“let’s not play the blame game.”
Only that you need the phone to setup the account. i.e. it doesn't have to be the phone you use- it can be a hotel phone or whatever.
It used to have to be the phone you used for messaging.
Grackles rule.
In Texas, you say.
Oh "the Army" is, is "the Army"?
Maaaan- Fuck "the Army".
They also turned their heads slightly, thought about lunch, and took a sip of a beverage. They’re SO LAME bro.
No, that’s an absurd reduction of their fighting, which is the only official fighting we’ve got, because they lost the majorities, because a lot of people drank the koolaid and decided not to try and defeat trump for - reasons.
Still, if that’s upsetting, there’s always calling your republiQan Senator’s office and telling them what you want. It’s only a phone call. You can totally do it.
They settled with Smartmatic, they are insufficiently subservient.
Uh, except for the whole Iraq thing. Don't mention that to them, they get upset.
If they print it in the . . . what is that, the NYT? . . . it's true!
I'm leaving it linked to msn because you've all been bad.
I don’t . . . it can fill the . . . but that doesn’t . . . what?!