[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 2 points 16 hours ago

I sorta agree, as far as powers go I'm a little less stringent on how they get used or power scaling. But they show her still upset about what she did in Chicago. I get the sense she's still hesitant to use her abilities. We also see her struggle to hold a shield for very long both in space and in the ship against the hive mind. I wonder how much of it is she's just out of the game while she's upset at herself in Chicago.

It wasn't until Rex talked to her that I think we saw her forgive herself and potentially get her head back in the game. I think, although like I said I could go either way with this, that her arc was a bit of a Manhattan empathy pause. Hopefully she gets back to kicking ass soon.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago* (last edited 20 hours ago)

That's interesting, I thought the thread was a continuation of the previous season's thread where Mark wanted to be like his father, but after the ending of the first season we see that desire reversed. We then get a whole season of him realizing whether he likes it or not he is going to have the same problems as his father and each scenario gets him closer to that understanding.

I would agree that the story beats to follow that thread weren't as... Episodic or cohesive, felt like we were juggling more balls. But I think the second season was just as focused on its message.

Either way, I'm hyped for season 3 and I hope they keep up the quality.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago

I don't know what "really bad" means where you're from but it surely can't be used to describe any season of Invincible. Season 2 was as rock solid as season 1, if you liked 1 I would imagine you'd like 2.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

It's not about capitalism vs something-other-than-capitalism, it's about all the small systems that make up our way of life. As a simple example, housing shouldn't be a vehicle for profit seeking. It should be illegal or so greatly discouraged that owning an unhealthy amount of properties is non-viable because if house prices must always go up and everyone needs a place to live - the cost of living must always go up. A subsystem of capitalism that needs fixing, not "a new system that isn't capitalism".

And I'm not suggesting people not have 401k's or not invest or not save money, I've got my retirement fund too. But we have to realize that that system isn't doing it's job and it's harmful to society and the more we participate the more incentivized to keep it harmful, to keep it around. So participate like an intelligent person and then leverage your power and position to better the systems for everyone - eventually at an expense to yourself.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

I also want the functionality where when I finish reading one email and do something with it, it goes to the next email in my inbox and not straight back to my inbox. That should be a togglable action like in Gmail.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago

You got to remember, most of the wealth is still in very few hands. So telling yourself "the stock market also benefits the people who are retiring" makes it sound like there's a good side to this when really it's only a silver lining to an otherwise meaningless and arguably downright hurtful event.

The economy is as bad as it is, we're seeing fascism rise as much as we are, partially because our major economic systems aren't designed to actually benefit the people they're built on sucking value out of.

So no, I don't care that everyone currently cashing out of the system just got a little bit more money or more time out of the recent layoffs and the recent COVID profitteering and the recent inshitification. I think we have to be careful defending bad systems even minorly, despite that being rational and logical, because it feels like we're coming to a tipping point and minor defenses like that make it seem as if we can extend the shelf life of these systems a few more decades, a few more unnecessary deaths, a few more degrees of warming, etc. Idk, only politics is weird. At least you're participating, so thanks for that.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 66 points 2 weeks ago

Who the fuck reads the entire steam page? My friend says buy the game, the reviews say it's great with friends, you go and buy the game not scan the steam page for predatory data hoarding policies.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 54 points 6 months ago
[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 46 points 7 months ago

I really hate all the replies attempting to poke holes with minimal effort. Thanks for this comment and your robust set of examples.

Housing shouldn't be a vehicle for interest or making a living, I'd take it more extreme than what you have if I'm being honest. You can own the buildings you use 60% of the year for work or for housing but nothing else. We don't sell stocks in bananas, we sell stocks in farms. Housing should be a consumable commodity not a line item in a corp's assets sheet.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 46 points 7 months ago

I agree with you here. This meme says "address" climate change like "EVs aren't a perfect solution to climate change" as if that's some big gotcha. They're a meaningful, incremental improvement away from ICE vehicles.

Public transit and bikes are better, but electrifying everything is also a good thing.


At Gencon it's very obvious where people are playing games after the convention and obvious where to go to meet more people.

I'm here at Essen Spiel for the first time and I have no idea where those kind of pick up hotel games would be taking place.

Does anyone have any advice? Is there an app or website I'm not aware of? Is going to random, nearby hotel lobbies my best bet?

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 53 points 7 months ago

I moved to Germany from the US this year. There is subsidized public transit, universal healthcare, minimum vacation time, a heavy union culture, strong renter-favored laws (although capitalist for profit housing is still an ever growing plague).

As others pointed out, the terminology isn't a great tool for debate without an agree upon definition. But yes, I would move to a country that cared about people over profits.

[-] gusgalarnyk@lemmy.world 54 points 7 months ago

House flippers are incentivized not to make good, long term, sustainable, or efficient home improvements. Their only incentive is to make a house more sellable upon initial inspection, house flipping is a bad practice I would argue far more often than not.

The problem is housing as an investment like a stock. They should be commodities.

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