[-] ramirezmike@programming.dev 4 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

it's interesting and entertaining to see how others approach or react to the same problems.

[-] ramirezmike@programming.dev 10 points 2 days ago

this feels true but sometimes my cat makes such sad meows and I run over and go "oh my poor baby what's wrong who hurt you"

[-] ramirezmike@programming.dev 10 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

"thank you, doctor"

"no sir, thank you!"

[-] ramirezmike@programming.dev 32 points 6 days ago

he was like 24-25 when Wolfenstein 3D came out (having designed like half the levels) and continued on, being an integral part of Doom, Doom 2, Hexen and Quake

[-] ramirezmike@programming.dev 2 points 6 days ago

Hope you're having a good day.

thanks, I am 👍 hope you are as well, cheers

[-] ramirezmike@programming.dev 1 points 6 days ago

that's what I was trying to say 😞

[-] ramirezmike@programming.dev 56 points 1 month ago

a comment on that site really condescendingly claims this is how he would have handled it and that a script could be written in half a day to do the work.

my understanding is that an emulator effectively recreates the hardware's different components in software so that from the game's "perspective" it's running on a real machine more or less.

This process instead decompiles the game code and recompiles for a new target machine.

I suspect one can't just pump out a script in an afternoon to do this, but I am curious what is the complexity here?

poor unnamed goat (programming.dev)
submitted 2 months ago by ramirezmike@programming.dev to c/memes@lemmy.ml
not this again (programming.dev)
submitted 5 months ago by ramirezmike@programming.dev to c/memes@lemmy.ml
[-] ramirezmike@programming.dev 56 points 9 months ago

I'm probably at least average intelligence and rented a tesla recently because it was what was available. I've never driven one before and was so frustrated with the experience.

As a renter, you only have the key fob which has a really vague drawing of how to use it that only makes sense after you figure it out. I had no idea you had to press it against the door column to lock/unlock it. How is that intuitive? why wouldn't it be against the handle?

Had to sit and watch YouTube videos in the car to figure out how to do everything. It was really unclear how to easily turn off the car and the only way I could figure it out was diving into the settings menu to find a shutdown button, only to accidentally turn it on again as I'm leaving.

The manual door release is designed to be discreet! THE MANUAL DOOR RELEASE IS DESIGNED TO BE DISCREET!

Like, I get it that a person who buys the Tesla will take the time to learn it, but it's a terrible rental experience. Especially when a lot of the tutorials are catered toward people who have the car tied to their phone, which you can't do as a renter.

I wouldn't say the women in the article are blameless, but it's definitely not "adjust the mirrors and you're good to go" like every other rental I've had.

[-] ramirezmike@programming.dev 64 points 9 months ago

also, livers can't talk

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