this stage of life.

[-] star_wraith@hexbear.net 87 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

The creative team are all Estonian leftists/Marxists who lived through the 1990s. It’s clearly what they draw on - the absolute devastation of global capitalism.

[-] star_wraith@hexbear.net 78 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

The whole setting is cope and seethe by commies about how based globalism is.

Imagine reading The Jakarta Method and come away with thinking it’s about how based ~~Sukarno~~ Suharto and the CIA are.

[-] star_wraith@hexbear.net 81 points 11 months ago

Listening to the Citations Needed livestream from last night, I really like how Adam compared libs who think Biden is actually pressuring Israel and trying to do right for the Palestinians behind the scenes to QAnon people who think Trump was hanging out with Epstein et al to actually try and uncover and expose their trafficking rings. Just as deranged thinking, 100%

[-] star_wraith@hexbear.net 78 points 1 year ago

Objectively true though. Manchin and Sinema tank all the Dems plans just for the lulz and no one in the DNC will even say anything bad about them, much less do anything other than shrug and say “oh well”. It’s honestly embarrassing.

[-] star_wraith@hexbear.net 98 points 1 year ago

200 year old tropes so ancient they were debunked by Marx himself

In the very first lecture of my Macro 101 course in undergrad, my libertarian econ professor talked about how if the LTV was correct then an inedible mud pie would have as much value as a real pie. I was delighted when I first read Capital and I saw that Marx debunked this very myth like on page 4. Marx is great at anticipating objections and then thoroughly responding, it’s just the libs don’t bother to read him.

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