haram Go away, no one wants you here.

[-] raven@hexbear.net 44 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Liberalism is capitalist realism, and anti-communist. It's anti-democracy as well, so long as you define democracy as doing what the people want (That's clearly an impossible way to ride a bike!). Capitalism/liberalism calls itself democracy, but is really just profit seeking. Sometimes the highest expected profits come from doing what people want, just as often it comes from creating toll booths between people and readily available resources so you can extract a profit (enclosure).

[-] raven@hexbear.net 58 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I know I wouldn't trust my government or politicians to do anything but enrich themselves at my expense, but I don't have to; my rights are guaranteed by our constitution.

@OP RE: Idealism Do you really think a piece of paper protects you or anyone? Sure there's nominally some "belief in the rule of law" but all it takes is some "creative" interpretation of a document which was written by slave owners who left several intentional loopholes to get around that. The only thing materially restraining the state/capitalism from further trampling your so called rights is fear of reprisal by you. The constitution is one concession by the state, a pinky promise to generally not do these particular things insofar as you promise to be a good worker and not stir the pot too much. Did the constitution give women the right to vote? No. Did the constitution end slavery, and give reparations to those slaves? Nope. Will the constitution step in to stop the profiteering and uniquely evil US healthcare system that has killed and disabled members of my own family? Never.
So what does the constitution "do" in reality? Because from my perspective it might as well be joseph smith's golden tablets, which republicans occasionally use to scold democrats for not being American (tm) enough.

[-] raven@hexbear.net 57 points 4 months ago

Paying thousands of dollars for something that drops most of its value in just a few years can leave the buyer feeling cheated

How is that any different from non-synthetic diamond rings? lol

submitted 5 months ago by raven@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net


Based individual: Supporting LGBTQIA+ rights is good and sexy.
Cringe loser: Too many letter tho ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Based individual: Click the period you predictable loser lmao
Cringe loser: I am very owned and now must log off until I learn to not be cringe

[-] raven@hexbear.net 87 points 5 months ago

I hope this sentiment never stops someone from uploading a textbook without OCR. Once it's scanned it can always be OCRed at a later time.

submitted 5 months ago by raven@hexbear.net to c/food@hexbear.net

Serves 4

You will need:

  • Pound of sliced mushrooms
  • Vegan chicken broth cubes
  • 3 stalks celery, chopped fine (save the greens, there's good flavor in them!) (I like a lot of celery, feel free to adjust)
  • 2 carrots, rough chopped
  • 1-2 yellow onions, finely minced
  • 5-6 cloves (36g) garlic, minced (you can use the jarred stuff too!)
  • 2 tsp course black pepper
  • 2 cups (320g) steel cut oats
  • 1.5 liters (~6 cups) water
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • Automatic or manual pressure cooker (very easy to find at your local thrift store!)


  • 1/2 cup nutritional yeast
  • Substitute 1 cup water for white wine

Put a splash of water and your sliced mushrooms in the bottom of your pressure cooker on/over high heat. The mushrooms will quickly release their water. When the water has boiled away, add olive oil and onions, saute until onions start to go clear. Add garlic, celery, carrots, and black pepper. Saute for two more minutes or so.

Now add your celery greens, water (and wine), salt, broth cubes, oats. Put the lid on the pressure cooker, set timer for/dial in 8 minutes. When 8 minutes are up you can turn off the heat and walk away for 30 minutes or until ready to serve. Nutritional yeast goes in last. Fish out the celery tops before serving.

The texture is remarkably similar to risotto, but some people understandably have difficulty with oats in a savory context. Has more fiber and lower glycemic index (slower carbs) than standard risotto. I consider this my own invention, even though I'm certainly not the first to do it.

[-] raven@hexbear.net 62 points 6 months ago

You aren't permitted to not own an android or apple smartphone with an active number and internet access. You aren't visible as an individual to corporations or even many governments without one. I don't see this getting better any time soon either.

[-] raven@hexbear.net 50 points 6 months ago

No thank you I have an ad blocker. I'll just have the hominem.

[-] raven@hexbear.net 41 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

You see that's kind of where the problem is. You can say there's a genocide and I can say "where" and that gives me the vibe of a genocide denier. I've looked for evidence, I've asked for evidence, but the best I've ever gotten is a satellite image of some prison in China, some (AI padded) mugshots with no context, and some thorough browbeating by very serious liberals.

Let me put this another way. I'm of Jewish descent. My great aunt was in a camp. I'm not trying to "deny" any genocides, but what should my standard of evidence be? Particularly when there is a clear incentive for western media to create false narratives about their enemies, and have done so before?

If you have something to present that I haven't seen, I and the other "tankies" are wide open to engage with it.

submitted 8 months ago by raven@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net
[-] raven@hexbear.net 42 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

You wouldn't believe some of the shit they're making up about us on the lemmyverse now that we aren't there to contradict it. According to several posts I've seen we're literal nazis who throw up swastikas for fun and hate trans people. There's been a telephone game of uncharitable interpretations and now a good percent of users have only heard about us this way and have lumped us in with 4channers such that they think we're literal nazis.

I've tried to push back against some of it in the most gentle "civil" way and gotten banned for "subverting defederation" I guess I'm not allowed to have two accounts on the lemmyverse ๐Ÿคท

[-] raven@hexbear.net 44 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Even if by some magic they didn't get shot doing their nonviolent march, the Israelis don't fucking care, and you are never never going to make them.

Go talk to them, they literally couldn't care less.

[-] raven@hexbear.net 48 points 9 months ago

let's try doing good things

Last time we tried to do good things 10 billion died is that what you want? smuglord

[-] raven@hexbear.net 52 points 9 months ago

I can't believe we're having this struggle session now involving 3 year old accounts?

How did they keep quiet this long and what made them lose this ability?

[-] raven@hexbear.net 50 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Using chromium, ungoogled chromium, brave (reactionary baggage), vivaldi, opera, etc is not good enough. We must switch to Firefox specifically.

All the Chrome forks I mentioned above use the same chrome rendering engine, called blink. When you use blink you're helping google take over the web. Firefox is already on the shitlist of every major website because they refuse to prevent the user from installing things like adblockers and privacy extensions like Chrome does with manifest v3 and soon with their new Web Environment Integrity system. They cannot wait to throw up a "your browser is no longer supported :(" page for all Firefox users, and when that happens it will be over for our fox friend.


It's dehumanizing, un-creative, and decidedly unfancy. Henceforth you will refer to us as HEXSIR, HEXMADAM, and HEXCETERA (for our NB comrades)

Thank you, A concerned HEXSIR ๐Ÿง


hexbear-retro soypoint-2


Jealous? putin-wink

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by raven@hexbear.net to c/vegan@hexbear.net

I'm holding on for a to-fu 'til the end of the night~

Not some bland soybean curd.
One made with spices and herbs,
and it must be firm to the bite!

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