[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 27 points 1 month ago

Immigrants will always be an easy marginal group to distract from the poisoning effects of growing economic disparity.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 20 points 1 month ago

My god, your comments are written with such a lack of empathy and your opinion is so underdeveloped that that is why you earned my downvote.

Rent is increasing everywhere because inflation is increasing everywhere, including outside of major cities.

More importantly, the solution to "housing is increasingly controlled by those who own a lot of housing and they are using that control to extract more wealth from those who own less than them. " is not simply "move somewhere less densely populated, the housing there is cheaper". Why? Because of course it's fucking not.

Housing is cheaper there because less people live there. What does that mean? Less people want to live there, for a myriad of reasons. Maybe I have multiple family members within a city? Hell, I have friends certainly and they're not moving with me - decade long friendships that won't go away but I'll certainly see far far less.

Maybe I have kids and I don't want to move them to a new school? Maybe the schools in my neighboring small towns aren't properly funded or have a conservative board so their education is skewed.

Maybe I like going to IMAX theaters as a treat and my neighboring towns don't have one. Or ice skating or to an arcade or to top golf or to a Thai boxing club or to a pottery class. Cities have these experiences in spades, and maybe my neighboring towns dont.

Maybe I hate driving and commuting would not only cost more of my most valuable resource but it would cause things I'm opposed to like increased pollution while costing me more money and increasing my risk of accidental harm. Maybe the city I would have to commute in our through has such a reliance on car infrastructure that everywhere is clogged up with traffic most hours of the day making any sort of timely transit impossible.

Maybe I just like good food, smaller towns have less variety, less options, and fewer hours. Maybe I like well sourced meats like fish, which my small towns struggle to source.

Maybe my neighboring towns don't speak my language as well as cities, they can't accommodate me while I learn the native language. Maybe I like a racially diverse populace with high education and who have a multitude of life experiences. Maybe I'm LGBTQ and my neighboring towns are too conservative to treat me well. Maybe violent crime is higher in the suburbs and neighboring towns and that worries me.

I mean, you've clearly thought about all of this and found it inconsequential when compared to hundreds of dollars in rent. But I'd be willing to pay more money to stay in a public transit heavy city, with my friends, so I can get good sushi and Turkish food when I want, and see movies on the big screen.

That doesnt mean I want to pay some guy's 4th mortgage at a rate that costs me my ability to ever own an apartment. Housing is a right, we have the capacity to make it affordable everywhere, we should be doing things that improve everyone's lives not pretending that it's acceptable to tell everyone to uproot their entire life in exchange for €X00 a month back.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 19 points 5 months ago

Anything that is meant to be consumed should not be an investment, anything that in an ideal society should be cheaper to purchase for the betterment of that society, should not be an investment.

Companies that produce those things, ideally better or more efficient every year for various reasons, those should be investments.

We should invest in banana farmers, not bananas. Likewise we should invest in construction companies, not houses.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 54 points 6 months ago
[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 46 points 7 months ago

I really hate all the replies attempting to poke holes with minimal effort. Thanks for this comment and your robust set of examples.

Housing shouldn't be a vehicle for interest or making a living, I'd take it more extreme than what you have if I'm being honest. You can own the buildings you use 60% of the year for work or for housing but nothing else. We don't sell stocks in bananas, we sell stocks in farms. Housing should be a consumable commodity not a line item in a corp's assets sheet.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 29 points 7 months ago

You guys are forgetting the increased scarcity of food and the loss of Wildlife. There's the chance it's a cascading run away effect and it only increases from now on.

But yes also hundreds of millions of people will have to migrate, temperature extremes will cause problems everywhere, and the world will become less habitable for a very long time.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 23 points 7 months ago

I swear the creator dialogue has got to have some amount of advertisment mixed in with real people because the biggest compliment I see everywhere is that the movie looks expensive but cost very little.

I saw it. It was gorgeous. The art direction was wonderful. But that was about everything positive I have to say about it.

The world building was atrocious, the plot was trope heavy, the sound design was serviceable but not many sounds stood out, I couldn't find an impactful or nuanced message, the pacing was a rubber band, and the individual challenges were boring.

I love original content, and quite frankly I feel like there's enough of them every year to not be heart broken everytime a bad original film doesn't make a stellar return. I'm kinda tired of the "where new IP" discussion though.

Of course I wish there were more big budget independent films but right now the problem seems to be big budget films in general to me. More often than not they hit like duds, but they're built on good will and that's all it takes to get me to return to the first dud.

Idk, Creator sucked and it hurts to say because I want new, great, and scifi worlds coming to the theater every year but the Creator isn't good simply because it's new and that doesn't meant new IPs are "hard for the masses" to understand/appreciate/turn-out-for.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 20 points 7 months ago

I think that's a stretch for something that has a positive impact and is done by a group outside of Congressional gridlock.

We should celebrate the win and push for stronger protections. We should definitely not given into apathy and give up.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 46 points 7 months ago

I agree with you here. This meme says "address" climate change like "EVs aren't a perfect solution to climate change" as if that's some big gotcha. They're a meaningful, incremental improvement away from ICE vehicles.

Public transit and bikes are better, but electrifying everything is also a good thing.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 40 points 7 months ago

The main comments seem to think Milley WAS commenting on Biden's health after saying he wouldn't and I disagree.

He said Biden read the prep material, was aware of the current issues, and took national security matters very seriously. You could extrapolate that to mean he's mentally well but I don't think that's a necessary conclusion and it's definitely not a direct comment on the president's health.

No one likes how old the president is, but Milley wasn't going against his own words here in the excerpt that I read.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 53 points 8 months ago

I moved to Germany from the US this year. There is subsidized public transit, universal healthcare, minimum vacation time, a heavy union culture, strong renter-favored laws (although capitalist for profit housing is still an ever growing plague).

As others pointed out, the terminology isn't a great tool for debate without an agree upon definition. But yes, I would move to a country that cared about people over profits.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 54 points 8 months ago

House flippers are incentivized not to make good, long term, sustainable, or efficient home improvements. Their only incentive is to make a house more sellable upon initial inspection, house flipping is a bad practice I would argue far more often than not.

The problem is housing as an investment like a stock. They should be commodities.

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